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ctan matlab prettifier

I would like to propose a workaround for the proper highlighting of the word "end" as a keyword and not as the last element of an array. I can see that you write in the mcode.sty that it is buggy, and don't break comments correctly. @Sweidan: So far no; might look into it one day, but have no time for that right now, sorry! Excellent package, but I don't know much about listings.sty. mcaption Put captions in the margin. objectz -- Macros for typesetting Object Z. This is great. I found that a floating figure was placed in the middle of the code box so the code was split. @Dan: Try replacing the command defining the default font to be used by something like this: \def\lstbasicfont{\fontfamily{pcr}\fontsize{8}{8}\selectfont}. Name Last modified Size Description; Parent Directory - 2005-04-09 11:47 : 374K I've also thrown together a small demo-document (now included) which should give you a quick example on how to actually use the package. Nhưng không biết làm thế nào ; Bạn nên xem matlab-prettifier gói hàng; nó cải thiện mcode theo nhiều cách. However, the path that you should use for manually installing, Your first MWE compiles as expected and produces the desired output. commentstyle=\mcommentfont, % comments \textcolor doesn't work in lstlisting environment.). \fi%bw. \ifx \lst@Backslash \relax... The Matlab syntax highlighting seems to be used for all listings. Just change the follwing lines (starting at line 198) from this: % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. Dear Florian, @ Nick: Ok, figured it out -- your m-file needs to be in UTF-8 encoding for some reason (the one you sent me was Windows Latin 1). \RequirePackage{textcomp}% Does anyone know how to get contiguous line numbers from one \begin{lstlisting} block to another? Half got there using this "literate programming" string: {\%\%}{{{\color[gray]{.85}{\makebox[0em][l]{\raisebox{2ex}[0pt][0pt]{\rule{\linewidth}{.4pt}}}}}\%\%}}{2}. LaTeX with packages "listings", "xcolor" and "textcomp". I suppose it's the same, but you never know. This comes with a warning though, since you can no longer use the option 'upquote' to make upright quotes. +} Using a different font size on a global level will affect all normal-sized text as well as the size of headings, footnotes, etc. One question, though: I include some code from a .m file like this matlab-prettifier package Copyright 2014-- Julien Cretel Released under the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 or later Built on top of the listings package, the matlab-prettifier package allows you to effortlessly prettyprint Matlab source code in documents typeset with LaTeX & friends. \fi @ Ariel — How the heck can I know which keyboard you are using? Ok, one question. \RequirePackage{textcomp}% Just used \clearpage to prevent the floats overlapping. A word or phrase for people who eat together and share the same food. Thanks. Oftentimes it's simply a clashing between packages. @Yiang I suggest you ask your question on @ Daniel: You may wanna take a look at the following programm: \usepackage{subfig} % multiple figures in a float Why write "does" instead of "is" "What time does/is the pharmacy open?". ./Thesis.tex:50:Argument of \caption@make has an extra }. 228 {~}{{$\sim$}}1 % \neg. \begin{lstlisting} \includepackage{color} The strings are given the correct, purple color, but when you use the matlab command: \lstset{language=R} numbered from 6 to 18. Thanks for the package. Also not in your demo file. One question (and maybe this is due to my lack of knowledge on LaTeX): is it possible to set the font size other than default size? Now what? Maybe it's just something curious about the clear keyword. Thanks for writing. commentstyle=\mcommentfont, % comments \end{lstlisting}. 226 \lstset{% Nice tool for writing some piece of MATLAB code in Latex. Example for a .m file called 'Section_2.m is as follows that has the code box start at number 183: \lstinputlisting[firstnumber={183}]{Section_2.m}. Any idea how to include matlab code into a double spaced document, but have the code itself come out single spaced? Interesting blogs. Worked as advertised. Why would you want to break a path (?). Help? By the way, adding a "µ" to the mcode demo document half-works. 'morecomment=[l][\mcelldelimfont]\%\%\ , % cell comments ' Notice the last "morecomment" lines. uses the \verb|\mcode{}| ... ? Just what I needed. morestring=[m]', % strings in single quotes \begin{lstlisting} Type I to replace it with another command, Showed it to my (lab) partner, and he was extatic! Hi! backgroundcolor=\color{white}, great work, it saved me a lot of time. It took me a while to click that some of the things I wanted (like controlling whitespace) were available by using options available already in the listings package,, (Should have read the help int the sty file more carefully!). pygmentex in macros/latex/contrib Accelerating the pace of engineering and science. Many thanks Florian. Instead of the normal dot at the beginning of the line it creates a french character. I manually downloaded, compiled (for .sty) and placed matlab-prettifier unzip folder from CTAN into ~\user\me\library\texmf on my mac. @ Sara: just put it into the same path as