We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. *Patente EE. Instructions / Assembly. A RIGHT END (1) B LEFT END (1) C UPRIGHT (1) D BOTTOM (1) E ADJUSTABLE SHELF (5) F VALANCE (1), G SKIRT (1) H FRONT LEG (2) I SHELF MOLDING (6) J LOWER DOOR MOLDING (1) K UPPER DOOR MOLDING (1) L FIXED SHELF (1), M2 BACK (1) N TOP (1) O SLIDING DOOR (1) P REAR LEG (2). Safety strapBLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREW (1 used in this step) 97, Fasten seven METAL BRACKETS (4G) to the ENDS (A and B), BOTTOM (D), and TOP (N). There is also no warranty coverage for rented products or any products purchased used or as is, at a distress or going-out-of business sale, or from a liquidator. En tant que recours exclusif en vertu de la prsente garantie, Sauder rparera, remplacera ou rembourser (sur sa seule dcision) la valeur de toute composante de mobilier dfectueuse. If further door adjustments are needed, loosen the SCREWS in the WHEEL SUPPORTS a 1/4 of a turn, make any needed adjustments, and tighten the SCREWS as shown in the enlarge view. The groove in the DOOR TRACK should be facing up.110MPage 18. Position your unit in its final location. Then, hang the DOOR (O) onto the center of the DOOR TRACK TUBE (111M) as shown. Thenylon sheath will remain behind your wall.WasherSafety drywall anchorSafety strap97www.sauder.com/service421191if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-small-rectangle-2','ezslot_35',717,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-small-rectangle-2-0');Page 19Step 15Fasten three DOOR TRACK SUPPORTS (105M) to the VALANCE (F). WARNINGPlease use your furniture correctly and safely. To eliminate this large gap, turn the front left LEVELER out.Dia ram #2421191, To eliminate this large gap, turn the front right LEVELER out.Dia ram #3www.sauder.com/service. Fasten the SKIRT (G) to the BOTTOM (D). Utiliser deux LONGS CROUS MANCHON (152M) et deux VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm NOIRES (123S).Fixer les SUPPORTS DE ROULETTE (104M) sur la PORTE (O). NOTE: Before moving your unit to a different location, unscrew the SAFETY DRYWALL ANCHOR from your wall. The RETAINING BARS should move up and down easily.155M. El mobiliario inestable puede volcarse. Use three BROWN 5/8 FLATHEAD SCREWS (126S). NOTE: Be sure to position the DOOR TRACK SUPPORTSexactly as shown.126SFBROWN 5/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW (3 used in this step)Large hole105MPage 20421191www.sauder.com/serviceStep 16if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-square-1','ezslot_38',718,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-square-1-0');Apply TAPE from the TAPE CARDS (4M) to the DOOR MOLDINGS (J and K) exactly as shown. Para apretar completamente, atornille el excntrico escondido 210 grados.Deslice una de las MOLDURAS DE ESTANTE* (I) sobre el borde con muesca del ESTANTE INMVIL (L). Replacement parts will be warranted for only the remaining period of the original Warranty. GLIDE (18E) completely into each PROPEL NUT. Attention: Risque des dgts ou blessures. Si prefiere ajustar la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD a un montante de la pared, vaya a su ferretera local para obtener las herramientas adecuadas.INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTALACIN:1. The gap between the DOOR and the unit should be constant from top to bottom. Fasten the SKIRT (G) to the BOTTOM (D). 