For two, you get two looks on a board vice just one. CY22-1 14 January 2022 18 April 2022 Binda, Blake F. 1371 2841 The domestic academic institution may or may not grant credit for courses taken in foreign academic institutions. Marines with body markings must submit a clear, close-up color photograph of each body marking accompanied by an explanation addressing the content (description and meaning), location, size, and date the body marking was made. Per Title 10, U.S. Code, the U.S. citizenship requirement cannot be waived. Nguyen, Daniel J. g. Refer to references (a), (l), and (m) for security investigation information and required application submissions. Wik, Jeffrey D. 1371 REF (I) IS THE SUMMER 2022 OFFICER CANDIDATES CLASS 240; CANDIDATE PRE-SHIP PREPARATION AND REQUIREMENTS. Complete applications and medical must be submitted prior to the established deadlines. 2841 Post TBS information. REF/L/MSGID: MSG/MARADMIN 369/21/YMD: 20210714// Per references (a) through (g), all selected Marines will be scheduled to a 10-week Officer Candidates Course (OCC), which will be decided by MCRC once determined medically qualified by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) and/or the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute (NAMI). 573-449-2003 Reference (h) provides guidance pertaining to COVID-19, however it is subject to change. Exception to Policy Waivers of basic eligibility requirements will not be considered. Burbano Espinel, JulianE. 0621, CLICK HERE. ECPs, RECPs, and MCP-Rs will receive their orders for TBS prior to departing OCS to execute from their parent commands or directed duty stations, and are directed to submit their TBS checklist with final PFT and all signatures to MCRC POC or representative prior to OCS graduation. The mission of Officer Candidates School (OCS) is to educate and train officer candidates in Marine Corps knowledge and skills within a controlled and challenging environment in order to. The mission of Officer Candidates School (OCS) is to educate and train officer candidates in Marine Corps knowledge and skills within a controlled and challenging environment in order to evaluate and screen individuals for the leadership, moral, mental, and physical qualities required for commissioning as a Marine Corps officer. If the above cannot be obtained, provide a completed DD Form 369 (police record check) in the jurisdiction of the offense in the application. - 2NJ89P3 from Alamy's library of millions of high . 0231 Jimenez, HantzoM. 5811 Marines are required to use the E-O application on the MCRC website. NAME PMOS (2) Push ups minimum is 62 reps Visit the MCRC website at Hollenbeck, Spencer D. 6531 Marines shall utilize the MCRC websites to obtain the current OCS Preship Preparation Letter, checklist, and other OCS pertinent information, as these letters and forms change for each class. The MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found on the MCRC website at Password Use the same password for both files. 5 May 22 . (2) Performance Evaluation Section (MMRP-30). Home; Products. Purser III, Jack H. 1391 d. Commands neglecting to use the tier ranking as annotated on endorsement letters in application (e.g. MECEPs are directed to contact the Marine Officer Instructor or Assistant Marine Officer Instructor at their prospective NROTC-affiliated schools listed at website for introductions and other pertinent information. Joyce, Sean A. Gordon, JarrettR. 2847 (b) 21-25 - 3 Hagan, James D. 5811 In accordance with reference (l), no promotion style photographs will be submitted and the selection board will not view any documentation that reflects a photo within the application. Webb, Charles K. 1341 In many cases, Marines are required to take additional courses to qualify for the next level of their post-secondary education. receipt of acceptance letter to MCRC and the NROTC-affiliated school no later than date provided at OCS by MCRC POC is not a least 60 days, or if the acceptance letter is not signed by the admission office. Marines must submit current unofficial transcripts with their applications to verify education requirements. REF (H) IS FROST CALL 020-22 UPDATED COVID-19 GUIDANCE SPECIFIC TO OFFICER ACCESSIONS AND OFFICER CANDIDATE SHIPPING. GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. a. Marines should refer to references (a) and (g) for Selective Reenlistment Bonus information and page 11 statement entry. The Commanding General Marine Corps Recruiting Command (CG, MCRC), by direction of the Commandant of the Marine Corps, has approved the subject named results. Filler, Jeremy A. c. OMPF document submission timelines. i. h. Refer to references (a), (b), this MARADMIN, and the E-O application regarding disclosure of criminal offense dispositions and submission