The church is thought to have nearly two million members in 7,000 churches on the continent of Africa. There was the creation of the Sunday School Field Representative. She has previously served on the Women's advisory board, Executive Board, steering committee Women's International Convention, General Supervisor's Regional Representative (West Coast Region of the United States), member of the Program Committee then chairperson, Chairperson Special Convention Assistance Committee, National Leadership Conference and Women's Convention Leadership Conference, International Marshall and Assistant General Supervisor. A Jeter and D. J. They are tasked with the day to day operation of the Church of God in Christ. Today COGIC operates the All Saints Bible College in Memphis, the C. H. Mason system of bible colleges, and the C. H. Mason Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia. [94][95], After the November 2016 COGIC Holy Convocation, Carter left the COGIC denomination because Blake had been re-elected as the Presiding Bishop. They are fallen angels who joined Satan in his failed attempt to usurp power in Heaven. The Pastor of the church shall notify in writing the General Secretary of the Church of God in Christ, the Jurisdictional Bishops where the church is affiliated, and the Jurisdictional Bishop where the church intends to transfer, of intent to transfer, which notice shall be given at least thirty (30) days before the local church's membership can In 1992, during the Ford administration, UNAC was disbanded in favor of three separate conventions namely: the International Sunday School Convention, the MY Convention (Music and Youth) and the ME Convention (Missions and Evangelism) again meeting in separate cities.. If you have any further questions, please contact Executive Secretary Sidney A. Buggs. Users should have no expectation of privacy as to any communication on or information stored within the system, As Pentecostals, the Church believes that demons can be subdued and subjugated through the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. One of her contributions was to divide the women's fellowship in the local congregations into two groups: The Christian Women's Council for the middle aged and senior women, and the Young Women's Christian Council (YWCC) for the younger women. The Elders' Council met and organized the first Missions board of the Church of God in Christ. The church has more than 3,000 churches in Asia, and 2,000 churches in the Caribbean and South America. He continued to build on the department through expansion of the Regional Administration into 10 geographical locations across the country. Bishop Mason was opposed to the ordination of women to formal ministry, but in 1911 created an autonomous department to promote the ministry of women in the church. Factions developed within the organization as both the senior bishop and Bishop A. They rejected denominational names such as Baptist, Methodist, or Episcopal. In 1964 however, disagreement between the authority of the Senior Bishop and the executive board, led by Bishop A. As public education was segregated and underfunded by white officials in the South through most of the tenure of the first major leader, this school became a destination for parents wanting their children to have high-quality education. As the church continued to grow, she created women auxiliaries including the Purity Class and the Sunshine Band. Bishop Owens led the COGIC in its centennial celebration in 1997 with the theme, "Holiness, a Proven Foundation for a Promising Future!" The general assembly meets biannually each year in April and November while the presidium acts as the executive branch of the church, overseeing the day-to-day operation when the general assembly is not in session. Ford, as Saints' Academy, a private co-educational grade school. The denomination considers these to be inconsistent with COGIC doctrine and teaching. National officers of the church are chosen at the general assembly every four years unless special elections are warranted. COGIC clergy do not officially sanction or recognize same-sex relationships to be united in marriage and the denomination at-large discourages same-sex relationships as unbiblical and immoral. It has had rapid growth in many regions as one of the fastest-growing and largest religious groups in the United States.[30]. Office of the Secretariat members: Missionary Marcia Black-Watson, Jurisdictional Secretary The judicial board serves as the judicial branch and is the supreme body that interprets polity and practice. He appointed regional presidents to serve as liaisons to the jurisdictional presidents. 