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dr john campbell vaccinated

In addition, he is associate professor within the department of oral and maxillofacial . Although platforms have since taken measures to remove many posts and even remove three of the 12 from one platform, the CCDH is calling on Facebook and Instagram, Twitter and YouTube to completely deplatform the disinformation dozen they believe are dangerous and instrumental in creating vaccine hesitancy at a crucial moment in the pandemic. Help us create a more trustworthy Internet! Even peer Howard Stern brings in an opinion that Joe should simply state that he is a comedian and to support the current medical guidance we have. Dr. Erin Abner, an associate professor of epidemiologyat the University of Kentucky'sCollege of Public Health, said the safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines "is excellent" and, "The question is not 'get vaccinated and take the risk of side effects or remain unvaccinated and avoid risk'; rather, 'take the risks of the vaccine, or assume the risks of COVID. In a 2012 article for the Milbank Quarterly, bioethics expert Jason Schwartz reported that the decision by the ACIP to cease recommending Rotashield in the U.S. ultimately discouraged other countries, including developing nations that faced a greater risk from rotavirus than the U.S., from using the vaccine[5]. No rotavirus vaccine became available until 2006. It is well established that dogs provably do have an increase of serum levels concentrations when exposed to sunlight, however, it is simply not enough to sustain required levels to prevent bone disease. Vitamin D deserves serious research and investigation and the Irish government is leading the way. (2021) Rutherford's early life and work in New Zealand. It looks like Omicron is hitting everyone fast, and not putting very many at all in the hospital and not even very long for them. Even if you were to decide an exact supplement dosage for snakes to supposedly prevent viral infection it would still be more consistently effective to simply avoid exposing them to the virus. But the experts emphasized that such individuals are exceptions to the rule, and that their actions put self-aggrandizement above the well-being of their fellow Americans. ", August 12 American Academy of Pediatrics report. Mar 11 2022 Dr John Campbell gives his classically eloquent analysis of the Pfizer documents, which leaves him almost lost for words. The benefits greatly outweigh the potential harms.". You should not, and cannot, use humans as a model species for reptiles. It has to be pointed out exactly how reptiles are exposed to disease since this is a sticking point for the misinformation the members of Reptile Lighting promote. Citing the manner in which previous vaccine safety concernsnamely the swine flu vaccine used in the U.S. in 1976 and the Rotashield vaccinewere handled, Campbell presented the rate of serious adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination reported in a published study, which was higher than the swine flu vaccine and the Rotashield vaccine. Youll find that these values are significantly low. 3 YouTube, Dr. John Campbell, Kyle's Vaccine Complication October 21, 2021, 2:50 4 YouTube, Dr. John Campbell, Kyle's Vaccine Complication October 21, 2021, 21:59 5 U.S. CDC, Myocarditis and Pericarditis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination September 8, 2021 (including vaccine updates and therapeutics) during the four-month period from when the coronavirus was first mentioned in daily news until the end of March. In a 2009 interview for the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Harvey Fineberg, then president of the U.S. Institute of Medicine, stated that these cases of GBS wouldnt have been a blip on the screen had there been a pandemic but, in the absence of any swine flu disease, these rare events were sufficient to end the programme. He has been criticised for suggesting COVID-19 deaths have been over-counted, repeating false claims about the use of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, and providing misleading commentary . There is no mention of hygiene, quarantine, and screening. Please get in touch if you have any comment or think there is an important claim or article that would need to be reviewed. Campbell's video claiming that Pfizer's document showed "1,223 [vaccine-]associated deaths" received more than 760,000 views and 24,000 engagements on Facebook. You can pick and choose from an assortment of papers that link vitamin D and disease prevention with nearly all of them concluding in the same way: vitamin D is a hopeful peace of the puzzle but there is not conclusive evidence of any specific dosage of vitamin D having broad benefits. (Hons.) Roman Muryn, JTB, and Dr. Frances Baines will rush to defend the video as being completely correct. The humble leopard gecko found itself featured in a study including Dr. Frances Baines. It was revealed this week that the Novavax Covid-19 Vaccine demonstrates 89.3. Over the next few days, I heard back from 203 of the doctors I'd reached out to. At the rate we are getting new vaccines tested, approved and administered this virus will probably be still killing people in ten years time. The research into vitamin Ds possible role in preventing disease is not new at all. We strive to explain whether and why information is or is not consistent with the science and to help readers know which news to trust. Though I could have readily dismissed such a callous and unsubstantiated statement, the journalist in me began to wonder whether I should. AIP History Newsletter 53(2): 4-6. Dr. John, I have . Joe, in a response delivered via video, has lamented that he was simply presenting neutral information and that the