interesting to hear everyones comments and theorys but i am a stonemason and people who say this still cant be done today are wrong of course it can be done i myself have done a lot of jobs and projects or greater difficulty that this although yes it would be verry difficult all them years ago, i strongly belive that we under estimate the ancient people and that they knew and had a hell of a lot just like us today we use the tools we have and make them work for us thats all they were doing they had there own set of tools that they used and made them work for them and the work that you see in the pics proves it, have you ever heard of the freemasons ?? yet we have maps of the earth, and lines only seen from high altitude, we have different groups over the earth with stories of aerial combat, storied passed down with details of the color of the fuel used in vemadas, people loosing their hair and bleeding as if from radiation sickness or Abraham telling of seeing the roundness of the earth. Available at:, Vranich, A. Sun Gate at Tiwanaku, Bolivia. not here. How about the giant power grid that would be associated with them? We went from horse and carriage to landing on the moon in 70 years. What was once a stone-faced earthen mound is a component of the pre-Columbian Tiwanaku archaeological site located in Bolivia, South America. @Paul Amato Egypt has stepped pyraminds as well. Throughout the history of civilization, the concept of the apocalypse has been ever present, in one way or another. Built by the Tiwanaku culture between A.D. 500 and 1000, the temple was restored and reused by the Inca between A.D. 1300 and 1570, and described by Spanish conquistadors as a "wondrous . the Incan Cuzco was quite AMAZING since there's a lot of eerie connection with my own culture and heritage. And someone needs the Empire. They are calling us home now!. Where Did Humans Originate, Earth or Outer Space? What Are The Names of the Thieves Crucified With Christ. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. However the Tiwanaku complex was suddenly abandoned sometime around 1000 AD. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions, the place where it was once believed the world was created. Others say that Puma Punkus residentshad technology available to them which was later lost perhaps power tools and even lasers . Another point to consider is that Mother Nature makes species just smart enough to survive then evolution stops. Maps such as the Piri Reis (1513) and the Oronteus Finaeus (1531) have been found that pre-date European discoveries. Where is their curiostythey're imagination? Any guesses? I have detailed dreams about how much I loved my people of the land. The complex also boasted a central promenade and wide courtyards to the east and west that were paved with slabs of stone so astonishingly large that paranormalists have hypothesized alien intervention. On the more conventional side, its suggested that the stonemasons were just very capable with the tools available to them and there was a lot of manual labor involved in transporting and working the stones. You can see the past stretching in front of you as the future comes unseen from behind. Just barely there like I need better glasses or something or a hearing aid to hear better. This was followed with great interest all over Europe. Who knows, with intense excavations we might find all the materials we talk about under some ancient mud flow or earthquake. Psychics and Archaeologists Solve History's Mysteries. How many books have been burned by invading armies? Why would it take them so damn long to come up with the transition from hunter/gatherers to agriculture/civilization only about 7000 years ago? But what they left behind was so magnificent that when the Inca found its ruins 500 years later, they thought Pumapunku must be the spot where the gods had created the world. I don't buy the concrete theory either, because having worked extensively with concrete, I can tell you with certainty that those sharp edges will be quickly broken off, and also that it doesn't last like stone when exposed to the elements. One of the things I learned recently is that Earth is not the ideal cauldron for intelligent life we have been led to believe it is. Mounting evidence from around the Earth indicates that humans made the leap to real civilization MUCH further back in antiquity than we originally thought and may have established a sea-faring, organized-trade civilization that had outposts over much of the world all this about 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. (2013) Puma Punku, el lugar de los bloques imposibles. Arquehistoria. when asked what he thought about how it was accomplished, he said that he had no idea. Required fields are marked *. Why dont anyone listen to what is said by annunaki before leaving earth they placed plants on either side of a mountain for us to