2nd Assistant Presiding Bishop Bishop Lawrence M. Wooten. Military chaplains have also been instrumental in spreading COGIC through military installations. [15], COGIC originated among African Americans in the Southern states of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee. Bishop Blake is the senior pastor of the West Angeles Cathedral COGIC in Los Angeles. Then in 1946, the YPWW Department was combined with the Sunday School Department for joint conventions until 1951 when they were separated once again. The Board was updated on a proposed budget modification to cover outstanding obligations from the previous fiscal year. However, the General Assembly vested authority in the executive board composed of the seven bishops selected by Bishop Mason before his death. These events include physical death, the intermediate state, bodily resurrection, the Second Coming of Christ, the Great Tribulation, the Battle of Armageddon, the Millennial Reign, the Final Judgment, the future of the wicked in hell, and life for the redeemed in heaven.[48]. Clean White, Jurisdictional Bishop, Bermuda Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, National Evangelist, Recording Artist, Songwriter, Atlanta, Georgia, This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 15:15. [29], Bishop Louis Henry Ford of Chicago, Illinois, was elected after the death of J.O. She began women's work on the state level and appointed the first state mothers. The seminary is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and is part of a consortium of the Interdenominational Theological Center. Amen. They determined to separate from COGIC and form what would eventually become the Worldwide Fellowship of the Assemblies of God. COGIC became a major force in the collective Black Church and worldwide Pentecostal movement. Owens outlined a progressive plan to position the COGIC for ministry in the twenty-first century, known as "Vision 2000 and Beyond." Finding two groups of women in the church, one group praying known as the Prayer Band, the other group studying and teaching the Word known as the Bible Band, she combined the two under the name of the Prayer and Bible Band. [19], Mason continued to travel across the nation preaching and establishing COGIC churches. Mason was influenced by the testimony of the African-American Methodist evangelist Amanda Berry Smith, one of the most widely respected African-American holiness evangelists of the nineteenth century. Mason as General Overseer and Chief Apostle. COGIC continues to influence gospel music with a new generation of artists with COGIC roots that include: Kim Burrell, Ivan Powell, Doobie Powell, Kierra Sheard, J. Moss, Micah Stampley, Kurt Carr, Ricky Dillard, Kelly Price, Mary Mary Erica Campbell (musician) and Tina Campbell (musician), Tamela Mann, Dr. Gennie Ruth Cheatham Chandler, Earnest Pugh, Jonathan McReynolds, Jabari Johnson, DuShawn Washington, Instrumentalists: Dr. Vernard Johnson (saxophonist), Samuel Murrell (violinist) and Terrance Curry (trombonist), D'Extra Wiley (II D Extreme) and Michelle Williams (Destiny's Child). This system HAS BEEN LICENSED FOR USE BY the General Secretary's and Financial Secretary's Offices of the Church Of God In Christ. Bishop Charles E. Blake, as the Presiding Bishop of the COGIC from the late 2000s up to the 2010s, was also dedicated to increasing and maintaining stable ecumenical relationships from the COGIC with other diverse Christian denominations, most notably Pentecostal/Charismatic churches, Baptist churches, African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Churches, and A.M.E. Zion churches, and even some non-denominational Christian ministries for the purposes of ministry efforts and collaborating on addressing social issues that affect Christians and specifically the Black Church in America, most notably through his Urban Initiatives program. [63] The current president of the Department of Evangelism is Bishop Elijah Hankerson III of St. Louis, Missouri. Welcome to the home page of the General Board of the Church Of God In Christ, Inc. He was a noted evangelist who had pastored several churches, including: Bostick Temple in St. Louis, Missouri; Well's Cathedral COGIC in Newark, New Jersey; and Greater Community COGIC in Marietta, Georgia. Second Vice Chairman of the National Board of Trustees Attorney Amos Smith. [35], In 2016, the Church had 5.5 million members in 60 countries around the world. Mamie Till-Mobley was a member of St. Paul COGIC led by then Elder Louis Henry Ford (who would later become the presiding bishop of the denomination) officiated the service. Her life story led many African-Americans into the Holiness movement, including Mason. Assistant General Treasurer Bishop Kendall Anderson. In 1895, C.P. Jones and C.H. Mason were licensed Baptist ministers in Mississippi who began teaching and preaching a Wesleyan doctrine of Christian perfection or entire sanctification as a second work of grace to their Baptist congregations. including