your tex file. Thanks! @Florian Knorn : Whenever I load this package I consistently get the following error: ! morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{,end}{,}, Gives an Input Encoding error. just add \lstinputlisting[firstnumber=5,firstline=5,lastline=8]{plo.. now i dare to say the file is perfect, it saved me a lot of time! Florian Knorn (2020). As with so many of us, you could have just said "Read my demo, dummy." {â}{{\^{a}}}1 . Thanks. Hi, if anyone can advise on the following matter: I would like to include an m-file in my dissertation so that afterwards it is possible to simply copy-paste the code from the generated pdf-file to Matlab? It's a great help. nor {î}{{\^{i}}}1 matlab-prettifier Pretty-print Matlab source code. {ù}{{\`{u}}}1 My apologies for making you repeat yourself, but the direction to the correct item in the listings doc is greatly appreciated. (ii) is it possible to add a nice heading that says what the file name is or something? here's the errors i can find How does this unsigned exe launch without the windows 10 SmartScreen warning? How to split equation into a table and under square root? Create scripts with code, output, and formatted text in a single executable document. I suspect there must be some kind of conflict with my loaded packages. This package works great on its own, but I can't get it to work with my thesis. though I have two problems. In my matlab code I have variable, which name is "delta" in latex it converts to delta simbol (the triangle). I get several errors similar to the following: As a remedy, I've updated the package for you to include a new \mcodefn{} command, which produces the inline code in footnotesize. legend('boxoff'). Do you have the same problem? I am stumped, spent almost 4 hours on this already. @Yiang: Maybe try comment out the "upquote=true" statement in mcode.sty ... @Michael: Nope, read the listings package docs why. The code runs off the bottom of the page and does not continue. moderntimeline by Raphaël Pinson (ℝaphink). Hi there, Fantastic latex module. I use BaKoma. I also put mcode.sty in the .zip file. Best, and thanks. The thing is, when I typ MATLAB code in texworks itself everything works as it should. Thanks Mat Odijk for the tip! So have a look at the .sty how the \mcode command is defined. The text spanned 150 columns. Thanks for the great code! But good work! Thanks for putting this together. \makeatother. Thanks for sharing it Florian. At the risk of being cheeky, I'd like to advertise matlab-prettifier my LaTeX package for typesetting Matlab code: \lstloadlanguages{R} Why is the Pauli exclusion principle not considered a sixth force of nature. More importantly, how the heck to I type it? Many thanks for your job. Undefined control sequence. I was able to find a solution and want to share just in case others end up having the same question. When I included the m-code pagkage the itemize environment is corrupted. \usepackage[framed,numbered,autolinebreaks,useliterate]{mcode} That § symbol is called "Section Sign" ( and on my Mac Keyboard (US layout) I can get it by pressing Alt + 6. {è}{{\`{e}}}1 properly? Downloaded now the newest version of mcode, which gave a little more information about the error. And the corresponding description shows more detail as follows: "fprintf ( 1, ' \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, %%%% fix the minus ( - ) issue %%%% Added support for µ, get a nicer looking tilde character, included Stefan Karlsson's fix for the minus character issue (thanks!!). For french users, I found that wich works perfectly with the 'M-code LaTeX Package' : stringstyle=\color[gray]{0.5} % strings darker gray Thanks, Val. + breakatwhitespace=true % ... only at whitespace with the equivalent function calls: Is there a setting that allows for auto code wrapping? . This is a great package! Being a complete beginner to LaTeX I don't dare messing with your .sty file. I think the majority would prefer keeping their original variable names. {ê}{{\^{e}}}1 numbersep=10pt, ./appendix.tex:5:Environment lstlisting undefined. I would recommend adding the following keywords: Works perfectly fine, except for the bold text in the block comments after %%. for updating it. I noticed that if you have double quotes in a comment it doesn't work. 2. If you need even smaller fontsize, you'll need to remove this "\footnotesize" and replace the first line in the Config-Section with something like "\def\lstbasicfont{\fontfamily{pcr}\fontsize{3}{4.6}\selectfont}"... never mind. I think it is due to the fact that the path name has spaces in them. Copyright © 1986-2011 I am trying to install and use matlab-prettifier in a latex document class report. morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{,end}{\}}, Have a look at the mcode.sty for more details, in case you want to further adapt it for your particular application. A little tip: Over in the MATLAB editor you can set a character per line number after which you can have stuff automatically wrapped, or you can wrap things manually but use the vertical line it produces in the editor as a guide... Hello! If I change the code file, and after loading the code with \lstinputlisting, it does not update. I have a question about using it. + breaklines=true, % break long code lines in this type of situations m-code still prints the 'end' in blue. \usepackage[francais]{babel} Just put the file in the same place as the tex-file and it works great. stringstyle=\color[rgb]{.627,.126,.941} % strings in purple In the \fontsize command, the first number is the fontsize and the second is the line spacing (roughly speaking), so play around with the numbers a bit until you like the result. Can someone help? This will do what you want. \usepackage{fixltx2e} %float placement fix Fixed typo in documentation regarding §...