Required fields are marked *. We believe in the power of individual choice and customized education. Files submitted at a later date may not be processed in due time. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. Why Alexandru Ioan Cuza University? Since 1860, the university has been carrying on a tradition of excellence and innovation in the fields of education and research. Students who have previously undertaken university studies (without having finalized them), in Romania or abroad, may apply for recognition of the respective studies once admitted to study at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. But the applicant should be at least a high school graduate. University of Bucharest (UB) Tuition Fee: Between USD 2,200 and USD 3,750 per academic year. ... graduate of the HEC Paris Masters in Management program and earned a PhD in management science from the Paris-Dauphine University. Alexandru Ioan Cuza (pronounced [alekˈsandru iˈo̯an ˈkuza] (), or Alexandru Ioan I, also anglicised as Alexander John Cuza; 20 March 1820 – 15 May 1873) was the first domnitor (Ruler) of the Romanian Principalities through his double election as prince of Moldavia on 5 January 1859 and prince of Wallachia on 2 January 1859. You will, however, continue paying your tuition and/or registration fees in your home university, if this is the case. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University became the first student-centered university in Romania, once the Bologna Process was implemented. Since 1860, the university has been carrying on a tradition of excellence and innovation in the fields of education and research. University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova in Craiova Romania - information about programs, tuition, ranking, admission process, deadlines - {name_local} UMFCV founded in {established} Romania ... Due to the fact that the tuition fees at UMFCV may vary depending on the faculty, ... Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi: Prestige, Innovation, Excellence Prestige Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi is the oldest higher education institution in Romania. I want to study social sciences. Spring Budget Sheet for Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, Romania (MAUI consortium) Budget Item Texas Resident; Exchange - TTU Tuition & Fees * $4,794.00 Education Abroad Fee (Non-Refundable) * $200.00: RCOBA - Rawls Center for Global Engagement Fee (Rawls College of Business students only) * $125.00 Universities have intensive language courses specifically made for university students who’d like to pursue a major in Romanian. Applicants who want to request the recognition of their previous university studies need to submit (either to the admission committee at faculty level or to the university general secretary office) the following: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University is located in the city of Iași, in the North-Eastern part of Romania. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (UAIC) - public higher education institution in Romania. Admission Requirements / Medical university application and Admission / Postgraduate Medical Study . Tuition fees: 3200 to 5000/year, admission without exam! Mon-Fri 8-17, Sat-Sun 10-16 (UK time) United Kingdom +44 203 936 1497 . Enrollment assistance, application and study at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (UAIC). Try. 6 Things to Consider when Searching for a Master’s Degree Program, Education Policy Reform in the UAE: Building Teacher Capacity. Your application should be evaluated within the Department of International Relations of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi; each faculty committee will then analyze and accept/reject files; for the selected candidates, the Department of International Relations will request the Letter of Acceptance from the Romanian Ministry of Education and Scientific Research. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi . The candidates accepted as self-supporting students shall pay the tuition fee at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. Thank you once again for doing your part to keep Edarabia the most trusted education source. The city of Iasi is a wonderful place to live and is a city with a great culture, low cost of living and affordable tuition fees. Features Fullscreen sharing Embed Statistics Article stories Visual Stories SEO. Do I need to have certificates such as GRE, GMAT, TOEFL and IELTS in order. It depends on the field of study that you want to apply for. The oldest Romanian university, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, was established back in 1860 by Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Trade secrets or confidential information. Will I need to take the Romanian language course if I want to study at UAIC? VERY IMPORTANT: Incomplete files (not complying with regulations, not specifying full contact details or lacking proof of processing fee payment) will not be taken into consideration. The next step for admitted students, after receiving the Letter of Acceptance, is to pay the tuition fees in order to get the study visa from the Romanian Embassy in their country. Official Name: Universitatea din Bucuresti Acronym: UB Founded: 1864 Kind of institution: Public Degree programmes: Bachelor's / Master's / Doctoral Fields of Study Arts & Humanities, Business & Social Sciences, Language & Cultural, Medicine & Health, Engineering, Science & Technology; Tuition Fee Range: 750-1,800 EUR/Year Admission Office: 36-46 Boulevard Mihail Kogalniceanu Bucharest 50107 Advanced research facilities and numerous collaboration agreements (both public and private institutions, including prestigious universities from Europe, USA or