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viburnum burkwoodii nz

Family Adoxaceae . This viburnum doesn't normally require much pruning but as its natural habit is reasonably open then pruning the ends of branches after flowering will help keep it compact. Make sure plants are watered well until established if planting in a drier period. Tolerates dry once established. Always choose healthy, well grown plants and plant after autumn rains as the soil is moist and warm and allows plants to become established before winter. Must be planted in a humus rich, moist and well-drained soil in full to partial sun. Grow in full sun or partial shade, in a moist, well-drained soil. © Auckland Council 2020 | All rights reserved, Open Auckland Botanic Garden's Facebook Page in a new tab, Open Auckland Botanic Garden's Twitter Feed in a new tab, Open Auckland Botanic Garden's Instagram feed in a new tab, Open Auckland Botanic Garden's Trip Advisor Page in a new tab, Go to in a new tab, Go to in a new tab. Lasting up to 2 weeks, they give way to … The flowers are followed … Viburnum burkwoodii is a must-have for a shrub border where fragrance predominates – plant with Michelia yunnanensis and Boronia megastigma for a touch of euphoria. Viburnum x burkwoodii has to be one the most fragrant of all the viburnums. The fragrance is delicious and reminiscent of soft baby powder. Tolerates dry soils. Viburnum x burkwoodii. Produces large white pompoms of flowers in spring that slowly fade to gentle shades of pink with age. Gets to a size of 3 x 2m If you …. Be The First To Review This Product! Les Viburnum, ou Viornes, regroupent près de 200 espèces darbustes, ainsi que quelques arbres. A tough shrub for a sunny position with good soil. Viburnum tinus en pot : Sa taille relativement compacte lui permet de s’adapter à la culture en pot, ce qui permet d’orner balcon et terrasse à l’automne et en hiver. Grows in sun or semi-shade / Will tolerate very hard frosts. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the root ball and firm in and water once planted. Wainuiomata, 285 Moores Valley Road. Exposure. Pink heads of sweetly scented flowers in spring opening white. Viburnum x burkwoodii This is one of my very favourite flowering shrubs. Frogmore gardens, Shrubs, shade gardens, Viburnum. This large dense evergreen will produce pink to white flowers from April to May, followed by red berries that darken over the course of summer. ... (expected growth in average NZ conditions in 5 to 10 years) Leaves. Redder stems & darker leaves than V. tinus ‘Lucidum’. An abundance of pink buds open to heavily fragrant white flowers in late winter. Mar 16, 2020 - Viburnum Burkwoodii Anne Russell is a shrub plant, with scented flowers in the spring. Gardening guru Lynda Hallinan on NZ's most lovable shrubs . Payment when stock arrives. Viburnum x burkwoodii (Carlesii x Utile) - PB5 (30/40) - Burkwood's Viburnum - Pink buds in winter open to fragrant white flower clusters in spring. Pre-order now. This hardy evergreen, with its green, leathery leaves and compact form, makes a fabulous display mass planted, especially in spring with its display of many petite, white flowers, with dark blue centres. Viburnum tinus 'Emerald Beauty' Viburnum . Happy in sun or part shade and hardy to most conditions except hot dry wind. Viburnum Davidii is a popular choice in today's gardens. Dry and shade tolerant. This viburnum has cymes, the other common flower head shape of this genus. Like many woody plants, propagating viburnum from cuttings is the most effective way to replicate the bush. It has lovely lime green leaves, and is a hardy shrub. A densley-foliaged shrub with showy white flowers in spring and autumn. Responds well to pruning. Deciduous. Estimated price $49.99 each. Viburnum opulus ‘Notcutt’s Variety’ is certainly opulent when covered with fruit. Burkwood (Viburnum burkwoodii) Burkwood is an Asian variety that is prized for its delicious fragrance. Details V. x burkwoodii is a lax evergreen shrub to 2.5m tall, with glossy dark green, ovate leaves and highly fragrant white or pale pink flowers in mid and late spring Characteristics Foliage Evergreen (04) 564-8391 Levin (Ohau), 132 McLeavey Road. Hardy. Apart from the wonderful smell, I loved the pretty white-edged leaves and rosy pink flowers, each tight cluster the size of a doll’s bouquet. The Viburnum genus is found within the Adoxaceae family of plants, though it used to be in the Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle) family. Flowers are produced in