We occupy 3 floors of a building in Bangalore's Diamond. Innovation is the sacrifice really. It's because, saying that oh we're going to slow down things, it's almost against the philosophy of the industry. Either way, it makes engagement and collaboration difficult, because nobody empathises with an ideal. Right? It is the hardest thing to do to focus on what truly matters because what it does require is for you to sacrifice something. GoTo Financial's Head of HR, Renee Kida, combines her passions, strengths, and persistence in sailing towards unchartered waters. And so let's talk about these three things. It's got to be painful to say, and this is why I think we made all of our product and group heads kind of stand up even before they were sharing their objectives and key results. And it was, it wasn't like, oh, we have to grow this fast. "gojek is a pioneering technology company with an extensive ecosystem of 18 diverse services, backed by a strong group of strategic investors. Fantastic for short term but disastrous for long term. Right? But I do think that, you know, there comes a point where a little bit more, a deliberation and thoughtfulness is required. And then feeling that loss of control by just having things happen to them instead of them driving the change that they want to see in their work, is fundamentally different experience of working because then you're, you're really owning it, right. Inovasi, adanya keyakinan seleuruh insane gojek untuk bisa, can do attitude, berimprovisasi, mencoba sesuatu yang berbeda dan berpikir . thegeneralist.substack.com. Creating a verbal communication ritual, uh, sharing a problem and resisting sharing the solution until all parties have spoken in your team. And during those days in McKinsey, I believe that everything was about perfect alignment. We didn't just say, you know, build bridges, break walls and then not back it up by anything. It's a very small, it's very small nuance, but yet critical. Like if you just say, okay, everyone just has to work together and this is what it's going to look like. Ranked #11 on Fortunes top 50 companies that changed the world. Nadiem: like it creates these moats. So, you know, I love what you said about trade offs gotta hurt for it to be meaningful. Do you understand what the objective was? Just a little sad because, because it's like I used to deliver good results, but when realizing at a certain scale when a leader realizes, you just can't, you cannot compete with the collective creativity of your teams. And that's sort of the, the waterfall comes out. Because you know, when you're juggling, and I think we're all guilty of this, in many, many ways around thinking that hey, we can do it all as a company, as, as leadership. [1] Let's talk about that because if the payoff is not worth it, then why are we even doing this? Some of the mistakes are like people choosing, what they want to be the best, at what they're currently good at. And we're also much further from the problem. And here are some common mistakes that I've seen. Fully engaged employees are far more likely to be satisfied, motivated, and committed to their work and . This meta-analysis, which comprises 43 studies with a combined sample size of 6341 organizations, reveals that Quinn and Rohrbaugh's Competing Values Framework provides a meaningful structure for the ideational aspects of organizational culture. I just got a hint of how it's taking a step back and managing this process between very talented people could produce better results and a little part of musical sad. Once their solutions have come up, you can then bring your solutions to the table and then that's a free and open, transparent marketplace of ideas. Kevin: You have to almost not listen to input if you want it to kind of behave in the same fast execution, quick alignment mode. Their latest funding was raised on May 10, 2021 from a Corporate Round round. And I think that that part is, yeah, I agree with you that that is, that is probably one of the harder ones where you can actually, cause it's hard to see that, oh, this thing that, you know, I'm really fired up about it. Rather than being the guy or the girl who has all the ideas. Long term success takes a lot of sacrifice in the short term. Yeah. And to your point I thought was really interesting, this whole notion about this, it's all fair and good until you get, until you select the wrong thing to be the best at. Enter food delivery, ticket bookings, and more. I think that one especially, you know, coming from anyone, you know, listening who is coming from a leadership, I think it's very, very easy, um, without malice to kind of, um, think that, you know, top down either explicitly or implicitly is better. This is the hard part because a lot of people decided, some people may decide what they want to be the best at, is something they are deeply passionate about instead of what their end user is deeply passionate about. Phone Number +62 21 50251110. You could still be somebody who's driving, you know, something, uh, executing an idea as an individual contributor that you know, is also given a lot of leeway to, to kind of, you know, have ambitious goals. GoTo Group is the largest digital ecosystem in Indonesia, with a mission to "empower progress" by offering technology infrastructure and solutions that help everyone to access and thrive in the digital economy. Like I know that right now, for example, I think me personally, I have probably, I don't know, like 10 to 12, like pretty major things that I am either directly or indirectly responsible for like in a pretty intensive way, right? And so it's very easy to kind of, you know, create that alignment and people are excited. You can then bring your solution. And then we come to the third kind of strategic theme, which is be the best at what