of required forms and proper documentation by law enforcement agency or court. Removal and Declinations. The Commanding General Marine Corps Recruiting Command (CG, MCRC), by direction of the Commandant of the Marine Corps, has approved the subject named results. For this reason, MECEP students are highly encouraged to pursue degrees within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) curriculums in order to qualify for these graduate education and fellowship opportunities. Anthony Jr., Isaac E. 0111 Marines are expected to attend an OCC immediately upon notification by MCRC POC. Confer date must contain month, day, and year. than 12.00 on the date provided below. Reference (f) can be accessed via the following website: (4) Planks minimum is 1 min 3 secs Release authorized by Major General Jason Q. Bohm, Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command.//, CALENDAR YEAR 2022 MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND ENLISTED TO OFFICER ANNOUNCEMENT SELECTION BOARDS, Date Signed: 12/22/2021 | MARADMINS Number: 731/21, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - REF (D) IS MARADMIN 765/20, FY21 TUITION ASSISTANCE GUIDELINES UPDATE. MECEPs whose enlistment/reenlistments have not been approved and have a limited timeline to execute orders (less than 2 weeks to report date), please contact the MCRC POC for assistance. He is a combat veteran. For email correspondence, email organizational mailbox Questions pertaining to re-enlistments/extensions per reference (j) should be directed to MMEA-1 at DSN 378-9235 or (703) 784-9235. k. Marines must have a first class physical fitness test (PFT) and combat fitness test (CFT) score at time of application. Your Pay Entry Base Date starts herean important date impacting your pay as an officer. REF (H) IS MCO 1040.31, ENLISTED RETENTION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. b. 0811 Swan Jr., DavidP. 0111 REF (Q) IS MCO 1900.16 CH 2, SEPARATION AND RETIREMENT MANUAL (SHORT TITLE: MARCORSEPMAN).// h. Marines neglecting to update their OMPF, and Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) accounts. Marines are assessed on a points system across these three categories and must receive a high enough score to pass. Doghri, Salahuddin B. ECP aviation applicants must submit both an aviation service agreement and a ground service agreement. The 12-week Marine Corps Recruit Training program The training focuses on physical and academic challenges, and tactical training. MCP-R Toll free: 877-301-9953. Terrack, Taliah T. 0411 Within one week of receiving funding letters, all scheduled Marines are directed to forward their intended mode of transportation to OCS on the report date by responding electronically with choice a, b, or c to the MCRC POC, regardless of the status of their orders: Marines who do not have an adjudicated clearance and are not enrolled in the CEP cannot report to OCS as directed per chapter one of reference (a). The Marine Corps was born with the establishment of the first armed forces of an independent Chile: the Corps was founded by Don Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme on June 16, 1818, through a Supreme Decree. (MAl/f), Force Fitness Instructor Courses (FFIC), and Marine Corps Instructor Water Survival Courses (MCIWS). REF/N/MSGID: DOC/MCO 6100.13A CH-3/YMD: 20210223// Commands and Marines. Tyler, Dylan W. 1371 Graduation Schedule. Bennett, JordanJ. Selects with missing documents This supersedes the requirements in reference (i) of mailing the record. Marines and/or Commands who would like to receive a copy of the board statistics must send a request via email to the MCRC point of contact (POC) in paragraph 15. MECEPs are not authorized to attend any school not listed under NROTC schools or that annotate Registered Nurse (RN) option only or Navy option only on the above website. The CO, OCS, can recommend an OCS class outside the authorized 10-week class for E-O applicants who are dropped from OCS however, CG MCRC, is the final adjudicating official. TROI SPENCER/CIV/UNIT: MCRC ON/E/-/TEL: (703) 784-9443// Lopez, David A. Commands are required to review the applications, to ensure Marines meet program requirements and have included all required documentation per the checklist and this MARADMIN. f. Refer to reference (b) for acceptable forms of citizenship verification and the certification of documentation. 5. Males: c. Officer candidates are required to participate in training for a minimum period of four weeks, before any voluntary request for disenrollment will be considered. This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Total Force. MECEPs refer to references (a), (i), and (j) for obligated service and pertinent information and ensure the Special Officer Program RELM type is used. 0321 Commands and Marines are not authorized to contact or forward any medical documents directly to BUMED or MCRC Medical Reviewers. Myers, Wade A. Cruz Tovar, Angelica G. 0241 Candidates who show up to OCS are expected to be physically fit, knowledgeable, and of sound moral character. 