heads of pale pink buds opening to white with a fabulous fragrance from winter through to spring. For harmony in the garden it is usually recommended that one male Viburnum davidii be planted for every 3 females - not something we suggest you try at home folks. Viburnum Davidii. ‘Roseace’ (sometimes ‘Rosacea’) is the pink form of the classic pompom viburnum, which is usually the form known as V. plicatum ‘Sterile’, or the Japanese snowball. Les feuilles sont ovales, luisantes et vert foncé. This genus of evergreen and deciduous shrubs are great background performers and should not be overlooked when planning a new garden or refurbishing an existing planting scheme. Sprinkle evenly and work into the top 2 to 3cm of the soil taking care not to damage surface roots. Small creamy white flowers in spring are followed by beautiful blue berries that hold through winter and they are really the main feature. 2m. Payment when stock arrives. Depending on the severity of your winter climate this delightful shrub will be fully deciduous or semi-evergreen. 1.5m | $14 Viburnum burkwoodii 'Anne Russell' Enlarge Image . Estimated price $40.99 each. Grows well in sun or part shade, in well drained soil. More specific uses: Viburnum alnifolium, Hobblebush, Mooseweed, ripe fruit sweet and palatable tasting like raisins or dates.The stone, however, is large and the pulp thin. Viburnum bodnantense Dawn is an award winning deciduous shrub with heavily scented rose pink flowers from autumn to spring on bare branches. Pests and diseases can have serious debilitating effects on young plants; check regularly. Semi-evergreen. New stock arriving middle of July, 2021. Barken er dækket af et tæt hårlag. Les fleurs roses puis blanches s'épanouissent entre avril et mai, cette floraison est à la fois généreuse et parfumée, son odeur enivrante rappelle celle de la fleur d'oranger. New stock arriving beginning of June, 2021. Tolerates dry once established. Plant in sun or part shade in moist but well-drained soil but will tolerate a wide range of soil types. Viburnum plicatum ‘Roseace’ – pretty as a picture. Viburnum macrocephalum is another one that has trusses of snowball flowers opening from green buds in early summer. My Mark was a reluctant retailer at best, though his plant and gardening knowledge is immense and he was perfectly capable of giving good advice if … Pot 2Lt Growth Rate: Medium; Height after 5 years: 2m; Height when mature: 2m; Buy Online - Pot Size. Good autumn colour. Viburnum x burkwoodii ‘Anne Russell’ Viburnum x burkwoodii ‘Anne Russell’ A must have plant, providing a welcome winter display. Evergreen. Payment when stock arrives. Flowers are followed by pendulous clusters of red berry-like drupes which ripen black. The male form of this little shrub is usually planted for one reason - to pollinate the female form so she will produce berries. In milder climates this large shrub is sometimes semi-evergreen i.e. Viburnum is one of the most versatile and beautiful ornamental plants, with several seasons of interest. A medium sized shrub with a rounded habit, Leaves are oval down and dull green in colour often colouring in the autumn. Viburnum macrocephalum is a very large shrub (it can reach 20 feet tall and wide) with the largest flower heads (up to eight inches in diameter) among the different snowball bushes. Lovely background shrub. Ht. GUIDES & ... Te Puna Quarry Park, Tauranga, NZ. La croissance est assez rapide. Beskrivelse. Great for shrub borders, and near where the fragrance can be enjoyed. Small red berries that turn black follow the flowers. A hybrid called Viburnum x burkwoodii - a beauty because of its large clusters of flowers, which are intensely fragrant. New stock arriving beginning of June, 2021. Planter votre Viburnum tinus dans du terreau, idéalement spécial plantation ou horticole. Great for shrub borders, and near where the fragrance can be … This Viburnum is one of the best scented varieties and is usually evergreen when the plant matures. Viburnum plicatum var. Tolerates dry once established. Features fragrant white flowers arranged in flat-topped cymes (2-4" wide) in April. Viburnum plant cuttings can come from either softwood or hardwood, but a few techniques and tricks are necessary to enhance rooting and ensure your new plants thrive. Duftsnebolle (Viburnum x burkwoodii) er en vintergrøn busk med en noget uregelmæssig og udspærret, opret vækst. They benefit from a dressing (50g/m2) of general purpose fertiliser in early spring as new growth begins this will encourage more vigorous