matters. There might be some misalignment and what teams are doing versus each other. And you also have to be a very effective collaborator to do that. Kevin: Yeah. Right. I think most smart modern people will agree that these are right things to do. Right. Bridges. The lower layer has to contribute to the middle layer. Welcome to Gojek's Bangalore office! Nadiem: And so the, the role of leadership there, and I think that there's a point to be made about when you're talking about building bridges and breaking walls, forcing that from a top down approach also is not very effective. Gojek Engaged Employer Overview 1.1K Reviews 48 Jobs 796 Salaries 301 Interviews 323 Benefits 16 Photos 545 Diversity + Add a Review Gojek Employee Reviews about "org structure" Updated Oct 28, 2021 Find Reviews Clear All Full-time, Part-time English Filter Found 15 of over 1K reviews Sort Popular Popular COVID-19 Related Highest Rating It's basically another word for our target setting and goal setting. Right? Nadiem: Like they want to be the best at recommendations. Yeah, just can't do everything. You only figure that out later, right. Build shared values. Yeah. I think, I think those two actually, you know are necessary for the other, right? Evaluate. Uh, what is obviously the, that, that, that ownership. And I think in large scale organizations think about themselves as a facilitator role within that and manage the process, set the ground rules, here's the rules of the game here are the parameters, here's the targets you've got to share, here's the budgets you got to share. GOJEK does ride hailing, food delivery, payments even on demand massages. And you're beat, you're there. Um, and it's easy when there's like three people in a room trying to decide something, but then when you're like, okay, I need to talk to three people in the room who have literally hundreds of people by extension reporting into them wanting that very kind of like super quick decision making after one discussion and wanting something to actually kind of happen out of that discussion, immediately per that discussion. Nadiem: Same exact thing. Kevin: Correct. We know you've seen our office in Jakarta, but you haven't seen our office in Bangalore, right? All the time. Where do you draw the balance of this bottom up? And I've read multiple articles about how, um, you know, they've crack through AI, that YouTube recommendation engine and you know, as users, this is now a huge advantage. This is a highly collaborative work environment where every individual is valued and communication is a top priority. I think one is, um, people then, um, don't think they don't think, because like, oh, my boss told me to do it right. I feel exactly the same. The second theme is really about "bottom up innovation" and how to institutionalize that within the organization as opposed to top down method. To succeed and participate in the digital economy effectively, businesses need to change their mindset, by focusing on organizational and operational change, and building a data-driven culture, he said. Culture as organizational personality Telkomsel and Telkomsel are the most recent investors. Right. Trust A great way to understand an organization is to ask, "Why should someone work there?" For me, it's the people. And the first one, organizational investments. Nadiem: How many times have you heard either a consultant or someone say, oh, we're breaking down silos? Well, what for you, it's when, you know, you're trying to, when you're trying to raise something, right? This has been a contentious kind of battle. Right. Gojek has raised a total of $5.3B in funding over 13 rounds. Gojek is funded by 34 investors. Uh, we should, uh, get, uh, teams to align with each other. Social Impact Transform lives, inspire change. Nadiem: They will first check or let me consult this person first or, that has something to do there. And I think for most bosses it's easy to fall into that trap as well. Improves Employee Engagement . And this, whether or not this is a bad decision whether or not I have information that actually might make this a better decision is irrelevant. It was, you never really kind of, you felt often times like you weren't listened to, right. And what's bad about that is then, uh, information, uh, that is necessary for better decision making. Um, got everything done on time and really over, uh, over achieved on, on the targets, um, and was constantly being yes, man throughout that whole process. For a product designer, Gojek is a great place to be. And you would imagine, probably if you have less ideas that probably you'd be happier. But you know, I think you're right. Mario Gabriele. And therein lies the scientific and very rational approach is extremely important. And I think what often times isn't really being discussed, uh, at least at the same kind of pace or at the same kind of breadth or depth is really the how I think people, uh, media rarely talk about the how they just talk about the what. Right. For us at Nadiem: They don't count. That's a short term. Together with their recreational facilities as work out gyms, assorted video games, ping pong etc. And who can drive things forward at all leadership levels, whether it's team leader, product leader, department leader, you name it. We are here to bring #impactatscale through technology | Gojek is Southeast Asia's leading on-demand platform and a pioneer of the multi-service ecosystem model, providing access to a wide range of services including transportation, food delivery, logistics and more. That's a bottom up leader. And I think that's very important to him to codify it. Saransri Prawatpattanakul Head of PR at GET Here, I am able to prioritize my schedule the way I like. It is the only company in southeast asia that is included in fortune 's 50 companies that changed the world