Deadline: January 16, 2021. We have vacancies for three PhD Candidates at the Department of Computer Science. Norwegian version: Doktorgrad - skjema - IV How to progress with your PhD work? Documentation of the studies that form the basis for admission 2. Collecting the first acoustic and articulatory corpus on dysarthric speech produced by speakers of two varieties of Italian; Analyzing the phonetic features of two severity levels of dysarthric speech, taking into account b1) both segmental and prosodic characteristics, b2) articulatory information, as well as acoustics, b3) the phonological features of the linguistic systems of the speakers; Realizing a tool based on both acoustic and articulatory data, aimed to orient and customize rehabilitation; Implementing a dual purpose software (based on acoustic and articulatory data) for the objective assessment of speech accuracy/intelligibility, with regard to both dysarthria severity and the early diagnosis of dysarthria. In addition to a master's degree or equivalent and a strong academic record, financing is an absolute requirement for admission to a PhD programme. Also, vacancies for English-speaking candidates are sometimes placed on the Dutch section of Academic Transfer, so it is best to check the listings in both languages. A PhD fellowship on safety assessment of transport and installation of offshore wind turbines is available at CeSOS, NTNU. Besøksadresse: Elektroblokk D, O.S Bragstads plass 2D, Trondheim Telefon: 73 59 43 76 ⋅ Telefax: 73 59 45 99 ⋅ E-post: Learn more about the positions here. NTNU legger kontinuerlig ut ledige stipendiatstillinger.Det er også mulig å ha andre finansieringskilder enn NTNU. Please note that this may not be a full list of the available vacancies. Deadline: January 31, 2021. The research results are expected to be applicable in several domains, such as geoscience, natural language, Internet of things (IoT), telecommunications, etc. The Norwegian industry needs personnel with PhD competence to stay competitive and develop new jobs for the future. The Search function allows you to distinguish between academic vacancies (which include PhD positions) and support and administrative vacancies. ... PhD Research Fellowships in Machine learning at Visual Intelligence, a new Centre for Research-driven Innovation -1-3 positions. Finansiering er helt avgjørendefor å kunne starte på en organisert doktorgradsutdanning som ph.d.-studiet. The particular focus will be on the bias in the AI systems and its impact on fairness and discrimination at the individual and the society level. PhD Candidate in AI and Big Data Analytic in Computer Science, Academic Posts with NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - NTNU. of Computer science (IDI), NTNU has available a full-time, permanent Associate Professor position in Information Systems within the ISSE group ( We emphasize that you should have three year net time to work on your PhD itself and the required duties should not delay your doctoral training. Ledige stillinger - Jumbotron bilde Required duties and interruptions on legally authorized grounds are not to be included in this 6-year period. View our current PhD vacancies … The primary work will be conducted at the Kore University of Enna under the supervision of Prof. Siniscalchi, but the candidate will have the opportunity to spend up to five months at NTNU working with Prof. Giampiero Salvi and Prof. Torbjørn Svendsen, Would you like to know more? The position is part of the recently established Nordic Wind Research and Innovation Centre (NOWRIC). Ph.d.-utdanning ved Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap. There is a 2 % added deposit to pension. 2 PhD positions / Advanced Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Characterisation of Food 16 December 2020. chalmers university of technology - se-412 96 gothenburg, sweden - phone: +46 (0)31-772 10 00 - Ny ved NTNU; Tilgang for eksternt tilsatte ph.d.-kandidater; PhD On Track; Semesteravgift; Fakultetsspesifikt. A promovendus position may also include teaching and other departmental duties. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet. Finn drømmejobben gjennom - startsiden for jobb og karriere. Faculty of architecture and design Vacant PhD positions. The qualified candidate will be hosted at the Speech Technology and Machine Learning Laboratory (STMLab), Kore University of Enna, Sicily, Italy. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Sissel Hagen-Formo, Administrative PhD-coordinator; Tore Brandstveit Haugen, Head of PhD Programme Committee; Faculty of Engineering Science # Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Engineering Science. The three positions are in: The positions are funded by SFI NorwAI, the new 8-year research-based innovation Center for AI Innovation. I tillegg til det fastsatte søknadsskjemaet skal søknaden inneholde følgende vedlegg: Det skal gjøres rede for eventuelle rettslige og etiske problemstillinger. After your Phd defence the library automatically receives a digital file from the printing office. Det enkelte fakultet og program kan ha egne søknadsskjema og prosedyrer. Funding can be both through NTNU and other sources. Vacancies Phd position available Deadline 15 March 2019. De fleste ph.d.-kandidatene ved NTNU er tilsatt som stipendiater, enten ved NTNU eller ved en høgskole. Obligatorisk opplæringsdel: Se nettsidene for ditt ph.d.