information stored locally or on any other media connected to this system. Elder Carter called for a Church trial before the COGIC General Assembly and Judicial Board according to the Constitution of the COGIC. Bishop Lawrence M. Wooten Second Assistant Presiding Bishop (2021present) and board member (2012present). Bishop J.W. B. McEwen was elected chairman of the executive board, and O.T. [27], Several bishops disagreed with the new organizational structure; they severed ties with COGIC to start their own organizations. The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) is a HolinessPentecostal Christian denomination,[2][4] and the largest Pentecostal denomination in the United States. B. McEwen made conflicting administrative and executive decisions. The COGIC constitution at the time did not identify a clear successor or the authority of the executive board after Mason's death. According to the Church of God in Christ's official website, the role of the General Board, comprised of 12 bishops, is to establish and execute policies for the COGIC membership, as well as . However, after a meeting in Hot Springs, Arkansas that led to the founding of the Assemblies of God, the white constituency of COGIC continued to decline, until it was almost nonexistent by the 1930s. A local church mother since the age of 21, she was committed to strengthening the auxiliaries in the local churches and to prepare the younger women to carry the mission of COGIC into the Twenty-first Century. The result of sin is the depravity of man, broken communion with God, shame and guilt, and physical and spiritual death. Christ is the Head of the church, and He is the only mediator between God and humanity, and there is no salvation in any other. For the Anabaptist denomination, see, The official seal of the COGIC features a sheaf of wheat representing the members of the COGIC. During her leadership, several new buildings were constructed on the 350-acre campus to serve this expansion. She was greatly interested in the building of Mason Temple and she kept her national building fund drives functioning until she knew the building was ready for dedication. The General Secretary is the official keeper of the COGIC seal, Registered Agent for the Church and signatory on all official documents. He led a group of students to participate in the March on Selma. Dr. Mattie McGlothen (19751994) the fourth General Supervisor, was a tremendous organizer with great impact on the development of the Women's Department. [32], Bishop Chandler David Owens Sr. was elected Presiding Bishop after the death of Bishop Ford in 1995. As COGIC has continued to grow, new departments, auxiliaries, and ministries have been established including the music department, the National Adjutancy, Men's Department, COGIC Charities, and Urban Initiatives to name a few. After the death of Mother Coffey in 1964, Dr. Annie L. Bailey (19641975), became the third General Supervisor. She led its expansion and emphasized high academic standards, disciplined behavior, and prayer. She also established a musical program. The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) is a predominantly African-American Pentecostal Christian denomination, headquartered at Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee. He gave the eulogy for Till at Robert's Temple COGIC in 1955. [7] The leadership of the Mississippi State Convention of the National Baptist Convention intervened and expelled Jones, Mason, and others who embraced the Wesleyan teaching of entire sanctification. Winbush General Board Member Jurisdictional prelate", Atonement: COGIC Leader Slams "Disrespectful" Preacher & Apologizes To 'I'm Not Gay No More' Guy |, Bishop Blake Condemns 'Bad Preacher'; Apologizes to 'I Don't Like Mens No More' Guy, "COGIC's Bishop Charles Blake Wins Defamation Lawsuit Against Minister Earl Carter", "Man Who Attacked COGIC Bishop Charles Blake Jailed", "Dr. Earl Carter Responses to Bishop Blake Apology", "A Letter to the Members of the Church of God in Christ, Inc", Succession of Church of God in Christ Leaders,, Bishop J. O. Patterson Sr. presiding bishop, Bishop J. S. Bailey first assistant presiding bishop, Bishop S. M. Crouch second assistant presiding bishop. On May 19, 1952, he added Bishop J. O. Patterson Sr. Also in 1952, Mason revised the constitution to determine the leadership and succession of the church after his death. Bishop Sedgwick Daniels Board member (2008present). Secretary of the Board of Bishops Bishop William Watson, III. He also served as the Presiding Prelate of the New Jersey Garden State Jurisdiction and the Central Georgia Jurisdiction. Drew Sheard. [29] She is also the Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women for the South Carolina Jurisdiction. Desiring to learn more about the work of the Holy Spirit in the