in 2017 and 2019, ranked at 17 and 11, respectively. But you know, I think if you asked like, oh, we should foster an environment where everyone in the team contributes, right? I was just labeled a dreamer all the time. As a pioneer, Go-Jek has to gain consumer . There's people who are not confident enough in their capabilities and yeah, sure, they would like to be told what to do. Every CEO needs a trusted advisor with whom they can discuss their business and thoughts to enhance performance and reduce stress . We told them to first tell us the first part of their presentation is tell us what you're sacrificing. It's like the favorite catch word. But without that requirement to share the key results, then you'll never get credit for it. And I think that that was that's been a big transition point for me to actually force myself to move there. And everyone will agree that it is the right thing to have teams collaborate. So this theme is about focus. Pamela Chan. Orders explode from 3,000 to 100,000 a day. Building shared valuesand living those valuesis the bedrock of good corporate culture. So I think that would be my one. But you are managing those people who are better than you. Kevin: Yeah. In a hyper-growth organization like GO-JEK, technology plays a vital role. But that enabled this OKR setting process to be much more bottom up. Nadiem: And all these hows. So you could see immediately when you had to share targets together and you have to share budget together, powerful stuff happens. Uh, you find out, you know, people who you are putting in longer hours and let's say that, you know, we should promote necessarily longer hours, but people who, without being asked are putting in the additional hours. I know it seems kind of like, I dunno, uh, almost administrative in a way, but I think those details of like, oh, this is infused in the way we do performance management. This is one thing that I think all companies, including ourselves are consistently terrible at consistently. Like, like everyone will agree that yes, absolutely we should do that. And thats the essence of working in a a dynamic engineering org like GO-JEK. But in the bigger scheme of things, it's not what truly matters to their end user. Or like hit a reliability rate of X percent. PAPER GOJEK.pdf - ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY Go-Jek in Indonesia: Seizing Digital Opportunities at the Bottom of the . Yeah. Yeah. And I think the ownership comes because it's your idea, right? 1. Review the different organizational structures most commonly used. When people feel comfortable in a space, when they . An organization's core values describe how group members should treat one another, how employees can expect to be treated, and what central values everyone at the company shares. Who says change needs to be hard? But what, what about ownership makes sustainably successful teams? Yeah. We've run out of time, but you know, we could go on for hours about. If we're just going to tell them what to do. I experienced that not only throughout my childhood and I got into trouble in high school a few times by being too argumentative with some of my ideas to my teachers, but I feel like, in the beginning stages of my professional life, I was also so many ideas came to my mind that everyone just kind of dismissed because I had no track record or anything like that. That should be like a fundamental kind of mechanism that happens. Right? But it's how far are you willing to go to kind of make that happen? Um, and I actually think that, um, it's not just realizing it late and it's not just that I think it doesn't happen frequently enough. Nadiem: I think that's what, that's the theme that we wanted to talk today. Nadiem: With the context of being a bottom up facilitating leader, right? Kevin: I think it requires actually, strangely enough, it does require a certain level of, you know, dispassionate, dispassionate-ness? We like to talk about things we like and talk about things we don't like. And you know, let's, let's focus on, you know, other things. Like when you were at these places where you work and you just weren't listened to right. Implement. Instead going, look, I've noticed that we have an acute allocation, we have an acute supply problem in this specific geography, can you please take a look at it and come up with some solutions on what you think we should do here? Nadiem: Do you think there's a correlation to, you know, the level of quality of talent and how demotivated they get with top down management? It was like, okay, that sounds cool. GOJEK achieves robust growth and expands at scale and speed across Southeast Asia with a data-powered business strategy. Nadiem: Yeah, we can go on for hours about this. Sebagai We're all about that. And so I think for the listeners here, this is about, you know, especially for people who are starting out, um, their own companies or are starting a tech division within their company, etc. Strong Communication and teamwork trans-sectored is wanted in the Corporate Culture at Google. I think this was an interesting one because intuitively of course, do you agree like, Oh yeah, of course we should foster collaboration of course. It's hard and, it's hard in any kind of fast paced industry, right? Nadiem: It's not how quickly they get it done. I also think, you know, if you were an engineer, a single individual contributor, engineer, uh, trying to crack, you know, a very hard problem, uh, when, you know, if somebody gives you, hey, this is the strategy for our group, this is a strategy for our team. You don't say, oh, that's not my problem. And finally when we're talking about what exactly they're doing, being the best at what matters means. It's just a different way of seeing that red flag. Yeah, right. A lot of painful activities that don't deliver fruits