-program; Oppstartsseminar: Fakultetet inviterer deg til dette In Section 7-2 last subsection of NTNU’s PhD Regulation,the maximum period of study is set at 6 years. We are specifically seeking candidates with deep, empirically based knowledge of the conditions (business, technical and organizational) for digital transformation in the private or public sector. The PhD position is at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. Trondheim, Norway; NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - NTNU; The Department of Electric Power Engineering (IEL) at NTNU has a vacancy for a full-time 100% position as a Ph.D. A model learned with biased data may generate unfair decisions while mitigating the bias may decrease the traditional measures of system accuracy. Tilburg Law School is ranked among the highest as 'Top International Law School' by the … Throughout the year we have vacancies available for faculty (group leaders), scientific staff, scientific support staff, postdoctoral fellows, PhD students, and operational staff. Vacancies. De fleste ph.d.-kandidatene ved NTNU er tilsatt som stipendiater, enten ved NTNU eller ved en høgskole. Nabin Chowdhury, Stipendiat 46745176 +393276589564 Minst én av veilederne, normalt hovedveileder, skal være tilsatt ved NTNU. PhD position on modelling ocean-ice shelf interaction (1.0 FTE) Scientists once thought that the Antarctic Ice Sheet is stable on century time scales. Karakter: Bestått/ Ikke bestått. PhDs are paid according to the Norwegian governmental wage level 50. Dersom du har utdannelse fra utlandet kan du selv kontakte NOKUT for godkjenning av utdanningen, alternativt vil en tilsvarende vurdering bli gjort i forbindelse med søknadsprosessen. We aim to be a lifecycle partner throughout the value chain of SUBSEA and sub-surface technologies, solutions and services for the oil and gas industry. The Faculty’s combined education and research portfolio targets the domains of Life and Health Science & Technology, Nanoscience and Technology, Chemical Engineering, Radiation … However, after three decades of satellite observations, we know that mass loss in West Antarctica is accelerating, and parts of this ice sheet are possibly close to a tipping point of rapid mass loss. The PHD position will be in the Biomechanics research group at NTNU and supported by the ENTHRAL project for Non-invasive in-vivo assessment of … Application deadline: 22.03.2015; Expected Start Date: 01.08.2015; Continue reading → chalmers university of technology - se-412 96 gothenburg, sweden - phone: +46 (0)31-772 10 00 - Note that this page lists all university-wide vacancies. Merve Bas Seyyar, Contact; My University; Student Portal; Nederlands English; Current PhD Vacancies. Would you like to pursue a career in research at Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands? Most faculties at NTNU have their own forms to be used in the PhD process. skrevet av @NTNUhelse – Målet med forskerskolen er å øke nettverksaktiviteten mellom stipendiatene, og dermed senke terskelen for å besøke hverandre og samarbeide, sier styreleder Thorkild Tylleskär. The PhD candidate will work on challenging research problems related to autonomous guidance and control of autonomous ships and ship systems with assured safety. Ved hjelp av instituttenes nettsider kan du finne informasjon om hva de ulike fagpersonene arbeider med og hvem som kan være aktuell for deg og ditt prosjekt. The research will be documented in scientific publications in appropriate journals and relevant conference proceedings, and in Open Source software tools. Job title: PHD POSITION IN CLINICAL MEDICINE (196025), Employer: NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Deadline: The application deadline has passed Job and PhD Vacancies. PhD1: Machine learning, with focus on fair, accountable, transparent, and privacy-preserving personalization methods. Tilburg Law School offers highly-ranked national and international education and legal research. A PhD programme or PhD track at EUR might just be suited for you. Browse our vacancies to find available PhD positions at Utrecht University. VACANCIES . It aims to: As a researcher, you will combine deep knowledge of speech technology and machine learning for heath-related tasks. Vacancies Academic positions. Oversikt - Jobb - Ledige stillinger ved NTNU. A PhD position in computing is available in the SoftICE lab (please see information below). Det er kontinuerlig opptak på ph.d.-utdanningen. Strong candidates will have experience with conducting relevant research projects and generating research funding as well as experience with teaching and supervision. Job title: 2 PhD Candidates (182655), Employer: NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Deadline: Closed OK Detaljer Skjul detaljer Nettsiden bruker cookies Vi ønsker at du skal være trygg når du bruker dette nettstedet. A PhD position is a paid education for 3 years where you end up with a PhD degree. Note that this page lists all university-wide vacancies. Overview of the PhD projects. PhD Candidate Position in Electric Power Engineering within Multi Megawatt Electric Propulsion. The role of consumer behaviour towards reducing waste of fresh bread: Sustainable packaging development in an industrial perspective. The main objective of a PhD position is to develop skills to solve complex problems related to the research topic. Prosjektbeskrivelse, enten foreløpig eller fullstendig. Work at NTNU. The project focuses on idiopathic Parkinson’s disease dysarthric speech, produced by speakers of two varieties of Italian that show different segmental (consonantal, vocalic) and prosodic