§, Added MATLAB block-quote support (which a user kindly pointed out to me): %{ block comment %}, Tweaked some descriptions, added feature to distinguish formatting between "end" and "end" to either end a clause or access the last element in a vector, updated demo document. Elegant solution. Not 100% sure why this makes a difference (but I suspect it has to do with the way the section sign § is encoded), but this will fix it for you. \fi%bw, % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \lstinputlisting[label=lst:mylable, caption={\mcode{mycode.m}}]{mycode.m}. Do damage to electrical wiring? I used a simple example: I used it for my Masters' thesis, and it was a godsend! Worked great. basicstyle=\ttfamily, They are replaced by a simple space. +\lstset{ % deal with long code lines Is there a switch somewhere to help with that? Rodrigo: thank you for the comment, it helped me a lot. Great thanks so much, I've got it to print smaller. I was just wondering what change you make in the "% use font and smaller size" comment in the sty file to make the m-file font smaller. BTW some small problems with quote marks like ' occurred until package textcomp is used. I've made an edit which enables the recognition of strings. This turned to be a great and helpful package! because if i type the full path name within the lstlistings{...} command it does not work. For some reason, the listings package replaces the normal "minus" by a "math minus", which causes problems when you want to use the source code from the final pdf in an application again . Hard to replicate, will most MWE if I get one. Updated Not sure how to add a slim line above but I did make a change so the cell delimeter (%% ) would make the line bold. I hate to ask such a simple question, but I've googled my head off and can't get it: the mathescape doesn't work for me! Dude, this is sweet! {Î}{{\^{I}}}1 morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{,end}{)}, Added more keywords for syntax highlighting. I just used it in the documentation for a package I've wrote and it looks beautifull. As I'm getting a lot of requests as to how to actually use the package, I've now thrown together a small demo-document --- I guess an example says more than a 1000 words ;-), => This worked excellent, and the code becomes very nice in LaTeX. Thanks @Eric. commentstyle=\mcommentfont, % comments Until Florian gets around to fixing the "minus sign bug" for us, here is the fix spelled out for all: 1. open the style file Now supports automatic line breaking. A note on its usage: If you save your file in UTF-8 format (default on many Linux systems), then escape-to-LaTeX using the section sign will not work properly. \begin{document} \lstset{language=matlabfloz, % use our version of highlighting Have a look at the demo-document included in the package. Origin: What can I use to typeset MATLAB code in my document? Is, using sublime 3 to install matlab-prettifier package from ctan library [closed], Podcast Episode 299: It’s hard to get hacked worse than this. (Listings) The option has been disabled. Works right out of the box, just follow the instructions in the pdf document included. Thanks for this awesome package! Hello! Copyright 1996–2004, Carsten Heinz \@empty\z@\@empty Use of this package causes all figures in the document to disappear. \ifbw % use font formating and gray 'colors' As an alternative, you could try to use a different math-escape character. This patch corrects long code line handling: --- C:/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX 2.8/tex/latex/mcode/mcode.old.sty Tue Mar 15 13:16:32 2011 and a caption? I added the two lines of code suggested by Eric Sorry, scrolling trough the other comments gave me the answer. I can't get the demo file to work on a Mac installation using TexMaker. \usepackage{,eepic,amssymb,srcltx} The error I get is: ./chapter1/source/section1-4.tex:8: LaTeX Error: \begin{document} ended by \end \fi. %some matlab code It is nog recognized. was anyone able to make it work together with MiKTeX 2.8? A. Hello, world!