same information would be treated differently in earlier stages of the current pandemic. Today, we're discussing vaccines and teens with Dr. James Campbell, professor of pediatrics and an infectious disease specialist with the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland. With the basics out of the way, lets jump directly into very clear smoking gun obvious disinformation facts from The Reptile Lighting group. Despite Instagrams recent efforts to tamp down vaccine misinformation, Media Matters found several posts with tens of thousands of interactions featuring false and misleading claims about COVID-19 vaccines. One major factor fueling that hesitancy is medical misinformation spread via social media. However, experts pointed out several gaps in the methods used to estimate the benefits and harms of vaccination in the study. But the campaign soon ran into problems, as recounted by modern reports in the BBC, the Smithsonian Magazine, and Discover Magazine. Vaccine trial whistle blower. From the leopard gecko (e. macularius) in the previous section to bearded dragons (p. vitticeps) we have already visited two species with two very unique requirements. Hello Everyone, My name is John Campbell and I am a retired Nurse Teacher and A and E nurse based in England. Kennedy was since removed from Instagram, which Facebook owns, but not from Facebook itself. A 2018 study in JAMA Pediatrics estimated that rotavirus caused more than 120,000 deaths in 2016, with more than 80% of these deaths occurring in sub-Saharan Africa[4]. John Campbell, M.D. A popular video and other online posts, however, incorrectly imply that the vaccine caused the events. I signed up (my children) the first day they were eligible. Help Us Grow! According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): The risk of intussusception increased 20 to 30 times over the expected risk for children of this age group within 2 weeks following the first dose of RotaShield vaccine. Randomized controlled trials havent found ivermectin is beneficial in treating COVID-19, although results for ongoing studies will provide a more definitive answer. In her YouTube video about the study, Susan Oliver, a nanomedicine scientist at the University of New South Wales, pointed out that conditions like rash, diarrhea, and arthritis, while defined as AESIs, dont typically require hospitalization. From daytime TV at-home cures to the widely publicized arguments about the vitamin D deficiency epidemic (or lack of) there seems to be no lack of debate about vitamin D. Regardless of if you believe vitamin D to be effective at preventing a certain disease (or ineffectiveness) we consistently see the same results: other more consistently effective methods (hygiene, screening, early isolation, mechanical prophylaxis, etc, etc) are all more recommended because of their effectiveness over a vitamin D supplement. Liam has just claimed that respiratory infections caused by viral infections are cured with UVB. Example: heterodon nassicus, or plains hog-nosed snake, lists a maximum UVI of 3.0. COVID-19 vaccination protects against infection with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), associated severe illness, and death ( 1, 2 ); among those who survive, previous SARS-CoV-2 infection also confers protection against severe outcomes in the event of reinfection ( 3, 4 ). Inevitably someone will say that none of what is quoted above was ever said, even though it is present across the internet, so I will include a screenshot of Dr. Frances Baines directly addressing misinformation by providing misinformation as quoted above. While the safety issues played an important role, they were also considered in the context of the risks posed by the disease, which arent static; risks can change over time like virus transmission or may differ depending on a countrys socioeconomic status. Dr. Campbell said it's great that so many Americans are vaccinated but not enough have been. Dr. Frances Baines. The 1976 swine flu vaccination campaign in the U.S. began after a flu outbreak at Fort Dix in New Jersey. (Published 17 December 2020) [2] John Campbell, 'Vitamin D deficiency in the U.K.', 17 December 2020 . Intussusception is a serious but treatable condition in which the intestine folds in on itself like a telescope, causing bowel obstruction. Another issue is the fact that COVID-19 hospitalizations could only be counted once, in the context of the relatively short duration studied, but AESIs were counted on a per-event basis. In the video, Campbell reached back into history to discuss how previous vaccine safety concerns were addressed, citing theadverse events associated with the 1976 swine flu vaccination campaign in the U.S. and the Rotashield vaccine as the cause of both vaccines withdrawal from the market. i really enjoyed the area i walked in along side this lake. Additional measures included shower-out procedures, one-way flow of food and bedding, changing of disposable gloves between groups or species, hand sanitizer disinfection of gloves between breed rotations in racks, and disinfection of all surfaces and instruments following use. In the summer it would be really good to take a boat and have a better exploring of the lake. will be back Most vaccines can be given during pregnancy. Opponents have their own experts that can weigh in equally with why they may not share the same view as Joes experts. Updated policies and statements hold little value unless they are strongly and consistently enforced, the report said. The audience creates a perfect storm of views and likes to create the desire for Dr. John Campbell to repeatedly dive into some rather odd theories. Excellent natural immunity confirmed. 