Significant work needs to be done to address this practice in South Sudan, and the U.S. government will continue to urge the government to take additional steps to prevent the unlawful recruitment or use of child soldiers. Victims and survivors faced obstacles accessing assistance and support as lockdowns, social distancing protocols, and a lack of resources caused service providers to close shelters and reduce services. Michelle Cooper Bloom The request describes the annual reporting requirements for human trafficking and child soldiering for the report, which includes a detailed questionnaire where host governments can provide input. Self-disclosing ones trafficking experience also became riskier, especially for victims quarantined with their trafficker, given reduced opportunities for movement and the risk of COVID-19 infection posed by fleeing into the community. 7103 (d) (7) ). Anisha Choubey When false or misleading rumors about human trafficking quickly spread online and through social media, concerned individuals may want to take action because they genuinely believe the information. 11. Mary C. Ellison This is an issue. The spokesperson did not identify specific individuals to be investigated. The United States government urges the GOI to continue its ongoing attempts to assert command and control over all elements of the PMF. We salute the survivor leadersthose with lived experience of human traffickingwho have demonstrated resilience and reaffirm that employing trauma- and survivor-informed approaches is essential, crisis or not. See PDF version.]. A trauma-informed approach should ultimately build trust and transparency between survivors and service providers, and it must also be responsive to gender, age, ethnic, and cultural differences. Julie Hicks The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as amended (TVPA), defines severe forms of trafficking in persons as: A victim need not be physically transported from one location to another for the crime to fall within this definition. Congo, Republic of the Likewise, Sewing New Futures, a nonprofit social enterprise that employs women and girls who have survived sex trafficking in northern India, expanded their product line to include cloth face masks. Comments "Celian Group to host Gospel Festival" . Page 2: Katie Orlinsyky Within a month, a man hired her as a bilingual attendant at his store in the capital city of Georgetown. The FATF Recommendations also encourage jurisdictions to undertake proactive parallel financial investigations, including by collaborating with public and private financial institutions, as a standard practice when investigating and prosecuting human trafficking crimes, with a view to tracing, freezing, and confiscating proceeds acquired through this crime. We invite other governments and global partners to join in this effort and hold each other accountable. Veronica Jablonski For foreign national trafficking victims, closed borders meant repatriation remained a key challenge, resulting in service providers supporting victims for longer periods with dwindling resources. Germany Libya The integration of survivor leadership and trauma-informed practices requires inclusive interactions with survivors of all forms of human trafficking with a diversity of perspectives, such as gender, national origin, race, and sexuality. The illicit financial activity that human trafficking generates includes, but is not limited to: payments associated with the transport of victims and other logistics such as hotels or plane tickets; collection of proceeds generated by the exploitation of trafficking victims and by the sale of goods produced through their exploitation; movement of proceeds; and bribery and corrupt dealings to facilitate human trafficking. Page 53: Picture Alliance 1. Trained customer-facing staff can recognize, document, and report behavioral indicators of human trafficking. South Sudan is party to the OPAC, and in 2019, armed groups released an additional 259 child soldiers, and established a process for identifying others to UNICEF through the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) commission, established under the R-ARCSS. Some governments and organizations conducted in-depth assessments to identify the changing trends. Still, the specific and long-term needs of survivors of familial trafficking can be met in a variety of ways. In 2021, the Attorney General's Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit initiated 25 cases, arrested 9 individuals, investigated and prosecuted 51 defendants, and rescued and assisted 107 victims. While technology allowed the anti-trafficking community to navigate more easily the myriad challenges caused by the pandemic, its expanded use highlighted the importance of ensuring victims access to technology and online services, as well as their safety and privacy when using technology to receive victim assistance. In February 2021, Bemaka-Soui spearheaded and oversaw the launch of the governments first radio campaign to raise awareness about human trafficking in the local language of Sango, thereby allowing the government to reach key communities. One of the most effective ways to identify broader criminal networks and take the profit out of this crime is to follow the financial trail human traffickers leave behind. The 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report marked the first time the U.S. Department of State applied this new provision, finding 12 governments had a policy or pattern of trafficking, including: Afghanistan, Belarus, Burma, China, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Russia, South Sudan, Syria, and Turkmenistan. Pursuant to section 404 of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 (CSPA) (22 U.S.C. To maintain a Tier 1 ranking, governments need to demonstrate appreciable progress each year in combating trafficking. 