live for a long time but I never hear anyone mention it, Your email address will not be published. I do miss the authors replies, though! This theory was first widely expounded by Graham Hancock, and he continues to be its champion: Seems to me the natives of the region cant grow a full beard. We found it on earthpossibly mars in the pastand possibly now in the liquid oceans of europa. Then, at the great civilizations peak, everything came crashing down. Perhaps these ancient people were technologically advanced at some point, and all but a few were wiped out by a major flood. The stones of Puma Punku itself? Do you have fight or not? Could the ruins of Puma Punku be evidence of a long-lost civilization? Doesn't seem feasible to me. It continues to be one of the worlds most mysterious ancient sites and is definitely worth exploring. #83. interesting comments over the yearsFirst of all, knowledge is NEVER lost, its just not used for todays life style. I was going to write one on this but could do no better than you have and so will not bother. I was confused and said nothing to anyone. Now the Myians have this end of time thing croniclized, based on these same folks and it is tied to the 27,000 year clock and our solar systems rotations within the spiral and alignments related to the center of the galaxy's black hole and the planets etc lining up. I've visited the sites more than once, t. Sorry, if that's youown it! Our solar system and our blue/green water planet is on the outer edge of one of our galaxies spirals. Skeptic Brian Dunning, the host of the Skeptoid podcast, described the sites row of H-shaped blocks that have approximately 80 faces on them; and all matching each other with great precision. Thanks. They came from heaven(space). In this isolated part of the world stand amazing smooth stone structures featuring precision-made cuts, clean right angles, and expertly fitted joints. Precisely carved stone at Pumapunku ruins, Pre-Columbian archaeological site, Bolivia. By examining the ruins and their relationship to the stars, the archaeologist dated the ruins to be an astounding 15,000 years old. Why do the young people not listen to you or come to you for advice? Archeologists have theorized that this was perhaps a requisite part of spiritual life, meant to transform the experience of the temple into something life-changing and mystical. Is The London Hammer An Ancient, Out of Place Artifact? But the bottom line is things are in Gods hands and only He knows the time for things to come to and end again. On the road from Cherra to Jaintia in Meghalaya is a singular ravine, some 600 yards in length, and 80 feet in depth, with sides remarkably even, and regularly parallel. We buy children "safe" books and games to keep them busy but not smart. How on earth do you move a stone 800 tons in weight form the quarry which is 10 miles away and to the site in the mountains? Still, give me enough ice and I'll preserve my lexus at least as long the iceman from the Alps (5000 years). Gregg Braden explains that some of the earliest credible accounts of the Giza Plateau come from the Greek historian and geographer Herodotus, who, in the early 400s B.C.E, compiled a reference book on ancient civilizations, cultures, and technologies predating his time by thousands of years. These planets circle dwarf stars that burn their fuel slowly and consistently and can last for 13 billion years. It was also a pilgrimage site which drew the people from distant Cochabamba and Moquegua regions who travelled to dedicate sacrifices and celebrate feasts. Run along and donate to your church, now. In its heyday, Pumapunku was a sizable complex of plazas and ramps adjoining a massive, T-shaped platform, and it featured gateways and windows carved from single blocks of stone, according to. Isn't rewriting the textbooks, the whole f*ing point of science's search for truth? Unless it's anchored to the core of the earth. There are no records of who, or how, or why because that is how it was meant to be when "they" left. Even a house cat can walk outside and survive. And how arrogant of us to think we know where we are in the galaxy. Yes, they know the effects, but have no idea of why (or the real reason, and everything has a reason). No diamond tools needed. Puma Punku is a Pre-Columbian archaeological site in Bolivia that is steeped in wonder and mystery. Wikimedia CommonsPieces of Pumapunku that show the complex system by which the bricks were slotted together. The general belief is that droughts and possibly civil unrest caused the inhabitants to seek refuge in the surrounding hills. Wikimedia CommonsWhat we have left today of Pumapunku. Phone Toll Free: 877-966-7300 or 816-584-3077, [This article continues after a message from the authors], These Articles are Written by the Publishers of, Amazing Bible Timeline with World History 2023. Amazing Bible Timeline with World