healthy growth. Sep 17, 2017 - Moores Valley Nurseries - Wellington leading Plant nursery. Viburnum tinus is a hardy, evergreen viburnum, native to the Mediterranean. Details V. x burkwoodii is a lax evergreen shrub to 2.5m tall, with glossy dark green, ovate leaves and highly fragrant white or pale pink flowers in mid and late spring Characteristics Foliage Evergreen Flowers are produced in heads of pale pink buds opening to white with a fabulous fragrance from winter through to spring. Feuilles de 5-10 cm de long, ovales, peu dentées, luisantes, vert foncé. Position in full sun. A compact plant great for landscaping. Products - Viburnums. An abundance of pink buds open to heavily fragrant white flowers in late winter. This viburnum exhibits a reasonably open habit with small dark green leaves slightly rough and furry beneath. Viburnum x burkwoodii. Before planting ensure the root ball is saturated and remove the planter bag or pot with minimal root disturbance. Great low shelter. The first summer and autumn after planting is critical for young plants; water thoroughly during dry periods. Payment when stock arrives. Ideal in even the smallest garden. Lawn And Garden. Viburnum Burkwoodii Domed clusters of fragrant white flowers in Spring, opening from pink buds, followed by red fruit, and glossy, dark green leaves. Estimated price $21.99 each. That is at its best. 2m. A cross between V. utile and V. carlesii, Viburnum x burkwoodii forms a shrub up to about 3m in height. Fill chosen pot with quality potting mix, such as Yates Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter.. Wairere Nursery826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: emlink(); I think I can honestly say I have never met a Viburnum I didn't like - they come from a good family, always look neat and tidy, often smell good and don't crave constant attention. Prévoir un pot de diamètre suffisant percé au fond. Remove the shrub from the container, gently … Small creamy white flowers in spring. Pre-order now. Prévoir un arrosage régulier, surtout en été. The second medicinal plant is Viburnum prunifolium, commonly called blackhaw or stagbush. April, 2009--Farmer John's Greenhouse, Farmington Hills, MI. The buds are deep carmine pink and open to clusters of blush white flowers. Pre-order now. Wonderfully fragrant, Viburnum × burkwoodii 'Mohawk' (Burkwood Viburnum) is a compact, upright, multi-stemmed, semi-evergreen shrub with ovate, glossy, dark green leaves that turn attractive shades of orange and red in fall, except where evergreen (USDA Zones 7 and 8). It can sometimes grow a little scraggly, but some of the named hybrids, like ‘Anne’ Russell’ (second … The flowers smell a little like vanilla ice cream, which is hands down my favourite. As an early 1900's introduction from China, discovered by the great plant hunter Ernest Wilson, it has proved the test of time. Plant with some general slow release fertiliser and then every spring apply an organic based fertiliser such as blood and bone at a handful per square meter as new growth emerges. This viburnum exhibits a reasonably open habit with small dark green leaves slightly rough and furry beneath. Quite easy to grow and tolerant of most conditions. Deciduous. Easy to grow in sun or light shade. A beautiful shrub with mid green pointed leaves with serrated edges that lay in tiers along the branches. Viburnum x burkwoodii is a smaller type of viburnum (8 to 10 feet tall) that inherited some of the wonderful smell of its parent, Korean spice viburnum. Rounded clusters of pure white flowers that are pink in the bud open emitting a strong daphne like fragrance in early spring. V. x burkwoodii is a lax, semi-evergreen shrub to about 2.5m tall, with glossy dark green, ovate leaves and highly fragrant, spicy sweet, creamy white flowers with pink buds at hint of pink edge in open blooms in mid and late spring Easy and rewarding to grow in full sun to part shade in reasonable, well drained soil 2.5 litre pot View picture of Viburnum Hybrid, Burkwood Viburnum (Viburnum x burkwoodii) at Dave's Garden. Grows well in sun or part shade, in well-drained soil. Flowers are lightly perfumed and followed by dark blue berries. It will grow in full sun or part shade and is frost-hardy. Deciduous, with lovely autumn colours. Yngre grene er overhængende.Blomsterne har en intens og behagelig, sød duft. not all the leaves fall in winter. Either way, it’s a hardy plant that tolerates frosts. This enables them to withstand dry periods during the following summer. The flowers are fragrant and followed by red berries. Later in spring the beloved snowball tree, Viburnum opulus sterile comes into bloom, a real show stopper with its showy balls of lime green to cream. Mulching annually helps suppress weeds and conserve moisture. Organic Garden Supplies .. 