2021 Trinidad and Tobago Newsday. In November 2019, the government used official media platforms to amplify calls by Yemeni human rights activists at the UN Human Rights Council for the Houthis to end child recruitment and use, and radicalization to violence. Sex trafficking encompasses the range of activities involved when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion to compel another person to engage in a commercial sex act or causes a child to engage in a commercial sex act. The owner locked the 12-year-old in a dirty room with several other children and forced them to make bangles for 15 hours a day, using lacquer melted over dangerous burning coal and making only US $0.70 a week. The basic meaning of these forms of human trafficking and some unique characteristics of each are set forth below, followed by several key principles and concepts that relate to all forms of human trafficking. Perpetua Anaele Eventually, their employer was arrested and convicted of human trafficking. She and her team have developed anti-trafficking monitoring cells throughout the countrys capital composed of community members, whom SIFOS has trained and empowered to identify human trafficking within vulnerable populations, and to safely report suspected cases to authorities. Additionally, COVID-19 mitigation efforts, such as stay-at-home orders and travel limitations, increased rates of gender-based violence and substance abuse, both of which put individuals at a higher risk of human traffickers exploiting them. To support survivors in rebuilding their lives and preventing further exploitation, the financial sector can offer account qualification exception programs and low-to-no fee second chance accounts. This must include coming to terms with our role in having perpetuated violence and dehumanized people, and we must work to right these past wrongs. Sinking demand also led major global retailers to cancel orders and, in many cases, refuse to pay for products their supplier factories had already produced. Kelsey Brennan Kendra L. Kreider Security assistance subject to the CSPA restriction that is currently provided to Nigeria includes IMET, Foreign Military Financing (FMF), PKO, Excess Defense Articles (EDA) and Department of Defense support provided pursuant to 10 U.S.C. The courageous voices of survivors, their family members abroad, researchers, and international advocacy groups have thoroughly documented the PRCs discriminatory use of surveillance technologies and trumped-up administrative and criminal charges to abduct and detain more than one million Muslims, including Uyghurs, ethnic Hui, ethnic Kazakhs, ethnic Kyrgyz, ethnic Tajiks, and ethnic Uzbeks, in as many as 1,200 state-run internment camps throughout Xinjiang. The U.S. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) reported a 98.66 percent increase in online enticement reports between January and September 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, and reports to their CyberTipline doubled to 1.6 million. We should also consider the lessons learned over the course of this global health crisis. Although some children may legally engage in certain forms of work, forcing or coercing children to work remains illegal. 333, to the extent that the CSPA would restrict such assistance or support. Through her early work, Sagbo Sasse frequently interacted and established a deep connection with children who had survived human trafficking, many who were coming from Benin, her country of origin. Niger By Mark P. Lagon and. Maura K. McManus Additional assistance will be obligated during FY 2021. International Military Education and Training $540,950 Trauma-informed practices build upon understanding the impact of trauma not only on individuals seeking services but also on all staff members and consultants working within an organization. St. Vincent and the Grenadines Technology also can play a critical role in combating these crimes, increase law enforcements ability to identify victims and perpetrators, and help deliver financial assistance and other victim support services to victims as they work to rebuild their lives. Likewise, in a sex trafficking case, an adult victims initial willingness to engage in commercial sex acts is not relevant where a perpetrator subsequently uses coercion to exploit the victim and cause them to continue engaging in the same acts. States can take additional measures to address the vulnerabilities to human trafficking created by the kafala system, such as those described below. The human trafficking of Iranian women and girls has become one of the country's main social crises. Patrice Roberts brings Caribbean vibe at NBA game. He pointed out that prosecuting illegal activity was not under the remit of the government. Serbia Pakistan The anti-trafficking community pivoted to address new circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrated resilience, and produced advanced solutions that could be beneficial even after the pandemic, but many challenges still exist and continue to emerge. Turkey PRC officials then defended the facilities as necessary measures to counter terrorism, while also claiming that many of them had already been closed. In addition to reforming the kafala system, governments should also consider ratifying the ILO Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. Pennsylvania State Universitys Center for Global Worker Rights and the Worker Rights Consortium reported that this resulted in shutdowns of thousands of factories in producing countries that sent home millions of factory workers, often without legally mandated pay. Allocating resources to debunk myths and misinformation about human trafficking takes time away from critical services including responding to survivors seeking help. The United States TVPA and the UN TIP Protocol contain similar definitions of human trafficking. Doing so allowed the organization to continue connecting with potential trafficking victims, now hidden in private apartments and clandestine areas instead of clubs and brothels, which had been ordered to close due to the lockdown along with all other public spaces. 