church, C. H. Mason, J. Young, James Brewer, Daniel Spearman, and J. H. Boone. Gary Lewis was elected to the post of Secretary General on July 29, 2022 at the Church of God International General Assembly in San Antonio, Texas. The general assembly is the supreme authority over the church to decide matters of faith and practice. The presidium includes a separately elected international presiding bishop by the general assembly who serves a term of four years, who, then appoints two assistant presiding bishops. After being removed from the office of Senior Bishop, he remained the Jurisdictional Bishop of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania until his death in 1972. The rope that holds the shaft together represents Charles Harrison Mason, COGIC's founding father. Its doctrine and practice are charismatic in nature, much like the Assemblies of God, meaning that they emphasize personal religious experience and divinely inspired powers, such as healing, prophecy, and speaking in tongues. He re-ignited the church to be a flagship Pentecostal denomination. [25], Bishop Ozro Thurston Jones Sr. was pastor of the Holy Temple Church of God in Christ in Philadelphia and the Jurisdictional Bishop of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Jurisdiction. Originally, this gathering of the 'Saints' lasted for twenty days, from November 25 to December 14. White. Please note: Fields with ( *) are required. Demons exist as manifestation of evil or unclean spirits. On June 5, 1951, he selected Bishop A. Patterson established protocols of worship, policy and practices. The first general secretary of COGIC was Elder William B. Holt, a white minister. COGIC considers any physical, sexual relationship outside of the sanctity of marriage to be outside of the sovereign will of God and unbiblical. Church Of God In Christ, Inc. 2015-23. Field representative, International Sunday School Department Mother Cleolia Penix. The school enjoyed its greatest growth and success under the leadership of Dr. Arenia Conella Mallory (19041977). The location for General Assembly will be announced, as Mason Temple is currently under construction. COGIC teaches that according to the Word of God, there will be final events and conditions that address the end of this present age of the world. On November 14, 1968, the General Assembly of the COGIC elected the first general board and presiding bishop of the church. Macklin was selected as the first chairman. ", COGIC teaches that sanctification is a continuous operation of the Holy Spirit, by which he "delivers the justified sinner from the pollution of sin, renews his whole nature in the image of God and enables him to perform good works". Lizzie Woods Robinson (19111945) was the first "General Mother" of the church. Today thousands of COGIC women when ministering the gospel or serving in official capacities are seen in their civic (black) or ceremonial (white) habits. Chairman of the National Judiciary Board Bishop Martin Luther Johnson. This seasonal period was selected because most of the COGIC members were farmers and were finished harvesting their crops around this time. Humanity can only be restored through salvation offered only through Jesus Christ. Today the International Women's Convention/Crusade meets annually in May in different cities throughout the nation drawing thousands of women from around the world. Another body operating under the same name Church of God in Christ, International, split and organized in the Northeast area under Bishop R. T. Jones of Philadelphia and later Bishop C. E. Williams Sr. of Brooklyn, New York. All rights reserved. It believes that the gifts of the Spirit are given to believers and are active in the church today. There seemed no prospect of an integrated Pentecostal movement under the leadership of an African-American such as C. H. [13], Although the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) began earlier, it is still the case that in 1907, with ten congregations, The Church of God in Christ became the first legally chartered Pentecostal body incorporated in the United States. During the tenure of Bishop L. H. Ford as Presiding Bishop in the 1990s, he helped gain COGIC membership into the Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America, a more diverse, international caucus of different Pentecostal church denominations and organizations that sought to heal the racial divides in the North American Pentecostal movement.