final fantasy tactics treasure hunter guide

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final fantasy tactics treasure hunter guide

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So auto-attacking and healing your party every now and then will be more than enough to take them down. Now, take the path directly south and go down the stairs. 15 turdlop 3 yr. ago This is the answer I was looking for. An acquired taste enjoyed mainly by adults, these hefty loaves of leavened bread have long been eaten for the energy they impart. Make use of your saved MP and throw decently leveled spells. Thank you very much! Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions. I basically auto-attacked to win the battle against four, so winning against less should be even easier. Go west a bit and up the stairs to the north. Follow the linear path until the stairs, then head down. Interact with the four blue orbs surrounding the yellow one to receive stat boosts. Continue through the path to find a chest containing Defender. Their bullets could be used for different purposes, depending on the magick with which they were infused. The story of three sisters is documented within. From the chest, go all the way south past the split to find a chest with Blind Tome. One of the twelve legendary Zodiac Stones. White Dragon shows up as a normal encounter here. One of the twelve legendary Zodiac Stones. Go back to the previous two buildings and head north, then east to find a lone building. Heal up and quick-save before interacting with the wizard. Continue through the linear pathway and pass through the acid until reaching another chest. Now go west, then north, then up the stairs. When Ramza Beoulve arrives here, he finds it guarded by Construct 7. This particular stone bears the symbol of the Twins, and was acquired after defeating the marquis Elmdore de Limberry. From Mysidia, head north and then east all the way until reaching the end of the mountains. At the end of the path, head south and then enter the Pub. Does anyone have a download/link for FFT WOTL Tweak 2.01? This particular stone bears the symbol of the Crab, and was acquired after defeating Construct 7. Remove all Josef equipment as he'll be leaving the party soon. Don't go through the door yet, instead, go west to find a chest containing Flame Helm. Enter the house next to the pink dressed lady. thank you for this guide! Anyway, I auto-attacked until winning. A treat beloved by children since ancient times, the secret to making these bite-sized loaves of bread has all but been forgotten. Remember to not talk with the soldiers unless you want to die. Head up the stairs and open the chest for the Key Item: White Mask. The exceptions are two Artefacts that can neither be viewed nor accessed normally and can only be seen via a Gameshark, because they are obtained after passing the point of no return: the Leo and Virgo auracites. I'll put a reminder when we get there. Go back to the split and head east this time for another split. There, they have a 12%-96% chance to drop, depending on battle rating. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). (General x2) Diamond Armor. Our comprehensive guide provides a comprehensive breakdown of every character you can anticipate encountering in Theatrhythm Final [] Visit Semmit Falls and get into a random encounter against any weak and non-annoying enemy: Soldier, Sasquash, Goblin, etc. Now, head west and then north through another archway. This particular stone bears the symbol of the Scales, and was a valued heirloom of House Orlandeau. Now, head west (ignore the blue crystal as it does nothing for now). Now try to cross the bridge and you'll fall down to B4. Follow the linear path to find a chest and a boss at the end. Open it for Ice Shield. Go north, then all the way east to find a stairs and a chest. Here go north, then northeast to chest. The Weapons and Armor Shops now offers Mythril equipment. Legend holds it once slew a demon that had seized control of the mortal realm. Feel free to rest at Salamand if you need to. Cast barrier on all your party members with Minwu during the first turn and then spam spells on the boss is down. Located north of Zeltennia Castle, it is an abandoned temple off the beaten path. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Because you'll be looking for exits/treasure you need to extend battle and incapacitate enemies, so I recommend bringing beowulf to control the enemies so you can find what ya need. *Must complete Coal Mining Expedition first. Errands also commonly cost gil. Make sure to heal up and quick-save before opening it, though. Open it for Knife. Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions when to treasure hunt reww 11 years ago #1 Okay I just opened up the map so I can now move toward limberry. From the entrance, head south, all the way east, and all the way north for four chests. For anybody that's done everything except ultimate weapons and doesnt want to bother with trapezohedrons: Okay, so I keep seeing this advice over and over, but why shouldn't you buy one trapezohedron and then obtain more by turning it into three? I'll have to check out that guide as well. (Red Soul x5) Diamond Shield. There's no player leveling here. You'll reach a split, go north and upstairs. Here, take the northwest path first for a chest with Mythril Armor. Just west of Salamand (in and around the trees) you can fight Captain and Big Horn enemies. Speak to the pirate and buy a ticket back to Paloom. From the stairs, go north and cycle around the rock formation to find one chest with Mythril Gloves Go north to the split and head west to another split. From Ricard's location, head directly north past the table and open the chest for Power Armlet. There aren't many tips to give here. 450 Gil - 600 Gil - Hi-Potion - 750 Gil - Ether - 900 Gil, 600 Gil - 750 Gil - Conch Shell - 900 Gil - Betrayal Fang - 1200 Gil - Orichalcum. Head west and open the chest for a Cottage. Enter the far left room to reach your destination. You'll see another set of stairs just in front of you, go north and then west to find the last chest in the game. This particular stone bears the symbol of the Archer, and was entrusted to Meliadoul of the Knights Templar by the High Confessor. Since you'll discard him/her after getting your treasures, you don't have to raise brave back up. Open it for Protect Ring. Now go all the way south past the split and then all the way east to find the stairs leading up. Head down the stairs, then east past the waterfall (the bridge deals 1HP to all party members for each tick), then up another set of stairs. From the chest, head southwest and down the stairs, then west, then north to reach a warp pad. FINAL FANTASY II | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide. Defeated the emperor and restored peace to the world. Final Fantasy Tactics Character Card Books. This battle is pretty much the same thing as the one we had with the original Behemoth. **Must complete previous Count Minimas errands first. You'll be automatically returned to the Castle Fynn. Head back through the hidden passage and go all the way west. Go south through the passage and enter the room next to the mother. 2 Reply pvrhye 5 yr. ago Once you have airship access, make sure you have 2x Longswords. Don't enter Poft, instead, go north, then east, then south to your next destination. When you regain control, head south and examine the door to trigger another scene. For your other attacker (Guy in my case with mastered Sword level), just equip him with Masamune and Excalibur. Follow the linear path north, east, south, and east to find a chest. Don't open it yet. Go north from the entrance to find a chest containing Hourglass. Talk to Cid, the person with unique dress: Once done with the shopping, head to the northeast corner of the town. Buy the life spell for your healer if you have the funds. Just auto-attack until winning. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Head south following the pathway and open the chest on the eastern wall for an Elixir. Go all the way west to find a staircase leading down. 2250 Gil - 3000 Gil - Diamond Shield - Yoichi Bow - Hi-Potion - Sun Blade. This rare item finding guide will help you out tremendously 9 turbodadx 4 yr. ago Nice guide, thanks for the link 2 illithidbane 4 yr. ago Battle 42 at Mount Germinas has an Invisibility Cloak. The player cannot personally take part, and only generic human characters can be dispatched; storyline characters and monsters cannot be sent. Go north from here, then west past the split, then south before the. From the chest, head all the way east and go through the door. 1 group of 4 can almost take your from 15-16 in 1 encounter. Open the chest for Monsters! Absolutely brilliant, used the walkthrough to jog my memory at certain points and it was like playing with a friend. I'd generally agree that the only useful MoveFind/TreasureHunter items are in chapter 4. Don't auto-attack as that auto-focuses the enemy. Equip it on your highest sword attacker and travel to Salamand. Also feel free to remove any equipment from Leila as she will leave the party temporarily soon. From the entrance, go south and then open the chest containing a Garlic. Top left chest: Monsters (Wild Horn x2, Poison Toad x2) Gaia Drum. Start the fight and buff both of them INDIVIDUALLY with Berserk and Haste. Head back to the throne room and talk to Hilda: An scene will play upon leaving Castle Fynn. From the entrance, take the bridge all the way to the west, then go north, then east to a chest. This boss drains your life with each physical attack, so you have to be fast when killing it in order to not die in the process. I have a question in regards to the wording of this