4. IOM conducted rapid assessments in various countries to address the multiple effects of the pandemic on populations vulnerable to trafficking, such as the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on labor migration in the Pacific Region. Marshall Islands Similarly, a study by the Government of the Philippines also found many overseas Filipino workers were stranded with their savings exhausted during 2020. Authorities have detected the use of third-party payment processors (TPPPs) by traffickers and their facilitators to wire funds, which gives the appearance that the TPPP is the originator or beneficiary of the wire transfer and conceals the true originator or beneficiary. Inside Back Cover: Panos Pictures/Abbie Trayler- Smith. Panama Iran Joshua Youle Led by Khassanova, Sana Sezim has worked tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to keep its shelter open for trafficking victims and to raise awareness about safe migration and human trafficking. Many of us loathe the churches that allowed us to be abused with their hatred of us from the pulpit. Effective risk mitigation and management plans should responsibly incorporate survivor-informed, trauma-informed, and victim-centered approaches to meet the needs of survivors and minimize the chances of re-traumatization during crises. 4. Access to information and translation services for trafficking victims was also a challenge, as victim support networks reduced services to a minimum. Child-friendly spaces are an essential component to holistic victim-centered and trauma-informed care for child survivors of human trafficking. For the knowing commission of any act of sex trafficking involving force, fraud, coercion, or in which the victim of sex trafficking is a child incapable of giving meaningful consent, or of trafficking which includes rape or kidnapping or which causes a death, the government of the country should prescribe punishment commensurate with that for grave crimes, such as forcible sexual assault. Maurice W. Johnson Whether the government of the country has made serious and sustained efforts to reduce the demand for . The UN and the CJTF, with the support of the government, have since identified and formally separated over 1,700 children, including 894 in May 2019. In contrast, when Black and Brown bodies go missing you dont hear about their disappearance anywhere near as often, if at all., Autumn Burris, Unlike during the years under former President Kabila, senior Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC) leadership now welcomes increased military cooperation with the United States. The introduction also illustrates collaborative ways to reimagine anti-trafficking efforts with an emphasis on preparedness to prevent compounding effects of future crises on trafficking victims and vulnerable individuals, as well as efforts to combat the most recent emerging human trafficking trends. Some military personnel are participating in training programs on childrens rights. We need to be told this isnt normal and that we are experiencing victimization. MacKenzie Bills We have seen, for instance, how deeply held racial biases and stereotypes inappropriately influence outcomes for those in our criminal justice system as they lead to racially disparate assumptions about who is identified as a trafficker and who is identified as a victim. Two police officers were charged in December 2021 under the TIP Act, the Children Act and the Anti-Gang act for their role in the illegal entry of a Venezuelan migrant who was later proved to be a victim of human trafficking. This prompted the Department of State to leave TT on the tier 2 watch list for a second year. India In his response Dr Rowley said TT continued to actively work with the US to improve the rating, but one of the bigger issues affecting the rating was the lack of convictions under human-trafficking laws. The Secretary of State identified the following countries as having governmental armed forces, police, or other security forces or government-supported armed groups that recruited or used child soldiers within the meaning of section 404(a) of the CSPA during the reporting period of April 1, 2019 March 31, 2020: Afghanistan, Burma, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. It is in the U.S. national interest to support efforts to bring about a negotiated political settlement led by the United Nations Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen. According to UNODC, migrant workers whose plans were disrupted by COVID-19 travel restrictions, either to travel home or to the workplace, were likely to have already paid recruitment fees or travel costs, placing them at risk of debt bondage. Aggregate data fluctuates from one year to the next due to the hidden nature of trafficking crimes, dynamic global events, shifts in government efforts, and a lack of uniformity in national reporting structures. In