that are obvious are more painful than beneficial in the short run. First, is actually coming up with problems instead of solutions. Kevin: Yeah, totally. For us, it is about distributing ownership to everyone in the team. Like the end, Oh, you had all these ideas. Right? Were dedicated to creating (and scaling) positive socio- economic impact for our ecosystem of users. But these apps that connect drivers to passengers are creating competition for established. And I think in a way I think we're almost, we have a bias towards finding smart, creative, driven people. Because the whole point about having a sustainable long term business is having a critical mass of people who can lead. I'm thinking what's next? This ownership gives everyone responsibility to put their best and gives meaning to daily work. Understanding and interpreting organizational culture is important, as it affects organizational development, productivity, and learning at all levels. I mean, we, we, I mean the last, what, four years, uh, we just kind of held on, right? Like what's urgent, what is high leverage? I think in many ways we have to sacrifice the concept of overly, number one, overly rewarding teams for their achievements of their own team only instead of the bigger group or the bigger company for that reason. Organizational culture is the rules, values, beliefs, and philosophy that dictates team members' behavior in a company. But if you anchor your solution first and they're constantly going to be having to beat your solution and have the confidence and they have to have the confidence to actually try to beat your solution, which is a huge mental hurdle given that you're their boss when they actually did have a solution, but they are like, if I see this now, you know, am I going to make him feel like his solution isn't the best? I can't, I can't tell you how many times. Yeah, exactly. Kevin: That's right. Right. And its not just me, most of us at GO-JEK will have a similar answer. There are a lot of myths out there that we want to dispell. GoFood rated #1 user-friendly app during the pandemic. Among Indonesias Top 10 Powerful Brands at Brand Asia awards. Right? And I think the good sign of a bottom up leader is one that is secure in knowing that their job is to provide the platform and distill from their team, you know, the best ideas. Right? And that's okay. So it's more so the top downside almost feels more like coordination rather than like command and control. And, and because you also understand the decision making that goes into, into that, um, you are also much better at problem solving, right? That makes them feel more safe. We do our utmost to get this right. The culture consists of an established framework that guides workplace behavior. Nadiem: That's right. Which is around building these bridges. Kevin: Yup. Kevin: Right. Right? Um, and I think when you kind of, we grew so quickly and all these people came on and like, we had to have more organizational structure and more layers. Parameters - Brand loyalty, media engagement, and CSR. So then, uh, people become less engaged because they're just, they're just there to do, to follow orders. Google is home to countless communities of unique people. Phng Tun c (5th from right) speaks about Gojek's data culture during a panel discussion at the 2022 HCM City Economic Forum. And I think more importantly, why did you think that this was, this is something that is actually different than just kind of just saying like, hey guys, collaborating. Right. Because to me that implies that either A the team's that team's ideas are being suppressed. So you have to have targets at the top and everything has to be MC, the middle layer has to contribute to the top layer. Nadiem: How are you? There are a trove of new projects both teams are cooking up. Examples include integrity, teamwork, transparency, and accountability. In this article, we'll explore what organizational culture is, how . It's also because they are inherently hard decisions and, and um, it'll never, these things will never seem kind of urgent to implement. So we move faster, right? I think actually these two parts or these two themes actually almost go hand in hand in that sense. Right. Right. Um, so when, when did that, when did that change and why did we decide to shift to even be more radically bottom up in the organization? We need to tap into the collective creativity and power of our teams. Every piece of code we ship and our efforts to make sure our customers have a better experience. You say, yeah, that's, you know, I'm going to solve it. They just had a way or a means to communicate through bottom up. I think, um, there's almost a cost to it actually. Nadiem: Yeah, I get it. From my personal experience, a lot of companies talk about being people first, but most dont practice the mindset of what it takes to be truly people first. All structured data from the main, Property, Lexeme, and EntitySchema namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; text in the other namespaces is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.By using this site, you agree to the Terms of . Kevin: And in a company that's rapidly growing, shit is always hitting the fan. It was good. My name is Nadiem Makarim, CEO and founder of GOJEK Southeast Asia's first Super App. Kevin: Well, I think it's, uh, people don't even see it as a short term, right? And what we did in 2019 is that we reduced it to seven basically. Bringing them together, bringing out the best in them, and enriching your company culture in the process. And it doesn't have to be me who's like more on the end of the entrepreneurial scale. Which used to be our criteria back in the day. Right. Gojek becomes Indonesias first unicorn. Move Accounting W. Move Sales A. And you instantly saw the energy in the room whereby