History,,, Their legends explain that Viracocha created humans from the earth on a great rock. These folks are reverse engineering the Universe - less than 50-50 chance of getting it correct. Using historical data, 3-D-printed pieces, and architectural software, Berkeley archaeologist Alexei Vranichs virtual reconstruction of Puma Punku provides a glimpse into the structures original appearance. Puma Punku, in turn, means "The Door of the Puma." There are actual records of mythical origin regarding gods and the part that they took in the creation of these places. Great post Backwoods! This culture may have not had a written language and it was made at least 2500 years ago. In fact, they are so well cut that even robots today would have trouble making the stones so precise. @DareStiney: Sorry, but you have to do better. I have read this article and watched a video at: If these statues are former rulers of the region, how do the co-called mainstream archaeologists explain the statues and with full heavy beards? Even with the technology that we have today it's not possible at all. Skeptoid Media. No one said aliens are from a different planet. The remnant would have had to start civilization all over again, and of course, the ancient records would be lost. As if it happened as it is "now" and ignore conditions "then" while writing our histories. Puma Punku is a Pre-Columbian archaeological site in Bolivia that is steeped in wonder and mystery. Even today, the stonework of the temple is considered so precise that ancient alien enthusiasts claim it was made by lasers and other extraterrestrial technologies.. The most intriguing thing about Puma punku is the stonework. Fourth: most natives from the past told stories through oral tradition, is it not conceivable that these people, if they did not write there stories down simply handed them down to each other generation to generation? Photo credit, Source: Wikipedia / Ancient Wisdom / Ancient Origins. i had a guide the previous day who showed me the temples, puma punku, and the museums. For that matter, let's see anyone make those perfect, precise grooves in ANY materiel by hand. Why is there no one in the world who knows as much about electricity as Nikola Tesla did? How the material arrived at the site is also a matter of debate but many experts believe that the stones were generally shipped across the lake in reed boats and then dragged overland by the large Tiwanaku workforce to reach the site. Defining Bad Archaeology Diversity in archaeology Misrepresentation Why not ignore it? Aliens are humanoids from earth that have evolved by different means- probably from being in outerspace for more than thousands of years. the only way to find out is to read the ancient buildings the truth lies. They developed raised field agriculture (also known as suka kollus) to adapt to this harsh environment. . It is a barely habital planet subject to regular mass extinction events due to super volcanoes and a solar system littered with debris from an exploded planet which created a dangerous asteroid belt. Being a construction worker I know that construction methods were never 'lost'. These ancient people had to have been very sophisticated, knowing astronomy, geomancy, and mathematics. thousands of people were in attendance, including the vp of bolivia. It is possible that one half of the "H" was done by one person and the stone flipped over to be repeated by another person. Brian Dunning, the host of the Skeptoid podcast, described the sites row of H-shaped blocks that have approximately 80 faces on them; and all matching each other with great precision. how old is Puma punku because those steps are really worn down, hello there macaulay sorry mate i`v took so long i think this is there link, and some info ,ring them for help & advice ,just say mrs wintek said you would get him sorted. If you're wondering how they move such huge structures. it was just a bunch or trades men doing a job that they had a passion for the same as i do today. Their Children "hybrid" of Nephilim and human had the knowledge to build this. Otherwise, there would be signs of radiation, broken bits of metal, and anomolies such as advanced technologies. Also, these stones could have been "grinded" to get the angles needed. They're still finding metal jewelry from thousands of years ago. Sum1uallno from Mexico City, Mexico on August 14, 2013: The greatest mystery of all time is was Puma Punku 3 years ago? because most of you people are probably lonely and dont want to conform to society, for whatever insecurity. christian concervatives. It then took thousands of years for humanity to recover. In our culture even today, there are few master and dedicated priests who can move these giant stones by prayers. The bible is all true but we have interpreted it incorrectly. Up and shared. There is always an interaction going on between us and them, they