other cases, the default method of conducting interviews virtually may not have been optimal for victims, who have reported feeling more comfortable developing a relationship with investigators before sharing their experience. Page 13: Smita Sharma This waiver will allow assistance that directly contributes to efforts to advance the UN-led political process. MANILA - President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday admitted that he was upset upon learning that many government officials were involved in the illegal drug trade.. Never ask survivors in leadership, or in any other role, to share their story and never share their story for them. The United States continues to work with the FGS, including through the CPU, and the UN to monitor progress on the 2012 action plan and urge additional actions to prevent the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers and to demobilize, rehabilitate, and reintegrate children identified in the SNA or associated groups, or children previously associated with al-Shabaab. Other collaborative efforts have provided anti-trafficking stakeholders, including service providers, investigators, prosecutors, and first responders, with the tools, equipment, and guidance to protect themselves against and screen for the virus, which is essential to ensuring the health and safety of victims, survivors, and vulnerable populations. NATO Policy on Combatting Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (2019), NATO Guidance for the development of training and educational programmes to support the policy on combating the trafficking in human beings (2004). Governments can enhance efforts to reduce disparities that widened during the pandemicwhich also contributed to trafficking risks and emboldened traffickersby formulating policies and programs that meet the needs of underserved communities. Bulgaria It was clear that COVID-19 exacerbated the vulnerabilities of millions of individuals and adversely affected efforts to combat human trafficking, but little concrete information existed to confirm the trends, understand the impacts, and shape the anti-trafficking response. Olivia Hasegawa Shelly Westebbe In 2015, the U.S. Ecuador Significant additional work remains to eradicate this practice across Yemen. Though difficult work remains ahead, the past year has already demonstrated stakeholders unwavering determination and promising innovations amid exceptional challenges. Section 2 provides a description and the amounts of assistance withheld pursuant to section 404(a) of the CSPA. Section 2. U.S. law prohibits perpetrators from using debts as part of their scheme, plan, or pattern to compel a person to work or engage in commercial sex. Peacekeeping Operations The Houthi rebels gave the boys weapons and forced them to fight and guard checkpoints. In the case of child sex trafficking, the consent of the victim is never relevant as a child cannot legally consent to commercial sex. Bahrain Survivors of trafficking faced an increased risk of potential re-victimization due to financial and emotional hardships during the crisis. Part of this work requires us to acknowledge we will never be able to understand the full scope of what is needed without the expertise of those affected by systemic inequality. Tier rankings and narratives in the 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report reflect an assessment of the following: Tier rankings and narratives are NOT affected by the following: Countries whose governments fully meet the TVPAs minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. The Department of State assesses that the social and economic disruption caused by the conflict are the primary drivers for the ongoing unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers in Yemen by all parties to the conflict. efforts, however laudable, undertaken exclusively by nongovernmental actors in the country; general public awareness eventsgovernment-sponsored or otherwiselacking concrete ties to the prosecution of traffickers, protection of victims, or prevention of trafficking; and. The ways in which a service provider would engage with an eight-year-old child exploited by a family member will need to be different than when engaging with a child who has a safe home with a trusted adult. In either case, a missing persons report would not be filed, and child protective services or other welfare agencies would not be notified. Every country, including the United States, can do more. In line with MC Decision 6/17, in 2020 the OSR/CTHB, in co-operation with anti-trafficking Focal Points and DHR, finalized the development of a learning module on combating TIP for the OSCE executive structures as part of the new All OnBoard programme. The owner kept Aarav from communicating with his family and threatened physical abuse if he tried to leave. When assessing needs, a child-friendly waiting room might take priority. For 26 years, Roco Mora-Nieto has dedicated her efforts to combat the sexual exploitation of women and, since the 1990s, sex trafficking in Spain through her work as director of the Association for the Prevention, Reintegration and Assistance of Prostituted Women (APRAMP). The UAE has played a role in a major Interpol operation to tackle human trafficking around the world, leading to hundreds of arrests. Most importantly, age- and culturally appropriate comprehensive programs need to be developed with consideration of each unique survivor in mind. Given constraints around physical space and financial resources, service providers and NGOs may need to develop creative ways to establish a child-friendly space. Francesca