1.0L Pot. Dry and shade tolerant. On its own it forms a wide-spreading compact mound with dark green leathery leaves that have a pale under-side. Green, leathery leaves, and a display of many petite, white flowers with dark-blue centres in spring. Other common names arrowwood 'Anne Russell' . Huge rounded trusses of white 'snowball' flowers open from green buds in early summer. How to grow viburnum in a pot. Tiered layers of branches are draped with white, lacy florets in late spring. Excellent hedging and under-planting. Great low shelter. Viburnum tinus Eve Price Nice compact evergreen shrub which flowers from winter through to spring. tomentosum ‘Summer Snowflake’ is a dainty small shrub with a mass of spring flowers and then a smattering throughout the summer. The large, creamy white flowers open out in the spring and smother the bush in beautiful bloom. The worst fate for a shrub is to be planted in a hole where the root ball is allowed to sink below the surrounding ground level. Le Viburnum x burkwoodii est un arbuste au port arrondi et touffu et au feuillage vert foncé. Therefore it is generally desirable to plant shrubs into slightly raised beds of well cultivated soil. The foliage is dark green above and slightly felted underneath. Saved from Viburnum X Burkwoodii 'Anne Russell' from Burncoose Nurseries available online to buy - Information: flowers white, rose-pink in bud, very fragrant. This little shrub forms a wide-spreading compact mound. Deciduous. Choose a pot at least 500mm wide and deep. With viburnums like Viburnum bodnantense and Viburnum burkwoodii, two fragrant viburnums that flower in early spring, you can prune to create a viburnum tree. Hauteur et diamètre 2 m (et plus). A bonus of great autumn tones. This improves drainage and provides near surface roots with well aerated soil in which to grow. Pre-order now. In the Manawatu two viburnums that are popular and flourish are Viburnum burkwoodii and Viburnum davidii. Viburnum x burkwoodii. When to Prune Viburnum. In mid spring, red flower buds open to very fragrant white flowers, arranged in snowball clusters. Needs male company to produce berries. Oval leaves of glossy green turning orange in autumn to winter. Clusters of spicy-sweet fragrant white flowers that emerge pink in bud in late winter-spring. Excellent hedging and under-planting. A densley-foliaged shrub with showy white flowers in spring and autumn. Viburnum x burkwoodii ‘Anne Russell’ Viburnum x burkwoodii ‘Anne Russell’ A must have plant, providing a welcome winter display. A small to medium-sized deciduous tree reaching a height of 5–20 m with a trunk up to 50 cm diameter. Evergreen. The deciduous viburnums have the X factor in early spring and are often supremely fragrant. Viburnum casinoides, Withe-rod, Nannyberry, Moosewood, the pulp is sweet, well-flavored, hanging on the tree deep into winter.An amber tea can be made from the dried leaves. On average, viburnum shrubs need relatively little pruning. Viburnum x burkwoodii Fulbrook. Explore. Viburnum burkwoodii, aussi appelé viorne d"hiver, est un arbrisseau semipersistant de taille moyenne à port rondement érigé. Very hardy to cold and frost. Viburnum x burkwoodii has richly fragrant, waxy, white spring flowers that open from pink buds. Soil Type. Moisture. H x S: 3m x 3m Evergreen. Mulching helps to conserve moisture and suppress weeds. New stock arriving middle of July, 2021. When to Prune Viburnum. Easy to grow in sun or light shade. It is a sport which was sold widely two decades ago and it forms a large, deciduous shrub to over 2 metres tall with an abundance of pretty, peachy-pink snowball flowers. Senere bliver den gråbrun og stivhåret. Hardy. The daphne of my earliest memory grew in a strip of shade-lovers beneath a childhood bedroom window. Other than this restrict pruning to removal of deadwood and reshaping of the shrubs during winter. Attractive semi-evergreen shrub with beautiful lustrous black-green leaves, greyish below. Flowers are lightly perfumed and followed by dark blue berries. Hardy. Trim any broken roots and plant at the same level as in the container. However, it never hurts to practice occasional viburnum pruning each year to maintain shape and overall beauty. Gets to a height of around 1.5m. Noteworthy Characteristics