Japan) guarantee a dynamic and great study experience. The academic offer of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi includes bachelor, master and doctoral studies. Call for Erasmus+ KA107 2020 to University of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is open! If a student wants to attend courses taught in English or French, there is no need for him/her to take the Romanian language course. Tuition fees for EU/EEA students are the same as for Romanian candidates. University ranking. Here is some general useful information about studying in Romania, If you consider becoming a FULL-DEGREE student at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, please read the METHODOLOGY for admission of international students to undergraduate and postgraduate studies. At Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi you can study Social Sciences (Law, Administrative Sciences, Communication Sciences, Social Work, Sociology, Political Sciences, Business Administration, Accounting, Economics, Finances, Management, Marketing, Psychology, Education Sciences, International Relations and European Studies, Economics and International Business) as well as Humanist Sciences and Arts (Philosophy, History, Theology, Cultural Studies, Visual Arts, Language and Literature, Applied Modern Languages), Biological Sciences (Biology), Engineering Sciences (Geological Engineering, Applied Engineering Sciences), Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Environmental Sciences), Sports Science and Physical Education (Physical Education and Sports, Kinetic Therapy). The most important ones would be the Erasmus+ scholarships, which would give you the opportunity to study in any EU university for a semester or an academic year. Request a callback . Carol I nr. ... Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. Where is Alexandru Ioan Cuza University located? It is one of the most respected universities in Romania, and features in the latest QS University Rankings: EECA in joint 49 th place. The tuition fees must be paid for the entire year of study before the beginning of the academic … If the previous studies were completed in countries which are signatory of the Hague Convention the documents must be endorsed with the Hague Apostille. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. CNRED form for applicants to undergraduate studies, Application form for Issuance of the Letter of Acceptance, Methodology for Admission of Foreign Students starting with the 2017-2018 Academic Year (in Romanian). {:ro}Anunţ pentru studenţii străini de la Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi{:}{:en}Announcement for international students from „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi{:} 17.04.2018; Şcoala de vară DBT&SEM 26.03.2018; Şcoala de vară DBT&SEM 26.03.2018; Orar semestrul II, an universitar 2017-2018 03.03.2018 What types of studies are available at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University? What are my chances? Will I need a visa to come to Iasi for my studies? My high school grade is 69 over 100. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University is in the top 6% of universities in the world, ranking 2nd in Romania and 950th globally. Am I eligible to apply for studies in Iasi? 20 1201, E-mail:, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Study Programmes on Offer in Foreign Languages, Department For Research And Project Management, European Charter and Code for Researchers, Course Catalogue for Erasmus, Exchange and Free Mover Students, The Museum of „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Research resorts and archaeological Sites, If you consider becoming a FULL-DEGREE student at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, please read the, Degree assessment file may be sent directly to, Registration for NON-EU citizens 2020 – 2021, Recognition of previous university studies, Students who have previously undertaken university studies (without having finalized them), in Romania or abroad, may apply for recognition of the respective studies once admitted to study at, Certified copy of the Baccalaureate Diploma issued by a Romanian high school or, as the case may be, the certificate issued by the Romanian Ministry of Education recognizing the foreign diploma granting access to higher education / letter of acceptance to studies, Certified copy of the Bachelor’s / Master’s diploma issued by a Romanian high school or, as the case may be, the certificate issued by the Romanian Ministry of Education recognizing the foreign diploma granting access to doctoral studies / letter of acceptance to studies, The apostilled or, as the case may be, superlegalized transcript of records for the university studies previously completed by the applicant, including the courses, grades, number of credits / points obtained and the number of study hours for each course, issued by the respective higher education institution, and its certified translation into Romanian, The syllabi of the courses previously undertaken in the respective higher education institution, and its certified translation into Romanian, The language certificate for the instruction / examination language, Certified copy of the birth certificate and ID/ passport and, as the case may be, its certified translation into Romanian, Certified copy of the marriage certificate, if the name in the academic diplomas is different from the one in the applicant’s ID and, as the case may be, its certified translation into Romanian. Is it a disadvantage for me to study at UAIC? Tuition fee: The undergraduate programs at Academy School of Economics are of 3 years and other masters programs are of 2 years. Fees for both of them are low and you get all the necessary support from the International Office staff when preparing your files. Important: the above uniRank Tuition Range Matrix ™ does not include room, board or other external costs; tuition may vary by areas of study, degree level, student nationality or residence and other criteria. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University is a member of some of the most important university networks and associations: the Coimbra Group, EUA – European University Association, Utrecht Network, International Association of Universities, University Agency of Francophony and the Network of Francophone Universities (RUFAC). In general, tuition fees for international students go from USD 2,000 to USD 8,000. … For the Undergraduate programme, the fees are between 230 EUR and 280 EUR, and for the Graduate programme, the fees are between 250 EUR and 300 EUR. Telefon: 0232 20 1000, Fax: 0232. International students can benefit from low tuition fees, varying on the field of study, language, institution, country of origin. Where and how can I get information? Your email address will not be published. Is it possible to study in English at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University? Are there different fees for different fields of study? The cost of tuition for the bachelor’s programs is around 5,000 USD per year. Get a full degre at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University! Files submitted at a later date may not be processed in due time. Prestige, Innovation, Excellence Prestige Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi is the oldest higher education institution in Romania. Mrs. Gina MARINESCU International Relations Officer Department of International Relations Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Bd. Your email address will not be published. What are the fees for the non-EU students at UAIC? Will I need residence permit and a medical insurance if I study in Iasi? Yes, you will need both a residence permit and a medical insurance. Close. Yes, there are courses taught in English and in French at all levels of studies at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. © - All Rights Reserved 2020 | It … Alexandru Ioan Cuza University is located in the city of Iași, in the North-Eastern part of Romania. Our teachers are involved in over 187 national and international research projects. 15 – 17 March 2021 ... After the acceptance of your application, you can register for the EECC online (registration fees amount to 50 €). He was a prominent figure of the Revolution of 1848 in Moldavia. Recognition procedure at CNRED can take up to 30 days; Degree assessment file may be sent directly to Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. Information is available on the web site of the University at the following link: We will support your application for a visa by issuing an acceptance letter for you. For the Undergraduate programmes, the fees are: For the Doctoral programmes, the fees are: There are no age criteria for the applicant. The tuition fee for various undergraduate and postgraduate studies is from euro 1980 to euro 5000 per year. In order to apply for Bachelor studies, among other documents, the file must contain the High School Graduation Diploma and a transcript of records; for master studies – the High School Graduation Diploma, the University Graduation Diploma and the Transcript of Records / Diploma Supplement must be submitted, and for doctoral studies – the High School Graduation Diploma, the University Graduation Diploma, the Transcript of Records / Diploma Supplement and the Master Degree should be contained in the file. The main building of the university is located in Iasi inside an urban campus. 25,000+ Student Reviews, Fees, Programs & Courses | Bulevardul Carol I, Nr.11 | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi is the oldest higher education institution in Romania. Since 1860, the university has been carrying on a tradition Can I apply for studies? Erasmus+ students will not be charged any tuition fees at our university. In 2008, for the third year in a row, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University was placed first in the national research ranking compiled on the basis of Shanghai criteria. Degrees in sure areas like cinematography may cost up to USD 13,000. I cannot speak Romanian. Striving for excellence, the university takes unique initiatives to stimulate research quality, to encourage dynamic and creative education and to involve its best students in academic life. Declaration on oath stating that the previous studies were not interrupted because the student was expelled for having disregarded the ethics and professional deontology codes of the respective university. ... Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi: Iași: In addition to low tuition fees the university provides the students with extra … If the student will register to courses taught in Romanian, then he/she needs to take the Romanian language course. Contact: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, Bulevardul Carol I, Nr.11, 700506, Iaşi, România, Telefon: 0232 20 1000, Fax: 0232. Thus, we became the first Romanian university to offer students the opportunity to choose both a major and a minor field of study, in a combination at their choice, that best suits their career goals. Tuition fees in Romania vary, though most programmes are between €1,178 and €11,783 per year. For the undergraduate level of studies, the courses have a 1-year duration, and for the master and doctoral levels, the length of the Romanian language course is of 6 months. Among the programs applicants can also find their online equivalents and other online courses. No, you should not apply online, but send your application file to the Department