3. Stylish cube organizer and bookshelf with metal base and legs for sturdy support. Il est recommand dutiliser la SANGLE DE SCURIT pour renforcer la stabilit.REMARQUE : Ne pas tourner le DISPOSITIF DE SCURIT POUR PLACOPLTRE dans un montant mural. PASO 21Si su unidad tambalea y uno de los NIVELADORES no toca el piso, gire el NIVELADOR fuera de la PATA hasta que toque el piso. SIEMPRE utilice el soporte fsico de seguridad segn las instrucciones u otro dispositivo de anclaje en la pared.La colocacin de equipos de audio y/o video en muebles que no estn especficamente diseados para soportar equipos de audio y/o video puede resultar en muerte o lesiones graves debido al colapso de los muebles o al derribarse.NUNCA coloque un televisor en muebles que no estn diseados para soportar un televisor. La pice devant tre attache llment est reprsente en gris sur les schmas de chaque tape pour plus de prcision. PASO 10Fije siete SOPORTES DE METAL (4G) a los EXTREMOS (A y B), al FONDO (D) y al PANEL SUPERIOR (N). Tampoco no hay cobertura de garanta para los productos rentados o para cualesquiera productos comprados de uso o como est, en una venta de bienes embargados o en una venta por salirse del negocio, o comprados a un liquidador. Limpiar con un trapo hmedo. Bajo las leyes de ciertos estados, pueden no haber garantas implcitas de Sauder y se hace renuncia de responsabilidad de todas las garantas implcitas donde lo permita la ley, INCLUYENDO CUALQUIER GARANTA IMPLCITA DE MERCANTIBILIDAD O DE APTITUD PARA UN PROPSITO EN PARTICULAR. Esta Garanta slo es aplicable a defectos garantizados que primeramente surjan y se informen a Sauder dentro del perodo de cobertura de garanta. NO HAY OTRA GARANTA APLICABLE A ESTE PRODUCTO. Lot n : ____________ Date de lachat: ____________www.sauder.com/service, LISTE DE PICESREFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTITA EXTRMIT DROITE..1 B EXTRMIT GAUCHE..1 C MONTANT..1 D DESSOUS1 E TABLETTE RGLABLE ..5 F LAMBREQUIN..1 G PLINTHE1 H PIED.4 I MOULURE DE TABLETTE 6 J MOULURE DE PORTE INFRIEURE..1 K MOULURE DE PORTE SUPRIEURE1 L TABLETTE FIXE..1 M2 ARRIRE 1 N DESSUS.1 O PORTE COULISSANTE.1, LISTE DE PICESREFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTIT4M CARTE DE RUBAN ADHSIF..2 14M CROU AILETTE .4 29M FICHE AVEC TAMPONS.2 98M ROULETTE DE PORTE..2 104M SUPPORT DE ROULETTE2 105M SUPPORT DE RAIL DE PORTE.3 106M ARRT DE PORTE 2 109M CROU MANCHON4 110M RAIL DE PORTE.1 111M TUBE DE RAIL DE PORTE.1 152M LONG CROU MANCHON .2 155M LANGUETTE DE RETENUE 2 1N CLOU ..60 79P FICHE DAPPLIQUS ..5 1R GOUPILLE EN MTAL..20 2R MANCHON EN CAOUTCHOUC..20 97 KIT DE RETENUE ANTI-BASCULEMENTPOUR MOBILIER..1, 18E PATIN RGLABLE..4 1F EXCENTRIQUE ESCAMOTABLE..30 2F CHEVILLE DEXCENTRIQUE .14 8F VIS DEXCENTRIQUE .. 16 4G CONSOLE EN MTAL 7 9I RONDELLE EN PLASTIQUE .6 149K POIGNE..1, 1S VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRE 18 15S VIS MTAUX 16 mm ARGENTE..2 85S VIS TTE GOUTTE DESUIF 19 mm NOIRE6 113S VIS TTE PLATE 49 mm NOIRE2 123S VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm NOIRE.2 125S VIS TTE GOUTTE DESUIF 13 mm MARRON..4 126S VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm MARRON ..3 127S VIS MTAUX 9,5 mm NOIRE 4 140S VIS TTE LARGE 16 mm NOIRE ..4, Ne pas serrer les EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES dans cette tape. It means a video assembly tip is available at www.sauder.com/services/tips Step 1 Assemble your unit on a carpeted oor or on the empty carton to avoid scratching your unit or the oor. Diagram #3: If your door has a larger gap near the bottom, then turn the right front LEVELER out of the LEG a couple of turns. LIRE ET CONSERVER POUR TOUTE RFRENCE FUTURE. NOTE: Be sure to tap NAILS into the holes that line up over the UPRIGHT (C). Les Excentriques Escamotables que ne sont pas serres bloc peuvent desserrer et les pices peuvent sparer. (16 used) 8FRemember: Righty tighty. 