achievement, particular when it says you must have "HELD", at some point in time in your playthrough, every single weapon and accessory. Okay I just opened up the map so I can now move toward limberry. Heal up and quick-save, then open the chest for Monsters! Quick-save before attempting to open the chest; this is an extremely hard battle against Coeurls with can one hit your party members. Ninja's make best treasure hunters because of good move and jump. Equipped my physical attacker (Guy) with the Masamume on one hand and the Excalibur on the other, and the boss was down within five turns. Mercenaries fight for money or other recompense instead of fighting for ideological interests, whether they agree with or are against the existing government. Another nerfed fight from the original version (damn Square Enix, what are you doing?). This fight might be a bit longer than the previous due to the high HP of the boss. 750 Gil - 900 Gil - Hi-Potion - 1200 Gil - Ether - 1500 Gil - Elixir, 1200 Gil - 1500 Gil - 2250 Gil - 3000 Gil, 2250 Gil - 3000 Gil - 15000 Gil - Maiden's Kiss - Blizzard Tome - Hourglass, 1200 Gil - 1500 Gil - Poison Axe - Unicorn Horn - Stun Tome - Warp Tome, 2250 Gil - 3000 Gil - Spider Silk - Diamond Gloves - Diamond Helm - Dragon Armor - Rune Axe, 3000 Gil - 15000 Gil - Betrayal Fang - Healing Staff - Acid Phial - Diamond Helm - Gaia Drum, 15000 Gil - Elixir - Eye Drops - Phoenix Down - Cottage - Diamond Armor - Defender. Go east, then south, then east, then follow the north path to a chest with 500 Gil. Now make your way back to 4F or use the Warp spell. Backtrack to the intersection and go northeast for yet another chest containing Hi-Potion. When you look up trapezohedron triplicating it becomes quite clear you can gain 3 trapezohedrons from one by spending only 1.2m gil. Crafted of goldentite, it can also serve as a sturdy weapon in desperate times. Enter the Rebel Hideout and talk to Minwu, then head out. Enter the camp to add it to your visited locations for the. Go south and down the stairs to the next floor. Bravery and Faith are two stats that you'll find on every character and unit in Final Fantasy Tactics. Exit the room and make your way back to 6F: Go north, then east, then down the stairs. Follow the linear path all the way to the next set of stairs and go up. Now go south and follow the linear path up to the warp pad, but don't step on it yet. Then go east a bit, then north towards the snowfield. Save at almost every step you take, keep your team healed at all times, and remember that if you get into a battle against 3-4 Death Rider, you're probably dead. He'll join your party and give you the Key Item: Canoe. From the previous chest, head immediately south all the way to the bottom of the screen to find a chest with a Potion. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Message Email Quote. Not much to say, there can spawn between one and four Chimeras. After the cutscene, go to the throne room and talk to Gordon: Make your way to Paloom: Go across the north bridge and paddle east through the lake. Propositions that Give Gil Scriptures and Zodiac Stones Continue south and west to find another chest. No need to actually equip anything on anyone. Go east and through the linear passage to reach a chest containing Hi-Potion. Description Errands (, Mke Hanashinohanashi? The Adamantoise is basically invulnerable to physical attacks, so abuse your best spells such as blizzard and the battle will be done within a few rounds. Valve Corporation. Continue through the linear path until reaching four doors. Instead, farm battles around the area until getting the following bestiary entry: Once done, interact with the lake to get warped inside. Once ready, go north from the camp (paddle through the river) and enter Castle Fynn. 300 Gil - 450 Gil - 600 Gil - 750 Gil - Diamond Shield, 75 Gil - 150 Gil - 300 Gil - Mythril Mace - Mythril Helm, 75 Gil - Blind Tome - Sleep Tome - Blizzard Tome - Blink Tome - Hellfire - Warp Tome, Potion - 18 Gil - 37 Gil - 75 Gil - Longbow - Bronze Shield - Longsword, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Psychic, Spectral, Instant Death, Changeable, 75 Gil - Berserk Tome - Scourge Tome - Thunder Tome - Fire Tome - Stun Tome - Mage's Staff, 300 Gil - 450 Gil - 600 Gil - Giant's Helm - Giant's Gloves. is it over for me to get this achievement? From the stairs, head east and then all the way north. A place to discuss all things Final Fantasy Tactics! Experienced Warrior "Defeated 300 monsters." The same as above, but do it 300 times instead. A piece of considerable antiquity, it is highly sought after among collectors. Head south and open the chest for Spider Silk. Once at the top, follow the west path and go through the door. Final Fantasy I Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy Tactics Chrono . Backtrack to the split and head west for yet another chest with Scourge Tome. Now, go all the way east to find a chest. 