J. Tadle In the United States, the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) mandates that financial institutions monitor and report suspected illegal activity, such as human trafficking, as well as certain high-dollar cash transactions. As of April 5, IMET funding was obligated for the following activity: military professionalization training. Kenya Bianca Washington Having a family member as the main perpetrator and trafficker may also result in many victims feeling unable to speak about the experiences they endured due to the shame it may bring upon their families, communities, and themselves. It also said the Counter Trafficking Unit the unit responsible for investigating human trafficking cases was also faced with significant challenges. Since traditional forms of community outreach were less accessible or no longer possible, survivor leaders leveraged their networks and expertise to engage with vulnerable populations and victims through informal channels to share information on available support in a given area. Page 36: Getty-Ina Fassbender/Contributor Predatory and exclusionary practices that keep certain racial communities from attaining financial stability and building generational wealth provide traffickers ample opportunity to offer tempting alternatives. Human trafficking is a heinous crime that exploits the most vulnerable in society. In the absence of a political settlement, the war in Libya will continue to destabilize the broader region, creating space for violent extremists to regroup. It is through collaboration and collective understanding of both the nuances of our profoundly changed world and the needs of those affected most by the compounding effects of both human trafficking and the COVID-19 pandemic that a path forward emerges. The Jordanian police counter-trafficking unit worked with UNODC to implement a coordinated COVID-19 mitigation plan to protect first responders by procuring sanitation materials, protective equipment, medical kits, and COVID-19 testing units. The purpose element focuses on the perpetrators goal to secure labor or services. Nonetheless, the challenges uncovered by COVID-19 are monumental and may be long lasting, requiring sustained collaboration among governments, civil society organizations, private sector leaders, survivor leaders, and other anti-trafficking actors to adjust and respond aptly to overcome these challenges. The PRC governments Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (Bingtuan), an economic and paramilitary organization with administrative control over several areas in the region comprising nearly three million personnel, forces members of prison populations and local communities alike to work in hazardous mining, construction, manufacturing, food processing, andfor many thousands of Uyghur adults and childrencotton harvesting. John Cotton Richmond As of April 5, no funds subject to CSPA have been obligated. James Taylor Togo The TVPA also provides that any country that has been ranked Tier 2 Watch List for two consecutive years and that would otherwise be ranked Tier 2 Watch List for the next year will instead be ranked Tier 3 in that third year. Janet Zinn. The justification for this determination and certification with respect to each country is set forth in this Memorandum. Anti-trafficking approaches should continue to incorporate technological innovations responsibly to improve anti-trafficking responses. She also learned she would not have the rent-free apartment he promised. Forty percent of those on the streets are LGBTQI+. I then started working in escorting services through a bar where I didnt know the rates charged, didnt handle the money, and had little to no control over refusing clients who were violent or wouldnt use condoms. Page 6: Picture Alliance Through programs with an increased focus on familial trafficking, survivors learn they are not alone in their journey and that someone is there to walk beside them through every step. The government provided Aarav and the other victims support in the aftermath of the raid. She launched one of the countrys preeminent NGOs dedicated to combating child trafficking, Service International de la Formation des Enfants de la Rue (SIFOS), in 2000 and has led the organization since its founding. Each year, the Department of State honors individuals around the world who have devoted their lives to the fight against human trafficking. Governments, investors, researchers, and civil-society actors should explore how microfinance and other forms of social finance can support survivors. These key principles and concepts relate to all forms of trafficking in persons, including forced labor and sex trafficking. Djibouti Kuwait The determination to include a government in the CSPA list is informed by a range of sources, including first-hand observation by U.S. government personnel and research and credible reporting from various UN entities, international organizations, local and international NGOs, and international and domestic media outlets. Countries whose governments do not fully meet the TVPAs minimum standards but are making significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance with those standards, and for which: Countries whose governments do not fully meet the TVPAs minimum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so. Emotional hardships during the crisis, document, and report behavioral indicators of human trafficking takes time from... Consideration of each unique survivor in mind us to be investigated restrict such assistance or support we are experiencing.... 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