\n' ); Origin: Putting a timeline for dates in moderncv. Really great job - looks really fancy and works as long as you use it in a document. miller -- Typeset miller indices. @ Oscar -- sorry to disappoint you, but the listings package doesn't handle unicode, as far as I know. \@empty\z@\@empty but the font just does not appear in bold. \usepackage{appendix} %appendix support But If you don't want that, simply remove the line "{delta}{{\tiny$\Delta$}}1% \Delta" from the file. It worked when I changed 'utf8' to 'latin1'. morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{(end,}{)}, Philip. But nothing was changed. cool tool! Anyway, I just had a look at the listings documentation for you. So you can add '\lstset{extendedchars=false}' in the framed condition. /ctan/macros/latex/contrib/ File Name ↓ File Size ↓ Date ↓ ; Parent directory/--12many/-2005-Apr-09 17:47: ESIEEcv/ \begin{document}, Sorry c&p the wrong error message: extendedchars=true, Added the \mcodefn{} function for placing inline code in footnotes. Glejte na primer ta odgovor. \lstset{% I like the $$ in comments a lot. 98 5 5 bronze badges. ? Thanks for your patience! Is there a way to do this, or do I just have to make separate little .m files for each snippet? I downloaded listings.sty into the same folder from google and all the other packages And when I set mathescape to true it recognizes math mode, but it typesets the math stuff in black. morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{(end}{)}, Sorry if this is a question due to lack of the LaTeX knowledge. Thanks Florian, This is a very useful tool! The package is generally excellent except that I got one problem: there will be one line missing when the m file included is longer than one page; it seems something is needed to handle the page break issue. Thank you, esp. Great. Thanks! Can I install fonts from CTAN using TeX Live Utility? I work always with the code, It is just easier to have the live preview. Did I shock myself? Also keep track of how many caracters that fits in a line... Where do you put the file and how do you use it? After the download I had an email message wrapped around an HMTL file inside of which was a tab-infested STY file with many =D3 and other character renamings. Your package will display line numbers, but they are always numbered starting with 1. \lstinputlisting{matlab/butter.m} not bad, but there are still problems with recognizing keywords and strings correctly. (But that can be circumvented by escaping to LaTeX and then escape the dollar sign). Thanks, I like the formatting and would like to use it but I also have listings in more than one programming language in my latex document. Néhány Matlab-szkript kimenetét szeretnék formázni a Latex-be. Parent Directory - colorsep.tar.lzma: 14-May-2001 22:44 : 2.0K : finbib.tar.lzma: 14-May-2001 22:44 : 5.5K : mltex.tar.lzma: 14-May-2001 22:44 : 14K : mtbe.tar.lzma The easiest way would be to just put it in the same path as your .tex file . When the UTXO in the cache is full, what strategy is used to replace one UTXO with another in the cache? I shall mention it in the preamble ;-). My \lstset command looks like this: \lstset{language=Matlab, Do you have any idea of what is going on? \listingspath{C:/........} (doesn't work, already tried}. Thanks. comment=[l]\%, {Ç}{{\c{C}}}1 How can I wrap the long lines of my source code? Name Last modified Size Description; Parent Directory - 12many.tar.lzma: 2011-07-16 00:07 : 375K : a0poster.tar.lzma I'm using MikTex 2.8 on windows 7. A user pointed out a problem when this package is used together with the beamer package, which is now fixed. I'm writing my thesis and I have to include a lot of matlab code with '...', so I really need it!! I've never even looked inside a .sty file before, but after a little looking around I found that the first line after Customize Below lets me change font size. This is great! In order to start a matlab code at a line number, insert '[firstnumber={number}]' before declaring the .m file. However, I use a lot of apostrophes like [lpfb,lpfa]=butter(6,100/fn,'low') in my m-file. I would try to compile the demo document that comes with the package first, and take it from there. literate=% Temporary fixes are to either use $^\circ$C in place of \celsius, or to set upquote=false and comment out the following lines in mcode.sty. The site is an archive mirror for free and open source software. morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{\{end,}{\}}, comments strings matlab matlab-prettifier.,,,, You may receive emails, depending on your. :) Great program! MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software for engineers and scientists. @@ -218,5 +218,10 @@ Although, an update to reflect cell-mode which uses prints a slim line above commented lines beginning with %% would be a nice addition. [~,output2] = function..... is translated into a negation sign which you get with $\neg$ in Latex. }. Maybe ask the developers of the listings package ... Hello i am still using this package with great pleasure but is there a way to specify the path where the package looks for the files? \begin{document}, \frame{ tabsize=4, I got a little question: I used 'µ' in the comment of my matlab code and it gives an error in Latex. Works pretty flawlessly. Da. Something like, \begin{lstlisting} Maybe you should consider putting this on CTAN. Thank you. Ok here's my files. [LaTeX] finished with exit status 1 /s/ Bill, This works great, except it doesn't respect a \begin{singlespace} directives. @ Rasmus: I've shuffeled things around a little bit in the source code, and added a description to make it really clear how to change the font size. I noticed the m-code package creates a bug in the itemize environment. \lst@CCPutMacro\lst@ProcessOther {"2D}{\lst@ttfamily{-{}}{-{}}} . I overcame it by using \mcode{...} because that was sufficient for what I needed. You could move the project to the GitHub. Cheeky indeed. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}. Hi,Can any of you please tell me how to insert the matlab code into latex file which I have already written.I Have seen the above comments but I ddnt get it clearly.Do I need to install anything else.Please do suggest in a clear manner by considering me as beginner.Thanking you all. Told apart and coloured correctly having to write the code into a negation sign which you with. With LaTeX and then escape the dollar sign ) and works as long you... Package in case \textquotesingle is not defined already Stack Exchange is a great soft the most version. It effective to put on your snow shoes the Matlab look cool but screwed up the pictures whole. Line by `` the following code does not work '' je télécharge mcode, which now! Particular ) code and it was not that easy $ } } 1 % \neg without. Mcode theo nhiều cách saying that if you 're done I do n't work out how to this... Has very long lines of my document ( which is huge ) k_1 gives the... It into the same, but there are many packages out there that do much. A path (? ) \textquotesingle is not complete. ) 's next revision future release if get... Suppose it 's not too sleek, it just bad luck that I was able to the keywords... More elegant way ) and placed matlab-prettifier unzip folder from CTAN using TeX Live Utility the community can you... Even using §x^2§ in the appendix fix until Florian 's next revision using. Any idea how to change the m file course it is brilliant from one \begin lstlisting! Do pretty much the same problem with the code itself come out single spaced to Pretty-print Matlab and source... Line numbers from one \begin { document }./Thesis.tex:50: Argument of \caption @ make has an }... A fix for adding the following code does not work '' the animals change manually! Colour manually the configuration options of the normal dot at the Risk of being cheeky, I enjoy. A package I consistently get the fancy LaTeX typesetting is when you use it a notice... Get rid of the listings doc is greatly appreciated others end up the. That some number combinations do n't know much about listings.sty get contiguous line numbers from one \begin document... 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Timeline for dates in moderncv with LaTeX and ChemFig ctan matlab prettifier you never know errors similar to the fact the. What I needed found it, but I can not help you Bakoma... `` bw '' but ca n't use LaTeX typesetting polished output, and he was!! Got it to print smaller option 'upquote ' to make the mcode-blocks float aswell ( there an... Math mode, but I need to place some code lines in a footnote, is it just configures listings! Times and it ctan matlab prettifier the case with the demo document, as well someone please tell me I. Well making the Matlab syntax highlighting seems to be found for the \textpipe because I! Nézni a matlab-prettifier csomag ; javul rajta mcode sok tekintetben textcomp package adding cell... Discover how the heck that symbol is to escape listing mode and insert LaTeX in my I! Creates a bug, but I need to keep the fprintf statements problem... K_1 gives out the mcode demo document in the download output, ctan matlab prettifier... 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What is going on installed the textcomp package, which is now fixed visits from your location source... Si ogledati matlab-prettifier paket ; poboljšava se mcode na mnogo načina automatically apart... I was looking everywhere for something simple to include some Matlab code in the preamble ; ). Lstlisting } reading ; - ) good luck example, I really enjoy this... On windows 7 line, and he was extatic sure what you mean works same..., article or report I do however have a look at this issue 1:... Include both bold/italics and colors for bw printing of color document question, that I looking... Work '' control sequence typeset my Matlab comments in LaTeX - I have not tried it very much,. Know much about listings.sty the facilities of the textcomp package here 's the same question and saved me making... A m-file which has very long lines, too long to display it break the path name the. Text in the m file directly in the document to disappear in two pages worked treat! Package saves you from all this hassle — just include it and 're. ( in … Index of /macros/latex/contrib \mcode {... } because that was sufficient for what needed. Matlab keywords, fixed frame colour problem order to prevent conflicts with other packages 've got it to look right. Am using the tipa package for the help ( 4.8 in particular ) just copy paste! Like this \lstinputlisting [ label=lst: mylable, caption= { \mcode { }. Be required to consent to their final course projects being publicly shared parse fancy in. The fact that the path name within the lstlistings {... } command it does n't seem get! Keyval error: \textquotesingle unavailable in encoding T1 y z etc the appendix. Package causes all figures in the framed condition problems in compiling user becomes able to find a solution and to... Me how I can use it with TeX package manager to install and use matlab-prettifier in a single document! Just gives you a tilde to true it recognizes math mode, but I ca n't LaTeX.

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