Viburnum × burkwoodii, commonly called Burkwood viburnum, is a densely-branched, multi-stemmed shrub which typically grows 8-10' tall and 5-7' wide. A compact shrub with quite coarse green foliage, carmine pink buds appear in late winter and open to white blooms tinged pink. Young plants require thorough watering during dry periods over the first two or three years. The white, pompom-like flowers usually appear in early spring and last for weeks, followed by red fruits. In times gone by, we used to retail plants from here seven days a week for much of the year. Synonyms Viburnum 'Anne Russell' . Deciduous - ovate to oblong, toothed, dark-green leaves to 10cm (4in) long.Shades of pink - All shades of pink through to Carmine (red) - rose pink Gardening Supplies. This Viburnum is one of the best scented varieties and is usually evergreen when the plant matures. Undoubtedly the most popular is the gloriously scented Viburnum x burkwoodii, in bud or just starting to flower now. The dark green leathery leaves that have a pale under-side. Growing to 2.5 m (8 ft) tall and broad, V. × burkwoodii is a deciduous shrub with glossy, dark green oval leaves on well-branching, stiff stems. Add some softness to your spring garden with this delightful deciduous Viburnum. Semi-evergreen. Viburnum Lanarth is a deciduous shrub whose tiered layers of branches are draped with white, lacy florets in late spring. The fresh green foliage is serrated. Responds well to pruning. Solsiden er rødlig, mens skyggesiden er grågrøn. Viburnum Burkwoodii Attractive semi-evergreen shrub with amazing fragrant flowers that emerge pink in bud in late winter-spring. Plant in sun or semi-shade. ARTICLES. My Mark was a reluctant retailer at best, though his plant and gardening knowledge is immense and he was perfectly capable of giving good advice if he liked the visitor. Very hardy to cold and frost. Viburnum Burkwoodii Attractive semi-evergreen shrub with amazing fragrant flowers that emerge pink in bud in late winter-spring. Hardy. White flowers open from tight pink buds and, oh, the perfume. Very hardy to cold and frost. Genus Viburnum can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs with opposite, simple or palmately lobed leaves and clusters of small, often fragrant white or pink flowers, followed by red, blue or black berries PLANTFILES. So beautifully fragrant, Viburnum x burwoodii (Burkwood Viburnum) is a multi-stemmed upright shrub that has glossy dark green leaves that change to shades of maroon in autumn. In mid spring this attractive plant stars with red to dark pink flower buds that ultimately open to masses of small white flowers tinged every so softly with pink that are like snowballs on the stems that are about 6cm in … Arbuste semi-persistant au port arrondi et touffu si on le taille, car il a tendance à faire très longues poussant un peu dans tous les sens. The dark leathery summer foliage as red and yellow autumn tones prior to leaf fall. On average, viburnum shrubs need relatively little pruning. Globular balls of delicious creamy tubular flowers with just a gentle flush of pink decorate this shrub in spring. Viburnum carlesii and similar Viburnum x burkwoodii are irresistibly fragrant early bloomers. 30-50cm. If you are looking for a flowering shrub that will add beauty to your landscape, one of the popular viburnum shrubs may be a great addition. To fully appreciate the fabulously fragrant flowers chose a partly shady border close to an entrance or path. Grows well in sun or part shade, in well-drained soil. Mmm! Every time I walk past Viburnum x burkwoodii at the moment, I just want to take an extra moment to take in the amazing aroma of its fragrant flowers.. Viburnums are a great shrub and, with more than 150 species and cultivars, there is one suitable for most gardens. Looks spectacular in rockeries. I even have this form with variegated leaves – which may be overdoing things. CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION. Organic materials such as sawdust and bark contribute to soil structure as they decompose but keep mulching material away from the trunk. Plant in sun or part shade. Deciduous, with lovely autumn colours. FORUMS. Evergreen. Some of these treasures can be found in New Zealand. Deciduous. Grows in most soil types / Needs well drained soil. Plant to take advantage of the scent. Viburnum × burkwoodii, the Burkwood viburnum, is a hybrid flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae (formerly Caprifoliaceae).It is a cross of garden origin between V. carlesii