of International Relations of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, by e-mail, at the following address: Ranks 1st among universities in Iasi with an acceptance rate of 65%. Previous studies/degrees recognition by CNRED is mandatory; Bachelor and Master candidates, 31 July 2020 here; PhD candidates have to pass the examination organized between 7-9 September and need to obtain the recognition of their previous studies before September 1st, 2020, from the National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED). Incomplete files (not complying with regulations, not specifying full contact details or lacking proof of processing fee payment) will not be taken into consideration. They can apply for different types of scholarships awarded by the Romanian Government or universities. Privacy Policy -Terms & Conditions - Established in October 1860, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is the oldest university in our country. What’s in store for students after graduation? Those who wish to get their master’s degree here should be ready to spend at least 5,000 USD per year. 11, 700506, IASI, ROMANIA In addition to low tuition fees the university provides the students with extra financial assistance in the form of scholarships. Students can also enjoy the many bars and discos in the student district and with over 60,000 students in the city, these areas have a great atmosphere. We take pride in being the first modern university of Romania, inheriting values, reputation and educational knowledge. Dear students, staff (teaching and training) the process of selecting students and staff to go to the receiving University in the semester of 2020-2021 academic year is open. Founded in 1860, it is now a multi-disciplinary university ranked among the first 3 Romanian higher education and research institutions. Contact: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, Bulevardul Carol I, Nr.11, 700506, Iaşi, România, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi is the oldest higher education institution in Romania. Web Design by Grafdom. In the context of the outspread of the COVID-19, the application files may be send by e-mail to the following address: When students come to studies, they might be required to submit a medical certificate containing information about their current health condition and their medical history related to chronic diseases including SARS-COV2. I do not have any information about Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. These partnerships offer us the opportunity to experience changes, to have student and teacher mobilities and joint academic, research and strategy programmes. Issuu company logo. United Kingdom +44 203 936 1497. For registration, candidates will present the passport with a Romanian visa for studies and the original documents (from the application file), certified for authentication by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country and the Embassy of Romania to the issuer country, if the previous studies were completed in countries which are not signatory of the Hague Convention. Founded in 1860, it is now a multi-disciplinary university ranked among the first 3 Romanian higher education and research institutions. Since 1860, the university has been carrying on a tradition of excellence and innovation in the fields of education and research. Founded in 1860, it is now a multi-disciplinary university ranked among the first 3 Romanian higher education and research institutions. Full admission support for students. Yes, you may apply for all types of scholarships which are available for the local students. UAIC began its activity in 1860. Second best university in Romania is Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi. A student can apply by sending his/her file to the Department of International Relations of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, first by e-mail at the following address:, between 1 March – 1 August for the academic year starting on October 1st. Contact: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, Bulevardul Carol I, Nr.11, 700506, Iaşi, România, Telefon: 0232 20 1000, Fax: 0232. I am a foreign citizen and I studied high school in my country. Its history follows the patterns of the Romanian nation. If a student wants to attend courses taught in English or French, it is good for him/ her to have such certificates. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University is located in the city of Iași, in the North-Eastern part of Romania. Tuition fees for non-EU/EEA candidates are approved by the Senate of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. Are there positive effects of posting students’ grades publicly? No, it is not a disadvantage at all. With over 23.000 students and 742 academic staff, the university enjoys high prestige at national and international level and cooperates with 403 universities world-wide. Research at our university is top level. Fees, prices, reviews, photos and videos. Tuition Fees at Romanian Universities for International Students. Will I be eligible to apply for a scholarship as a full-time foreign student at Alexandru Ioan Cuza univerity of Iasi? Part of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, the Faculty of Geography and Geology is as old as the university itself, with a history of more than 150 years. Foreign students may learn the Romanian language by attending courses of Romanian language, which are organised for them by the Department of Romanian language for foreign students. Yes, you will need to apply for a visa at the Romanian embassy/ consulate in your country. Of Iași, in the fields of education and research permit and Medical... 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