18 Gil - 37 Gil - 75 Gil - Mace - Battle Axe - 150 Gil - 300 Gil. After opening all the chests, go east and then north to the previous floor. Go up. It is home to the most difficult enemies in the game, and the best treasure through the Treasure Hunter ability. Backtrack once again to the split and go to southeast. Number of people who agree: 1. The chance to get the rare item on a treasure tile is linked to your character's brave, but is an inverse relationship, meaning the lower it is, the better chance of obtaining the rare item. Now head all the way south, then east, up the stairs, then northeast until halfway the path. Instead, put something heavy on your. Head south, then southeast, then east to find a chest containing an Elixir. Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Head into the Rebel Hideout and enter the King's chambers to trigger a scene. However, these comments do not actually reflect the best-suited job for the errand. 10/10. With that, we are done with the chests for this dungeon. Backtrack to the split and head west, then southwest all the way to find yet another chest containing Flame Shield. @SirNinja you should add a summary listing the total number of catalysts of each type which are needed. Now head all the way south and follow the linear path to the next set of stairs. One chapter covers the travails of a certain gambler. From here, head directly west and go through the wall. Go back to the middle and head up the stairs. Spending the maximum time earns the maximum amount of treasure. Although only a replica, this sword is extremely sharp, and has served a goodly number of adventurers. Now continue east, then north, then west and open the chest for Ice Armor. Heal up and quicksave before interacting with the wizard. Now attack yourself until the enemy flees. I personally gave the Fire tome to Maria and the Cure to Firion. Go up the left one. If you followed this guide and Firion is your White Mage, equip him with a shield accompanied by a Blood Sword. It doesn't matter if he has a lot of attack power or not because the Blood Sword will deal percentage-based damage. Most importantly, there are four rare Treasure Hunter finds, one of which is. That's 600k/trapezohedron! (Also, hopefully you didn't get rid of too many Clay/Siltstone/Gaian Rings, otherwise Adamantoises are going to be a pain.). From the entrance, go all the way south, then all the way east, then north and follow the linear path to the stairs. Press J to jump to the feed. A parasitic shrub feeding on the bark of the World Tree. Head south and then east at the split to find a chest with a Battle Axe inside. After the battle, you'll be rewarded with Genji Gloves. Now go south and up the stairs. Rest at the Inn and purchase anything you need before leaving the town. Now head east, then north, then go through the door at the northeastern portion of the floor. Siena - 10 (Sage Robe) You get all Treasure Hunt only items, as . From the stairs, go north past the split, then east, then south down the stairs to find a chest. Head west, then north to find a chest containing Sage's Wisdom. Open ready, open the chest for Monsters! Only thing this gains is a decorative star in the Chronicle screen after attaining the top rank. Having said that, interact with the glowing engine and choose: He will come back later, but feel free to remove all the equipment if you wish. Head inside to find three chests: Ether, Elixir, and Cottage. With 2x Longswords, you'll be dealing insignificant damage to the Big Horns and can keep attacking them for many turns (they barely hurt you as well) until all 4 enemies die. Contents from left to right: Mythril Axe, Werebuster, Mythril Sword. From here, go north, then east, then north and through the door. Go up. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Once you're done with your purchases, head left to exit the town. This floor features lava that deals 1HP on contact for each tick. Head north through the bridge and step on the lake to use the Canoe. There is often a bonus of assorted items, such as a gil bag or ore, but usually these are just gil, though it can be an Artefact or a Wonder. Go south, a bit east, and through the second door. After winning the battle, you'll be rewarded with a Ribbon. Now head all the way east, then east at the split and follow the path until a door. Head all the way north and once you reach the final boss, heal up and quick-save. Go back to the split, then south, then west to find another chest with Antidote. Go back up the stairs and all the way west, then south, then west until hitting a wall, then south again. Go south from here to find the entrance of the next dungeon. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Use the map for the rest of the path. Give Ultima to your White Mage as it's based on Spirit not Intellect. Leave the Pub and speak to pirate to purchase a ticket to Paloom. Open each for: Stop Tome, Stun Tome, and Curse Tome. Final Fantasy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. A record of the errands your party members have undertaken. That was the chest we missed during our first run. Now go to the southeastern portion of the floor and take the stairs leading up. Follow the linear path and take the stairs up. Legendary Treasure Hunter - Collected treasure from 100% of the chests. Feel free to visit the Inn, purchase any gear/spells, or simply don't enter the town at all. Backtrack to the starting position and head north. Terrain image: Cesar. Don't open it yet. Once ready, open the chest for Monsters! *Must complete the previous Frontier Marathon Errands first. Now go back, south, and east to find the stairs leading down. Now make your way back to 4F or use the Warp spell. Interact with the Chocobo to ride him in the overworld. can you treasure hunt the same item more than once? Reward Money is earned for odd jobs. Now head to the western part of the room and go through the door. Once he leaves, go right to find a secret room with three chests. Password: Wild Rose 2 Obtained a ship from the pirate Leila. Go east at the split and then continue all the way north until hitting a wall. Equip them with shields since they only need to buff the entire fight. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with FINAL FANTASY XIII. 450 Gil - 600 Gil - 750 Gil - Wing Sword - Ice Shield, 15000 Gil - Diamond Cuirass - Protect Ring - Gold Hairpin - Sage's Wisdom - Ribbon, BESTIARY: COLISEUM - B2 (MONSTER-IN-A-BOX), Antidote - 300 Gil - Sleepgrass - 450 Gil - Eye Drops - 600 Gill - Potion - 750 Gil, 300 Gil - 450 Gil - Flame Bow - Golden Armor - Curse Tome - Toad Tome, 600 Gil - Aura Tome - Death Tome - Haste Tome - Toad Tome - Drain Tome - Gold Cuirass, 1500 Gil - 2250 Gil - Diamond Cuirass - Warp Tome - Drain Tome - Flare Tome - Osmose Tome, 1200 Gil - Bacchus's Wine - 1500 Gil - Ripper - 2250 Gil - 3000 Gil - Haste Tome. Does anyone know if there is any list with all items available through treasure hunter/move-find item? Open the chest for Monsters! Why do my characters get JP for jobs they never use? The boss will stick to physical attacks, so cast Shell, and it's resistant to magical attacks, so auto-attack until winning. Still, gold buys loyalty. Head a bit north and then southeast to find another set of stairs. Now head east and interact with the green door to open Hilda and Cid's cell. Continue north and step on the warp pad to get teleported back to the overworld. This spell is extremely important and you will be using it for the rest of the game. However, like all previous dragons, this one is also elemental. Helj - 26. Head all the way north, then west at the split, then south to find a chest with Monsters! One of the twelve legendary Zodiac Stones. Another annoying dungeon with many, many splits Be extra careful when fighting cockatrices as they can stone your party members with just physical attacks. Open the chest northeast of the stairs for Monsters! Now go all the way west for a chest with 300 Gil. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with FINAL FANTASY II. Go a bit south and then all the way west for more stairs leading down. Definitely easier to Treasure Hunt it. Head up. Approach the chest, heal up and quick-save, then once ready, open the chest for the arguably hardest battle in the game. Open it for Monsters! This battle is surprisingly easy at this point of the game, so I won't give any tips besides using Shell and maybe Protect on your team during the first turn, then do whatever you feel. Backtrack to the previous split north/south and head north this time. (Coeurl x5, Lamia Queen) Sun Blade. Head south, then west to the third archway, then north and through the third door. It is favored among the common people as bringer of good fortune. I think you got confused: Midlight 10 can be done as many times as you wish, and you can come back and get the items there by treasure hunt (none of which are in limited supply). Marquis Elmdore de Limberry continue east, then west to find a secret room with three chests:,! 1Hp on contact for each tick healing your party members have undertaken the answer i was looking.! Entrance, go all the way east to find a chest containing Defender this gains is a star... And you 'll discard him/her after getting your treasures, you 'll be rewarded with Ribbon... Also serve as a creator ( paddle through the door to trigger a scene all. Arguably hardest battle in the US and other countries here, he finds it guarded by Construct 7 by! South to your visited locations for the Key item: Canoe agree with or against... Reaching another chest with Scourge Tome Boards as a sturdy weapon in desperate times a wall be! 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