characteristics. Please scroll down for all current WEISS vacancies, grouped by staff vacancies and PhD studentships in closing date order, or click on the links below to skip straight to the job summary. PhD Student in Epitranscriptomics in Biological Sciences, Academic Posts with NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - NTNU. Extensions related to the coronavirus pandemic are not to … Mastergrad eller annen likeverdig utdanning. We seek candidates with a strong research track record within the international field of Information Systems. Would you like to pursue a career in research at Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands? This is currently equal to a gross salary of NOK 430 500. Det enkelte fakultet eller program kan stille ytterligere krav til kvalifikasjoner. A PhD programme or PhD track at EUR might just be suited for you. In a PhD position, you develop skills to solve complex problems beyond what you learnt in your master study. The application must include: 1. Ph.D. vacancies Filter the faculty All Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Science Faculty of Business and Social Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Engineering Central Administration SDU Library No vacancy . Vacancies Applying for a position HR Excellence in Research Award Professional development Benefits for ... PhD student in Political Science, Partnerships for the UN 2030 Agenda (PA2020/4182) The Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences. 120 sp). På norsk: Karakterskalaen See also: Description of grades for the master's thesis The Norwegian grading system consists of two grading scales: one scale with the grades pass or fail and one graded scale from A to E for pass and F for fail. Du kan finne mer konkret informasjon om prosessen og opptaksprosedyren på sidene til det enkelte ph.d.-programmet eller kontakte fakultetet direkte. PhD vacancies Tilburg Law School. If you do not find what you are looking for at your Faculty's web page, there are some back-up forms at the bottom of this page. Whatever position you have, you can take a lot of personal responsibility in a workplace that has a strong sense of fellowship. PhD VACANCIES. Learn more about the positions and apply here. Identify phonetic features that impact on speech intelligibility and accuracy, separating variability due to dysarthria from features due to sociolinguistic variation; Develop perspectives and tools for clinical practice that take variation into account. Assistant Professors in Statistical Science (Tenure Track) 20-573 Science, Mathematical Institute (MI) At NTNU there are both three-year and four-year PhD positions. We are looking for 3 PhD fellows to work at NTNU’s Trondheim campus. The candidate will work in the research front in artificial intelligence with a project related to the ethical consequences of automated decision making. Browse our vacancies to find available PhD positions at Utrecht University. A PhD in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Machine Learning, or Signal Processing; Experience in speech technology, image processing and/or machine learning; Experience with PyTorch, Keras, and/or Tensorflow ; Experience with Python and Bash Scripting; Employment: Temporary Researcher / Assegnista di Ricerca. For å kunne få opptak til et ph.d.-program må du ha. Current PhD Vacancies; Meet us! ... 180 sp) + 2-årig master (min. General description of NTNU's grading scale. The Dept. Hovedveileder skal være klar ved søknad om opptak, og du skal normalt ha minst to veiledere. The Laboratory of Speech Technology Language and Machine Learning (STMLab) at the Kore University of Enna has a vacancy for a Researcher Fellowship in the recently funded Phonetic analysis of dysarthria speech by speakers of different varieties of Italian project. The Search function allows you to distinguish between academic vacancies (which include PhD positions) and support and administrative vacancies. Postbus 5 2600 AA Delft The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)15 27 89111 Du kan finne ledige stillinger på NTNUs egne nettsider og på You complete the application form for a doctoral degree in consultation with a supervisor. NTNU Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Offentlig universitet med 39000 studenter og 335 studier Researcher for an initial period of 12 months, after which the performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended to the one more year. Follow the UG facebook twitter linkedin rss instagram youtube. Apply Today. Obligatorisk: Deltakelse på samlingen og innlevering av et kort refleksjonsnotat forut for kurset. All Phd thesis are stored digitally in NTNU Open. Find jobs and vacancies as well as doctoral fellowships. PhD forms for Faculty of Engineering. The points above are from NTNU's PhD regulations, passed by the Board of NTNU on 23 January 2012. Vacancies Contact and accessibility Reading assistant BrowseAloud Intranet Dersom du er tilknyttet et større forskningsprosjekt inngår vanligvis veileder i prosjektgruppen. The candidate will be part of the Hydraulic Engineering group ( This position is a fixed term, full time (100 %) position for 3 years. Besøksadresse: Elektroblokk D, O.S Bragstads plass 2D, Trondheim Telefon: 73 59 43 76 ⋅ Telefax: 73 59 45 99 ⋅ E-post: Prospective PhD students can apply for a Promovendus position. Dersom prosjektet er avhengig av tillatelser fra forskningsetiske komiteer eller andre myndigheter eller fra private, bør disse være vedlagt søknaden i den grad det er mulig. Date published: 10 Dec 2020. University of Oslo > About UiO > Jobs at UiO > Vacancies Norwegian version of this page. PhD position Mechanisms underlying plant-root microbiome recruitment under stress Faculty of Science – Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences Publication date 22 Dec 2020 Finansiering er helt avgjørende for å kunne starte på en organisert doktorgradsutdanning som ph.d.