123SBLACK 5/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW (2 used for the DOOR WHEELS), 127SBLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREW (4 used in this step). Visit Sauder.com to view video assembly tips or chat with a live rep. . Serrer huit EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES.TAPE 5Fixer les autres deux PIEDS (H et P) lEXTRMIT GAUCHE (B). 5-Shelf Bookcase 415542 NOTE: THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. PAGE 3. Visit Sauder.com to view video assembly tips or chat with a live rep. Fije la CORNISA (F) a los EXTREMOS (A y B) y al PANEL SUPERIOR (N). The unit may collapse. NEVER exceed the weight limits shown in the instructions. Placer les articles plus lourds sur les tablettes infrieures aussi loin que possible de lavant. NOTE: A corner of the unit is cut out to show part of the assembly. Riesgo de lesiones. Bedroom, Living Room and Office Furniture Sauder Furniture HomepageRelated PostsJENSEN JCR-255 Radio Despertador Digital AM FM con Vibrador Debajo de la Almohada User ManualJCR-255 Radio Despertador Digital AM FM con Vibrador Debajo de la Almohada Radio Despertador Digital AM/FM con VibradorKORG Sound Link User GuideSound Link MW-2408 MW-1608 HYBRID ANALOG/DIGITAL MIXER Gua de inicio rpido Puede descargar el Manual del usuario enPUR Whole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Owner's ManualWhole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Whole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Owner's Manualz` PUV15S PUV25S PUV15H PUV25HDURASPIN DS222-18V Auto-Feed Screwdriver Instruction ManualDS222-18V Auto-Feed Screwdriver DS222-18V DS225-18V DS322-18V AUTO-FEED SCREWDRIVER Operating Instructions KYOCERA-SENCO Industrial Tools, Inc. 8450 Broadwell Road Cincinnati,July 5, 2021January 30, 2023Posted insauderTags: _pdf, 421191, sauder, Storage CabinetPost navigationNext Post Next post:sauder Crossmill 3 Shelf Bookcase with Doors Instructions. Pour serrer bloc, faire tourner lexcentrique escamotable de 210 degrs. Carefully read the following chart. La pice devant tre attache llment est reprsente en gris sur les schmas de chaque tape pour plus de prcision. PASO 3Atornille diecisis BIELAS DE EXCNTRICO (8F) en las PATAS (H y P).PASO 4Fije dos de las PATAS (H y P) al EXTREMO DERECHO (A). $269.99. Como es utilizado en esta Garanta, defecto significa imperfecciones en los componentes que de manera fundamental afecta la utilidad del producto. This time. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Alibaba.com offers 156 mainstays furniture products. Utilice dos TUERCAS CILNDRICAS LARGAS (152M) y dos TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 16 mm (123S).Fije los SOPORTES DE LA RUEDA (104M) a la PUERTA (O). Fasten the BACK (M2) to the REAR LEGS (P). POR FAVOR LEA Y GURDELO PARA REFERENCIA EN EL FUTURO. Date of Manufacture: __________________________Documents / Resourcessauder Storage Cabinet [pdf] InstructionsStorage Cabinet, 421191References NOTE: Be sure the edges of the ANGLE BRACKETS are even with the edges of the UPPER ENDS and FIXED SHELF. *Patente EE. Pro Tip: Lift with your legs. Use fourBARREL NUTS (109M) and four BLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREWS (127S). NOTE: Be sure to position the WHEEL SUPPORTS exactly as shown.123S123SBLACK 5/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW (2 used for the DOOR WHEELS)152M104M 98M 152M123S104M 98Mif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-square-2','ezslot_39',720,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-square-2-0');Page 22SOurDfaOcOe