15. MECEP Marines will complete the recertification prior to commissioning from a NROTC school. 1/13/2023. a. a. Marines' endorsing COCs neglecting to thoroughly review applications prior to submission. Marines should seek administrative photography support from their local Communication Strategy and Operations (COMMSTRAT) Section when documenting their tattoos to ensure acceptable quality imagery and compliance with applicable directives, including this MARADMIN. Marines selected for special duty assignments who have not executed orders to the SDA schoolhouse must be removed from assignment upon release of this MARADMIN. REF/F/MSGID: DOC/BUMED/YMD: 20050812// (5) 3 miles run maximum is 24 mins Recommend all qualified Marines reapply for future boards if not selected. REF (E) IS THE OFFICER CANDIDATES SCHOOL (OCS) MASTER PROJECTION PLAN (MPP) FISCAL YEAR 2022 (FY22). If dropped due to medical, contact your PCM to be evaluated for the medical drop reason provided to you by OCS and begin documenting the medical process. 5. MECEPS are not authorized to attend listed NROTC schools on above website which annotates Registered Nurse (RN) option only or Navy option only, nor NROTC schools that lack a Marine on staff e.g., both the MOI and AMOI are gapped. Bravo Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion. Program Last Name_EDIPI App (MECEP SMITH_1234567890 App) Check both the "encrypt every file" and "send me an email when each recipient picks up the file" boxes on the right side. Marines currently serving on a special duty will continue until ordered to OCS. Ortiz, David A. Download this stock image: U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. MECEPs are not authorized to attend any school not listed under NROTC schools or that annotate Registered Nurse (RN) option only or Navy option only on the above website. c. Incomplete applications (missing required endorsements and documents as annotated on checklist and this MARADMIN). c. Active Reserve (AR) Marines applying for MECEP or ECP must be approved for conditional release into the regular Marine Corps at the time of application. Must be non-competitively augmented to the active component at the time of selection. MECEPs whose enlistment/reenlistments have not been approved and have a limited timeline to execute orders (less than 2 weeks to report date), please contact the MCRC POC for assistance. Marines who do not attend the first two assigned OCC classes after selection will automatically be disenrolled from the program unless deferred by MCRC. REF (B) IS MCRCO 1100.2A MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND OFFICER COMMISSIONING MANUAL (SHORT TITLE: MCRC OCM). 20. Failure to submit supporting documentation for offenses within five years of board convening date and for all alcohol and assault related violations. Visit the MCRC website at (1) Pull ups minimum is 8 reps Kremer, Jeffrey C. 6492 NAME PMOS Crossroads of the Marine Corps Bulletins External Resources ALMARS DoD Directives MARADMINS Marine Corps Orders and Directives Navy Directives Contact Information 3250 Catlin Ave, Rm #104. REF (G) IS FROST CALL 020-22 UPDATED COVID-19 GUIDANCE SPECIFIC TO OFFICER ACCESSIONS AND OFFICER CANDIDATE SHIPPING. The Commanding Officer (CO), OCS, is authorized to effect involuntary disenrollment for cause during any phase of the training. 4821 U.S. Ensure all required forms are completely filled out, signed, and dated by the Marines and the certifying commissioned officers. 3. The MECEP Inbound Checklist is located under "General Forms". OCC report and graduation dates may be viewed on the OCS website listed in paragraph 3a and reference (e). See the schedule. b. Cervantes, John F. 0241 Extensions for submission of applications, to include endorsement letters, required documents and medical documents, past the deadline will not be accepted. 6116 Hidalgo II, Jose M. 3043 REF/E/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1524.1 MMOA-3/YMD: 20190530// 0481 Select "Units", then "OCS" or "TBS". It is not necessary to resend applications or medical files, only the updated or requested documents. 4. Once notified of scheduled OCC by MCRC, Marines are directed to submit the current version (21 March 2022 or later) of the pre-ship checklist located on the OCS and MCRC websites, to the MCRC POC 30 days prior to the scheduled OCC report date Officers in Charge and Marines are responsible to ensure all information on pre-ship checklists are completely filled out, to include PFT, height, weight, max weight, body fat percentages, and signatures. 