are apart of our existences, they affect our behavior and what we see and think. He was asked, do your stories have no relevance in todays world? whe environmental conditions make the need for change a reality an the need to adapt to survive. Herodotus felt that beneath the pyramids lay the remnants of other ancient civilizations. This has led some to suggest that the most plausible explanation is violent internal social upheaval, a kind of implosion that tore Tiwanaku society apart. Spanish Conquistadors and others who visited the site during the 16th and 17th centuries described it as a wondrous, though unfinished, building with gateways and windows carved from single blocks., Pumapunku displayed a level of craftsmanship that was largely unparalleled in the pre-Columbian New World, and its often considered the architectural peak of Andean lithic technology prior to the arrival of the Europeans. One worker reached a little early and crushed fingers. Puma punku was a terraced earthen mound originally faced with megalithic blocks, each weighing several tens of tons. Beneath the kilometer of arid earth that separates Pumapunku from the nearby Kalasasaya monument, archeologists and surveyors have discovered hundreds of buried homes and the evidence of vast irrigation systems that would have turned the surrounding desert green. They might look at those as temples. . ( saiko3p /Adobe Stock). The dead were often mummified, and occasionally bones show evidence of heavy cuts and scratch marks suggesting defleshing with sharp tools may have been a regular part of Tiwanaku burial practices. LUM SOHPETBNENG PEAK (NAVEL OF HEAVEN), 2. If so, what caused it? Located 45 miles west of the modern-day city of La Paz, Puma Punku is situated in the still-thriving city of Tiwanaku, high upon a desert plateau of the Andes Mountains, at an altitude of more than 12,000 feet. While the site of Puma Punku in Western Bolivia remains a crowning achievement of Andean architecture, and it rivals sites found around the world, scientists have very few answers regarding the most basic questions of who, what, when, and why. The far end contains a large stone container believed to be the personal belonging of RAMHAH. Ever since she was a child Alicia has had a passion for writing and she has written Read More. ". Her are some info: My point being, that if the earth has been habitable for such a long duration, why couldn't have extremely advanced societies, some perhaps achieving a level of sophistication have spurned, been wiped out, spurned, wiped out, and the process repeating more times that we could even imagine. As years passed and as population increased, Tiwanaku society became more complex with rulers and warriors elevated to a higher status. This could have taken place anywhere from 500 b.c. The ruins of Pumapunku, where the open courtyard was likely to have stood. 17 year old bulgarian on January 31, 2012: our ancestors weren't stupid. Karnak in Egypt is the largest known religious complex on Earth located on the east side of the River Nile at the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes. Pumapunku, a terraced earthen mound walled with intricately carved blocks, stretched toward the sky. A building that could easily be built from lazer guided cutters, and assembled as protective living quarters, later still discarded when no longer required, will be of great use to future space travellers, As I understand you found the river, it is very good. We can't wait it outunless we're waiting for plate tectonics to help. I am overwhelmed and take notes all the time but have to hide them. Some people don't believe that these maps could have been made without flying over these areas in the sky. Who among us has had an out of galaxy experience to make such an observation? I think archaeologist need to take a serious look at the lost lands of MU. The red sandstone and andesite stones were cut in such a precise way that its as if they were cut using a diamond tool, and they can fit perfectly into and lock with each other. Top Image: Megalithic cut stones at the Puma Punku archaeological site, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. And it would have been filled with people. Among the monumental architecture built by the Tiwanaku, whose civilization thrived in what is now Bolivia between 500 and 950 A.D., was a staggering complex known as the Pumapunku.For centuries . All I know is 5 years of "soul searching' and self study. Yes these were ancient aliens that look alot like us and they did leave us a few teaser foot prints of information and building, etc and they worked with the mostly uncivilized peoples and passed along some simple knowledge, that is interesting, why because these mostly uncivilized peoples were not capable of these feats without someones guidance and mentoring for years.. jesus did not say so my friend because jesus died in india. This could cause the N/S poles to swap, could cause violent earthquakes and giant waves and floods or could again cause nothing as we have had a few 27,000 year time cycles that nothing has taken place. Pictures back when it was discovered show tractor lifting blocks army of guys digging in dirt etc . What does someone needs to drag a huge monolith? If the Great Library at Alexandria had not been burned, I believe many of these mysteries would not exist. judging from some of the pictures i got, of mummies found in peru, it certainly seems possible. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bible Charts and Maps, PO Box 171053, Austin, TX 78717 Have you checked out the the discovery Gobeklitepe? Can you just imagine HOW FAR ahead our baby steps space travel would be if we had say 1000 or 5000 years of space travel under our Star Trek belts. These maps show the coastline of South America, rivers, and even part of Antarctica, which was not thought to have been mapped until 1818. Some skeptics claim that the alien theory is nonsense, leaving Puma Punku debunked. We don't need to know more than what it takes to make a living so most do not try. The Tower of Babel: An Ancient Symbol for Modern Globalism. The red sandstone and andesite stones were cut in such a precise way that they fit perfectly into and lock with each other without using mortar. pushing it back a step is like Hoagland screaming about Mars all the time. Just thought I'd drop in and debunk an Ancient Aliens episode I saw recently. His works are in the Louvre and the Hermitage. They could just as easily have been brought in thousands of years later. An example of high-precision small holes. Good Hub. When he looked at their eyes the robbers got so scared stiff (reason unknown?) If he learned it, why did society largely forget his knowledge? (Adwo /Adobe Stock). The Mystery of Puma Punku. Then, take a look at the city of giants found in Ethiopia. Do These Legendary Tombs Reveal the Presence of Giants in Sardinia? In western Bolivia, a dramatic collection of stones, the remains of a vast temple complex, stand guard over an arid plane. {{posts[0].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[1].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[2].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[3].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, Insectothopter: CIAs Dragonfly-Shaped Bug, Mokomokai: Tattooed Maori Heads And The Musket Wars, Joseph Samuel: The Man Who Couldnt be Hanged, The Mystery of Puma Punkus Precise Stonework, Scaly-foot Gastropod: The Snail With an Armor of Iron, The 1957 Plymouth Belvedere That Was Buried For 50 Years. The cuts on these stones are perfectly straight. Hey, they could have a screenwriter on site to chronicle the findings and maybe create the next billion dollar blockbuster. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. Temple Puma Punku: Model 3D: C4D. It is as if only master builders were allowed to come in and construct Puma Punku. SO PLEASE DON'T ATTRIBUTE THESE ANCIENT STRUCTURES AS WORKS OF ALIENS OR ET'S. Without a major above and below ground dig, all they have are these ridiculously perfect stones that would be hard to duplicate today. Pieces of Pumapunku that show the complex system by which the bricks were slotted together. Most of the magnificent structures were built, including the Akapana, Pumapunku, Kalasasaya, and Semi-Subterranean Temple during that time. I've witnessed this event and huge megaliths spinning 1 feet off the ground only by prayer. I know they are emphasizing timing and a schedule I must be aware of. older than any of this in south america? To support this theory, they point to the evidence that some structures, including the Gate of the Sun, werent brought down by time or looters; they were deliberately torn down and broken. Created Based on The Mirror Neurona. All of the other tools and equipment and building sites, oh, and that lost civilization. They considered Lake Titicaca as the place of origin for the creator god Viracocha. Even with modern-day technology and information, these structures defy logic and confound those who seek to solve the mysteries that lie within them. //Www.Ancient-Origins.Net/Unexplained-Phenomena/Stonework-0011405, Vranich, a dramatic collection of stones, the whole *... Of origin for the same as i do today the bricks were slotted together that Viracocha Humans! Certainly seems possible might find all the materials we talk about under some ancient mud flow or.! The inhabitants to seek refuge in the pastand possibly now in the pastand possibly now the... When he looked at their eyes the robbers got so scared stiff reason... Is n't rewriting the textbooks, the whole f * ing point of science 's search for truth knows much. Reached a little early and crushed fingers and can last for 13 billion years of.. 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