[57]. At the 1907 COGIC Convocation held in Jackson, a separation occurred among Jones and other leaders in the church because of such disagreements. We believe that there is One God, eternally existent in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Winbush was selected to serve as the first chairman. In 2014, at the COGIC International Holy Convocation held in St. Louis, Missouri, COGIC minister Elder Earl Carter was selected by the General Board to be the keynote speaker for Saturday night. The Chairman of the Board of Bishops, CC it to both the Board of Bishop's Secretary and the Chairman of the Grievance Committee. Jesse Jackson was invited to speak during the COGIC International Holy Convocation when he was running for the presidency. Mason. During the 1950s and 60s, during the height of the civil rights movement, COGIC ministers and congregations played host to many significant events. Despite what seems to be obvious limitations to minister because of ordination, women have been given great latitude and numerous opportunities to serve in ministry in COGIC. Bishop Joel H. Lyle Jr. General Secretary Church of God in Christ, Inc. 930 Mason Street Memphis, Tennessee 38126 In 1984 and 1988 respectively, Rev. In 1982, Patterson led COGIC in its Diamond Jubilee, in a celebration of the International Holy Convocation. General Secretary Church of God in Christ, Inc. 930 Mason Street Memphis, Tennessee 38126 To file charges against a bishop, send the grievance to; The Chairman of the Board of Bishops, the Chairman of the Board of Bishops Grievance Committee, and the General Secretary Bishop Lyle. In addition, the Office of the General Secretary is an integral part of all ceremonial activities, inaugurals, celebrations and ecumenical services. Mother Dorothy Exume#, foreign missionary, Evangelist Reatha D. Herndon#, first and longest-serving elect Lady, church organizer, national evangelist, Supervisor Deola Wells Johnson, national evangelist, jurisdictional supervisor, Evangelist Maria Gardner Langston, COGIC pastor, national evangelist, former Elect Lady, Mother Elsie Washington Mason#, third and final wife of Bishop Mason, Mother Lelia Washington Mason#, second wife of Bishop Mason. Each state in the US consists of at least one jurisdiction, and several states have more than one jurisdiction. Recognizing the significance of women to the ministry, COGIC has created numerous positions that allow women to work as counterparts to the department presidents as chair ladies (YPWW) and Elect ladies (Evangelism). Mrs. Anna Broy Crockett Ford was the first organizer and director of the National Music Department, which was formally established in November 1949. During his administration, Battles organized Regions to oversee evangelistic ministry in various regional areas across the country. According to Alex Haley, "He and his wife then received bomb threats at home and at church." Patterson, who became presiding bishop in 2000 at the age of 60. "[50][51] COGIC also encourages mothers that if they know they will not be able to provide proper care to their child, they should seek assistance to give the child up for either private adoption, legal adoption through domestic or international adoption agencies, or foster care. Co Directors of the Men's Department Bishop Michael B. Founded . Thereafter, missionaries were sent to Africa and the islands of the Caribbean, Asia, and elsewhere. As African Americans migrated north and west to industrial cities during the Great Migration, he began to establish COGIC churches in the north and, especially after 1940, in the west. In 1945, Mason dedicated Mason Temple in Memphis as the church's national meeting site. Throughout the 1970s and 80s, as COGIC continued to grow to millions of members nationwide, COGIC ministers all over the country continued to advance civil rights in their communities. As a result, an ongoing dispute between Elder Carter and Bishop Blake continued without resolution. During 19101913, two white ministers, Elder H. A. Goss and Elder Leonard P. Adams, were clergy under the authority of C. H. Mason. The denomination reports having more than 12,000 churches and over 6.5 million members in the United States. Bishop Blake led the COGIC to become a greater global ministry, primarily in Africa and Latin America, while at the same time investing in the inner cities where many COGIC congregations are located. Nevertheless, women are licensed in COGIC to proclaim the gospel as evangelists. Dr. Mattie Moss Clark#, second and longest-serving president of Int'l. [12] Mason stayed in Los Angeles for five weeks and his visit to the Azusa Street Revival changed the direction of the newly formed holiness church. General Treasurer Bishop Charles Harrison Mason Patterson Sr.. Financial Secretary Bishop Frank A. The first Sunday School Superintendent was Professor L. W. Lee (19081916). Also send a copy to the General Secretary Bishop Lyle. Since so many new holiness groups and fellowships were forming that used the name "Church of God," C. H. Mason sought a name to distinguish his Holiness group from others. The jurisdictional supervisor is assisted by district missionaries who oversee the women's ministry of the district.