02/22/23 11:05 AM EST, Article The rise of Robert Malone, the mRNA scientist turned vaccine skeptic who shot to fame on Joe Rogan's podcast. Video by John Campbell comparing historical and COVID-19 vaccines misleads on vaccine safety CLAIM A study showed that the number of serious adverse vaccine events associated with COVID-19 vaccines is "too high" VERDICT more about the rating framework SOURCE: John Campbell, YouTube, 31 Dec. 2022 DETAILS Tuusula, lying on the shores of Tuusulanjrvi lake, is located in the province of Southern Finland and is part of the Uusimaa region. Dr John R Campbell - Refugees and the Law: An ethnography of the British Asylum System. Update (3/29/21): Following the publication of this article, Instagram removed eight of the posts mentioned in the story for violating the platforms Community Standards. (It should be noted thatVAERSs database is not vetted, so its impossible to draw a causal relationship between vaccination and any of the conditions Hom lists in his post. When he was . The answer is UVB and vitamin D while the question is whatever they can hock much like your average proverbial snake oil salesman. This is literally a Dr. John Campbell video that was probably knocked off by Liam Sinclair to make a video for the Reptile Lighting Group that was then supported by Roman Muryn linking the same video. 02/21/23 1:31 PM EST, Vaccine misinformation still runs wild on Instagram, Fox News host claims the FBI is part of a plot to defeat Republicans in elections, Sean Hannity claims the FBI has put their thumb on the scale for Democrats in every major election since 2016, Fox News host says Democrats are euthanizing the homeless, CNN's Bakari Sellers: Dominion filings show Fox hosts get the leeway to say whatever they want to say whether or not it has veracity, Watch a First Amendment lawyer explain the very rare and very powerful evidence of actual malice by Fox News revealed in Dominion filing, Sean Hannity brags about refusing to tell his viewers to get the COVID vaccine, Laura Ingrahams anti-COVID vaccine campaign reaches a new low: Should it even be available to people at this point?, Meta has profited from over 200 ads using the anti-LGBTQ groomer slur, even though the platform claims it prohibits the term, In early March, a veterinarian named Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche penned an, On March 15, a chiropractor named Brad Campbell published a video titled DANGERS MNRA PART 3 in which he claimed some of his patients are experiencing potentially dangerous adverse side effects from vaccination. Dr. Frances Baines herself has proven vitamin D supplementation works equally as well as exposure to UV radiation for leopard geckos, however there is no research suggesting the same for bearded dragons. In these podcasts Joe was able to find qualified individuals with significant credentials however the information they shared was quickly questioned and found particularly lacking evidence. This is a very critical piece of information that you will see again later. [] So theres anecdotal evidence of improved recovery from respiratory infections after snakes have been given UVB, of course the provision of UVB normally coincides with a more elaborate environment and better ventilation. For the week of April 23, it said the rate of COVID-19 infections among boosted Americans was 119 cases per 100,000 people. Such individuals are extremely rare, andI suspect the handful of them that exist are already known because prominence is their primary objective,"said one virologist in Spokane, Washington. They live in enclosures isolated from each other. NICE has responded to these claims. A story about three elderly people who experienced a heart attack after getting the flu vaccine also emerged, further compounding the belief that there was something wrong with the vaccine. In a YouTube talk on Monday, Dr Campbell, a former A&E volunteer and nurse lecturer, said the data in the public domain suggests the vaccine could even have a "protective effect" against. In 2018 Purdue University details how d-CON moved to using the vitamin to cause toxicity in rodents. That was more than double the rate of infections in those who were . It must also be noted that Roman is suggesting that a lamp is equivalent to large value supplementation of vitamin D in humans. That trend dates back before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. As this is a private Facebook group not only is information censored and hidden but it is difficult to get access to past incidences. The study analyzed data on serious adverse events (SAEs) that occurred during Pfizer and Modernas Phase 3 clinical trials in adults. We want to make a fair evaluation of new information as it emerges. Because of our currently emerging topics in understanding what we are learning about the natural world, including reptiles, sometimes fringe theories get a little undeserved attention. Neither of these topics really have any tangential relationship to reptile lighting. It will also show why the comparison made by Campbell between the COVID-19 vaccines and historical vaccines is misleading, as it presents a one-sided view of the reasons behind the withdrawal of the swine flu vaccine and Rotashield vaccine. Facebook, Google and Twitter have put policies into place to prevent the spread of vaccine misinformation; yet to date, all have failed to satisfactorily enforce those policies, wrote CCDHs CEO, Imran Ahmed, in the report. We live in modern times where washing your hands is better than standing out in the sun. 4 days ago Covid natural immunity confirmed. Source: Our World in Data. Expert groups continue to recommend use of the drug during pregnancy when necessary and in consultation with a doctor. Oliver Berg / Oliver Berg/picture-alliance/dpa / AP Images. Its no secret that Facebook and Instagram, which it owns, are hotbeds for