-studiet. We have vacancies for three PhD Candidates at the Department of Computer Science. See all openings and find information on how and when to apply. These projects are part of the PhD programme and fully funded, salaried positions for 4-5 years (depending on pre-education). Trondheim, Norway; NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - NTNU; The Department of Electric Power Engineering (IEL) at NTNU has a vacancy for a full-time 100% position as a Ph.D. PhD2: PhD Candidate in machine-learning models for streaming data analysis and prediction. JOB ALERT If you would like to be kept informed about our ... Finance Professor HR ICT Legal Management position Marketing Communication Support staff Research Development & Innovation PhD Postdoc Technical support staff Assistant Professor Associate Professor. PhD application round 2020 - 2021. Ph.d.-kandidater har nemlig ikke studentstatus i Norge og kan dermed heller ikke få støtte fra Lånekassen. However, the project is a joint collaboration between the University of Salento (Prof. Barbara GILI FIVELA) and University of Bari (Prof. Maria Luisa FIORELLA). I tillegg kan du inngå en avtale om finansiering gjennom annen arbeidsgiver eller via Forskningsrådet i form av næring… Dette gjelder også for eksternt tilsatte ph.d.-kandidater. Selected students will be offered a four-year contract, during which they complete courses and research projects. The position includes a stay at NTNU in Trondheim. Søknaden sendes via instituttet til fakultetet. We seek candidates with a promising publication record in relevant Information Systems outlets. PhD-student, Mathematics and Computer Science, Data Science Center Eindhoven 11 December 2020 PhD on Fundamental understanding of mitigation measures in salt intrusions PhD-student, Applied Physics 11 December 2020 There are currently no vacancies available. Find a list of our current vacancies below. They will perform research on next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) methods, taking advantage of recent advances in machine learning (ML), stochastic optimization, and probabilistic graphical models. Preliminary project description with a… Norsk versjon: Avtale ved opptak - doktorgrad Looking for something else? Below is an overview of some of the PhD vacancies on the Academic Transfer website. PhD candidate at NTNU Aker Solutions is one of the world’s top four providers of SUBSEA production systems and related services. Salary as PhD/Postdoc at NTNU. Key competence for this position is hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, dynamics of multi-body systems, automatic control, stochastic and reliability analysis. To submit an application, please go here. If you have a four-year PhD-position, required duties make up 25 per cent of your workload. Date published: 10 Dec 2020. Even if the library receives and stores your thesis digitally in NTNU Open, no more than meta data and abstract will be published Open Access from your thesis until you have submitted the author's agreement (see above). Abstract. Kostnader: Kursdeltagelse er gratis. This thesis is conducted through the Industrial PhD programme funded by the Norwegian Research Council, and I have been employed at Norgesmøllene. If you have trouble finding a vacancy, please go to the site of Academic Transfer where our vacancies are visible as well. Faculty-specific forms #. Two PhD Research Fellows in machine learning for irregular time series. PhD student in Biochemistry, Structure and function of Bacterial and Archaeal Chromatin 20-582 Science, Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) PhD candidate 20-584 Archaeology. Available PhD positions at NTNUare continuously posted online. .... Kunnskapsbase, brukerveiledninger Together with your supervisor, you need to draw up a project outline describing the topic, problem formulations, choice of theory and method, and progress schedule. Du kan finne ledige stillinger på NTNUs egne nettsider og på A PhD degree also opens new attractive career opportunities at universities and research institutes. Important dates. For å kunne få opptak til et ph.d.-programmå du ha finansiering og en mastergrad med god karakter. Forskning. Research topic foreløpig prosjektbeskrivelse skal fullstendig prosjektbeskrivelse foreligge senest innen 6 måneder etter opptak reducing of. Nok 483 700 Norwegian University of Science & TECHNOLOGY - NTNU of this page Generator for offshore turbine. Nederlands English ; current PhD vacancies, please contact Prof. Sabato Marco Siniscalchi by email: transparent, i! Innen Global helse – Løfter frem Norge privacy-preserving personalization methods Solutions is one of the studies that the. Support structure design available when to apply develop new jobs for the future seek candidates with a PhD position part! Are broad researcher for an initial period of study is set at 6 years have a four-year,. Software tools TECHNOLOGY - NTNU, the maximum period of study is set at 6 years what you in... Fellows to work at NTNU application deadline 30 August 2020 Bas Seyyar, @! 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