19. This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Total Force. 13. It is the responsibility of the Marines and their medical providers to ensure that all medical documentation is in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and Privacy Act of 1974 and the Medical Submission Instructions on the MCRC website. (2) Push ups minimum is 62 reps 7. d. The Marine's current Enlisted Active Service date exceeds the OCC 242 graduation date, on or about March 25, 2023. Download this stock image: U.S. Marine Corps Col. Mikel Huber, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point commanding officer, walks with his family to receive congratulations for his last flight at MCAS Cherry Point, Aug. 2, 2022. Branch (MMRP-20) The POC for this MARADMIN is Ms. Troi Spencer. All updated documentation must be forwarded to the MCRC POC for tracking purposes. MARADMIN 619/22 Please refer to POC information at the beginning of this MARADMIN. You can expect: Medical evaluations An initial strength test of: Pullups or flexed-arm hang Crunches Timed 1.5 mile run Classroom instruction Marine Corps culture and traditions Personal conduct Military history Gammons, Brandon R. 5811 Marines who are not in receipt of OCS orders when completing the checklist will mark "No" for question 27 and annotate, "awaiting medical qualification and/or funding letter. Attachments must not exceed a combined file size of 8MB to be accepted by MCRC email servers. Official correspondence will provide guidance that is required for resubmission to MCRC to forward to BUMED or to be rescheduled for an OCC. (5) 3 miles run maximum is 27 mins Commands must ensure Marines' PFT information is within the above requirements prior to submission of checklist. Carpentiere, Alexander J. Welcome to the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidates School official page. 0372 2147 REF (I) IS MCO 1001.52K, MANAGEMENT OF THE ACTIVE RESERVE (AR) SUPPORT TO THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS RESERVE (USMCR). Hockert, Chandler T. 6257 For more information and career counseling, call DSN 278-9241 or commercial (703) 784-9241 or 1-(800)-833-2320 or visit their website at Both BUMED and NAMI require a minimum of 30 days to process medical documents effective upon the release of this MARADMIN, to make a determination. Whereismysociety 2 yr. ago 2 April OCC-237 Application Deadline 9 April PLC Application Deadline 11-13 April Final PLC Board 12-15 April OCC-237 Board 22 May PLC First Increment Ships 8 June PLC-C/OCC-237 Ships 26 June PLC Second Increment Ships For email correspondence email organizational mailbox Lazaro,Jordon C. 0241 Banks, Corey K. 0111 Pendleton Marines will no longer be scheduled to an OCC that aligns with a board. a. Marines are considered officer candidates while attending OCS, and are entitled to pay and allowances commensurate with the enlisted grade shown on the original orders to OCS, but not less than that prescribed for a sergeant. Greene,Iain P. 3043 Baker, William D. 6672 We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. You do not need a Facebook account to access this page or its content. Ensure Marines and endorsing commands are using the E-O application template located on the MCRC website in paragraph 2. Refer to website for a list of NROTC affiliated colleges and universities. 0352 Do not submit defense information security system (DISS) printouts. 6423 Marines are directed to forward a courtesy copy of the initial requests with parent command endorsement, electronically, to MCRC POC pending receipt of all endorsements. Exception to policy waivers of eligibility requirements will not be considered unless otherwise annotated. REF/E/MSGID: DOC/C475-3/YMD: 20210813// a. Marines are directed to use reference (h), until release of current class letter and the OCS website listed in paragraph 3a for specific requirements concerning arrival information, dress codes, required gear, grooming standards, fitness reports, medical requirements, administrative requirements, physical fitness test (PFT) scoring, and fitness preparation. d. Please refer to references (e) and (f) for a list of the 2022 and 2023 OCC class dates. Marines who require additional medical documents will be contacted by the MCRC POC. Requirements will not be waived ( 2 ) Push ups minimum is 62 reps Visit MCRC! To attend an OCC application ( e.g for tracking purposes be waived missing required and... Mailbox e_oboard @ Push ups minimum is 62 reps Visit the MCRC website at serving a... Enlisted RETENTION and CAREER DEVELOPMENT program a ground service agreement defense information security system ( DISS ) printouts a account... 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