and V. utile, grown for its early, strongly scented flowers.. Very hardy for sun or light shade on a moisture retentive fertile soil. Estimated price $44.99 each. Handsome dark green leathery foliage with tones of red in autumn. Striking autumn colour. Flowers and foliage. It was selected by Notcutt’s Nursery in England and is loved the world over. However, it never hurts to practice occasional viburnum pruning each year to maintain shape and overall beauty. Domed clusters of fragrant white flowers in Spring, opening from pink buds, followed by red fruit, and glossy, dark green leaves. Being a sport, it can revert to the more dominant … Viburnum x burkwoodii . Evergreen. Viburnum x burkwoodii . Tolerates very hard frosts. Ils sont intéressants pour leur floraison printanière ou hivernale, leurs baies décoratives et leurs feuillages, qui peuvent prendre de très belles teintes à lautomne. Semi-evergreen. CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION. Pick a variety that can be grown in a pot. The main feature of this lovely shrub is the tight clusters of white flowers which open from pink buds from winter through to spring. It is a sport which was sold widely two decades ago and it forms a large, deciduous shrub to over 2 metres tall with an abundance of pretty, peachy-pink snowball flowers. Viburnum burkwoodii 'Anne Russell is a beautiful hybrid with richly fragrant and waxy white flowers opening from pink tinged buds borne profusely during spring. Members of this family are some few that feature opposite branching, which is useful for identification purposes. The fresh green foliage has an oval shape and is attractively serrated. A compact shrub with quite coarse green foliage, carmine red buds appear in late winter and open to white blooms tinged pink. In warmer areas it’s semi-evergreen in winter; in cooler areas it loses all its leaves. V. x burkwoodii is a lax, semi-evergreen shrub to about 2.5m tall, with glossy dark green, ovate leaves and highly fragrant, spicy sweet, creamy white flowers with pink buds at hint of pink edge in open blooms in mid and late spring Easy and rewarding to grow in full sun to part shade in reasonable, well drained soil 2.5 litre pot Fragrant white flushed pink flowers in early spring. This evergreen shrub has a bushy upright habit growing to a height of 3m and width of 2m, but responds well to pruning to maintain shape in a landscape setting. All pictures are contributed by our community. Semi-evergreen. Viburnum plicatum ‘Roseace’ – pretty as a picture In times gone by, we used to retail plants from here seven days a week for much of the year. Particularité de l'espèce Viburnum burkwoodii : Arbuste aéré, arrondi, touffu. 1.5m | $14 Help other Frogmore Gardens users shop smarter by writing reviews for products you have purchased. Les plus connues sont sans doute le Laurier tin (Viburnum tinus) ou la Viorne obier (Viburnum opulus, aussi appelée Boule de neige). HOME. RHS AGM. It can be grown as a hedge, but also makes a lovely green backdrop for other plants. Ht 1.5m. Viburnum japonicum has glossy foliage, white flowers and glossy red berries. 2m. Cette variété anglaise fleurit généreusement en avril et en mai aux fleurs blanches fortement parfumées épanouissant de boutons roses. Au printemps, fleurs de 0,5-1 cm de diamètre, blanches, tubulaires, odorantes, issues de boutons roses, en corymbes terminaux, arrondis de 5-10 cm de diamètre. ‘Roseace’ (sometimes ‘Rosacea’) is the pink form of the classic pompom viburnum, which is usually the form known as V. plicatum ‘Sterile’, or the Japanese snowball. These viburnums both produce multi-stem trunks, so to produce a tree viburnum, you need to choose one trunk for the main one and remove the rest, along with lower branches as they form. Plants at direct from the grower prices. If you have any questions don't hesitate in contacting us. The leaves are in opposite pairs, 2.5–8 cm long and 3.5–6.5 cm broad, hard, glossy dark green above, paler below, usually with three lobes; on mature trees the lobes forward-pointing and with smooth margins, on young trees with more spreading lobes and serrated margins S semi-evergreen in winter ; in cooler areas it loses all its leaves sont ovales, peu dentées luisantes. Most lovable shrubs a fabulous fragrance from winter through to spring on bare.! | $ 14 Produces large white pompoms of flowers in spring or part shade in but. A compact shrub with mid green pointed leaves with serrated edges that lay in tiers the. 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