it wasn't just leader saying, oh, I like that. But what do you think is then the ideal leader? I think the habit of just like, hey, like, let's do this. Oh, I love this feature. Even if you're not leading a team, you need to have thought leadership. * A strong organizational culture reflects employee values and helps enterprise companies thrive. PT Gojek Indonesia (stylized in all lower case and stylized j as goek, formerly styled as GO-JEK) is an Indonesian on-demand multi-service platform and digital payment technology group based in Jakarta.Gojek was first established in Indonesia in 2009 as a call center to connect consumers to courier delivery and two-wheeled ride-hailing services. Move CTO S. Move Business Intelligence I. Nadiem: yeah, when, when things are bad, you have to, yeah. and the free food and food corners, Google encourage the "Googlers" to communicate extensively within the organization. Nadiem: Yeah. WeWork Calle 26 # 92-32 in Bogota, Colombia. Gojek | 832.890 pengikut di LinkedIn. There are very, very many good benevolent dictators in tech companies out there, right? It also depends on what department, what function, what rate of urgency there is. We actually forced groups to share their key results. Kevin: And so you see like the, that payoff, right? We just did. Share. I think, I think one very easy one. Intro: Welcome to GO FIGURE. A bottom up innovation approach actually favors people potential to become leaders as opposed to people's just potential as an individual contributor. That's something that people consistently come up against. Corporate culture is often referred to as "the character of an organization," representing the collective behavior of people using common corporate vision, goals, shared values, attitudes, habits, working language, systems, and symbols. Not only did we do that, we also created a minimum requirement of budgetary spend between product groups to I think very, very radical requirements that in some ways jumpstart or force or jumpstart the collaborative effort of the organization. And then it's like a cascading process. Org Chart GoJek - The Official Board Board N-1 N-2 CEO Kevin Aluwi Move CFO Thomas Husted Move Finance, Accounting & Tax J. Right. There was less of uncertainty in terms of what people should be doing, right? So that very act of just delaying. I think results in, you know, if you want that pace to happen results and just saying, telling people at some point just do it. Gojek, a local company that has been operating since 2011, has an average of 200 new drivers per month. You can't just, you can't just throw it out there. And I think that kind of like ties us all together. You just like, fuck, I've just spent like an hour and a half on my life just like in a YouTube hole. Outro: Hey guys, hope you enjoy the podcast. Nadiem: but that's the difference, right? The CEO of Gojek shares his lessons of creating a principled culture, managing organizational debt, and building true moats. I think there's also oftentimes that question from, from a lot of folks who then, you know, or might be resistant towards this idea, it inherently kind of challenges, um, maybe, you know, traditional notions of what somebody in a leadership position should be doing. But at the end of the day, you have to be a leader or somehow. Nadiem: Thanks a lot Kev, until next time. Understand that a functional structure organizes workers by the job performed, a divisional structure is organized by product. This thing that I've been doing for a while actually doesn't really matter. And I think it's easy to kind of get into that, uh, into that mode and yeah. The content in this post has been approved by Gojek.. Bertahun-tahun mereka mengedepankan lingkungan bekerja yang seru . How would you approach like, your kind of parenting style with respect to this, right. Right. Uh, rather than thinking about, you know, building an enduring company or in doing business. Decoupling what truly matters to the user to what you're so fired up about. So a lot of companies and organizations try to tell their teams you must collaborate more, but they don't create the goal setting incentive with which to achieve that. Nadiem: Well did I think, I think we've covered a lot of ground here. And the leader immediately says, yeah, yeah, yeah, we can do that. It's rare, that magical moment when the work, the people, the benefits, and the energy all align. Nadiem: Right. So it's when the shit hits the fan, that actually this concept of ownership and bottom up innovation shine, right. You're helping with this, you're responsible for that. It's gonna be what where we are going to do or be our best at. If you just kind of have to really view things from you know, a problem or customer or user first. Gojek adalah grup teknologi terkemuka di Asia Tenggara, dan pelopor aplikasi super terintegrasi dan model ekosistem. Right? An organizational structure is a visual representation of what employees do, who they report to, and how business decisions are made. Right. As a tech startup in Indonesia, there are a lot of challenges that Go-Jek has to face regarding the culture and competition in this on-demand service industry. But, um, when you just kind of see that that is the, that as the ultimate objective, the be all end all, um, it becomes easy then, you know, when you're building a company to just optimize for those things and what are the things that get you those things immediately? You enjoy the podcast hours about think for most bosses it 's, let 's about... Terkemuka di Asia Tenggara, dan pelopor aplikasi Super terintegrasi dan model ekosistem without! Us at nadiem: yeah, that has been operating since 2011, has an of! I. nadiem: how many times have you heard either a consultant or someone say, okay, that that... 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