dangerous anti-vaccine and other medical misinformation. Watch on. In contrast, harms from vaccination usually show up within the first six weeks. Liam Sinclair, Reptiles and Research. The same story can be told with the Rotashield vaccine, which protects against severe rotavirus disease. To this day we still do not have guidance on the effective daily amount of vitamin D that should be taken to prevent viruses effectively because each study comes to the conclusion that vitamin D is a small piece of a complex puzzle. This is a circle, an echo chamber, and a disinformation loudspeaker. Dr John Campbell, a former A&E volunteer and nurse lecturer has celebrated news of another Covid-19 vaccine. Campbell contrasted the rate of adverse events for these two vaccines with the higher one cited for COVID-19 vaccines, expressing puzzlement over why the COVID-19 vaccines are officially promoted while the other two were withdrawn. Any of the supposedly evidence that may prove to be statistically significant will use supplementation for humans and certainly not lamps. The risk increased 3 to 7 times over the expected risk for this age group within two weeks after the second dose of RotaShield vaccine.. The vast majority of Covid-19 anti-vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories originated from just 12 people, a report by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) cited by the White House this week found. COVID-19 hospitalizations that occurred in the same period were used to measure vaccine benefits. "The spread of misinformation is, in my opinion, as severe of a problem as the infection itself. The current recommendations are: To date, effective strategies that have successfully prevented infection rates rising in a captive snake collection include quarantine of new or infected individuals and a separate caretaker, clothes, equipment, and separate ventilation for infected snakes. In the video, Dr. Campbell, who has a doctorate in nursing education but is not a physician, reads the abstract and says that if the findings are correct . This group promotes not only lighting videos but videos about disease (cryptosporidium) and even spiders. Dr. John Campbell has gone relatively unchecked with what he labels as firm or similar suggestive qualifiers that bolster ideas that may not be as strong as he seems to think. Now Campbell is putting up videos of anonymous people who claim to have had adverse effects from the vaccine. Vaxart (VXRT +8.1%) shares are up today -- the third day in a row -- as the company continues to benefit from a plan to test the reactivity of its COVID-19 oral . Once again, this is on the covid19 Mythbusters from the WHO. If my friend's unfounded suspicions were correct, 183 of them should have recommended against vaccination. There is a healthy amount of flippant makes sense qualifiers, much like the use of folklore by the group, to suggest that knowledge from outside of the group carries no merit. Dr. Kacey Ernst, a professor of epidemiology at theUniversity of Arizona'sCollege of Public Health, cited anAugust 12 American Academy of Pediatrics reportandsaid: "378 children have died and nearing 18,000 have been hospitalized with COVID-19. Recently UK Dr. John Campbell (who is pro-vaccine) spotlighted a recent study which showed that the Covid-19 vaccines can cause organ damage when injected into the bloodstream of mice [1] [2]. Dr. John Campbell. Pfizer Pushing Heart Drug To Vaccine Injured, Nato General, Bill Gates - Like Our Content? The risk was estimated at about 1 per 100,000 recipients. Dr. John Campbell . Bring this paper up for discussion in the group and you will be told they need UV for other reasons that often go unqualified (or worse, feature very odd model species). Oliver called this comparison one of apples and oranges. I deemed it important to find such people in all 50 states and in counties that leaned both left and right in case politics had tainted anyone's objectivity. So in truth its probably a combination of factors. PODCAST EXTRA - Dr John Campbell On Cure For COVID Hopes. Story at a glance. As mentioned earlier, these animals are dependent on UV light and difficult to supplement successfully. Last summer, the Center for Countering Digital Hate found that Instagram acted on only 10% of the posts researchers had flagged as containing coronavirus misinformation. Our reviews are crowdsourced directly from a community of scientists with relevant expertise. The fact-checkers all agree that in the study in question, those who got COVID-19 and those who didn't were equally likely to report mask wearing. His work has appeared in NPR, The Atlantic, National Geographic, The Washington Post and Smithsonian Magazine. Roman Muryn, Admin of Reptile Lighting. 4.15K. Campbell, who began uploading videos to his channel twelve years ago, wanted to harness the power of YouTube to make quality nursing education accessible. It covers an area of 225.45 square kilometres (87.05 sq mi) of which 5.95 km 2 (2.30 sq mi) is water. Dr. John Campbell is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing studies at the University of Cumbria. Group promotes not only lighting videos but videos about disease ( cryptosporidium ) and even spiders the pandemic! Gecko found itself featured in a study including Dr. Frances Baines will to... Not New at all is John Campbell and I am a retired nurse and. As recounted by modern reports in the same view as Joes experts the pandemic! Of infections in those who were Post and Smithsonian Magazine, and Dr. Frances Baines will rush to defend video. His classically eloquent analysis of the lake will be back Most vaccines can be told the... Exploring of the way clear smoking gun obvious disinformation facts from the who is! 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