RwiMthOouLtDINGS127SBLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREW (4 used in this step)Before tightening the SCREWS, slide the WHEEL SUPPORTS down as far as they will go on the DOOR.109M421191109M 104M www.sauder.com/serviceStep 18Fasten two RETAINING BARS (155M) to the DOOR (O). Since the back panel had a cutout for TV and stereo cables, she had to make sure the panel lined up perfectly with the frame before nailing it down. TAPE 15Fixer trois SUPPORTS DE RAIL DE PORTE (105M) au LAMBREQUIN (F). This product is not desi ned to support a television unless a TV warnin label is included and the instructions specifically state the size and wei ht of the television.Overloading drawers and shelves may result in furniture that can break or sag, or tip-over which may result in injury. Look out for: What can happen: How to avoid the problem: Overloaded shelves. Enfoncer quatorze EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES (1F) dans les EXTRMITS (A et B), le MONTANT (C), le DESSOUS (D) et la TABLETTE FIXE (L). Tighten eight HIDDEN CAMS.The LEGS will overhang this edge.H SHuIDrfDaEceNwCiAthMSB PThese surfaces should be even.Edge with CAM DOWELSThese surfaces should be even.Page 10421191if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_24',706,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');www.sauder.com/serviceStep 6Fasten the UPRIGHT (C) to the BOTTOM (D). La garantie ne peut pas tre transfre des propritaires ou utilisateurs subsquents du produit, et sera immdiatement invalide dans le cas o le produit est revendu, transfr, lou sous bail ou lou une tierce partie ou personne autre que lacheteur original. 6. 19 409090 www.sauder. Product Dimensions 35.25 x 69.75 x 13.25 in. There were a few cor. Sauder puede solicitar que las reclamaciones sean presentadas por escrito a: Sauder Woodworking Co., 502 Middle Street, Archbold, OH 43502 USA. Product detailsAdd the storage solutions your home needs without sacrificing the style you love with this 3-shelf bookcase from the Sauder Select collection. Use four BLACK 1-15/16" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (113S). Fasten the LOWER ENDS (CC and EE2) to the FIXED SHELF (F2). 5. As the exclusive remedy under this Warranty, Sauder will (at its sole option) repair, replace or refund the value of any defective furniture component. 11% Mail-In Rebate Good Through 2/26/23. Tighten two HIDDEN CAMS. Table of Contents Assembly Tools Required 2-3 4 5-18 19-21 22-24 25-26 27 Part Identi cation Hardware Identi cation Assembly Steps . Serrer deux EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES.Fixer lEXTRMIT GAUCHE (B) au DESSOUS (D) et la TABLETTE FIXE (L). Veuillez joindre votre ticket de caisse ou toute autre preuve dachat ainsi quune description spcifique du dfaut de produit.4. Insert the METAL PINS into the hole locations of your choice in the ENDS (A2, B2, and D2). Il faut peut-tre faire tourner le VRIN de deux tours pour ajuster la PORTE comme lindique le schma n 1.Schma n 3 : Si la porte a un cart plus large prs du bas, tourner alors le VRIN avant droit hors du PIED de deux tours. PASO 22Deslice la MOLDURA DE ESTANTE* (I) sobre el borde con muesca de uno de los ESTANTES (E).Repita este paso para el otro ESTANTE (E) y las MOLDURAS DE ESTANTE (I).Empuje los MANGUITOS DE GOMA (2R) sobre las ESPIGAS DE METAL (1R). Peel the APPLIQUES from the APPLIQUE CARD (N). 409090 Utilisez les instructions dassemblage en franais avec les schmas tape par tape du manuel dinstruction en anglais. Chaque tape en franais correspond la mme tape en anglais. Material. Fasten seven METAL BRACKETS (4G) to the ENDS (A and B), BOTTOM (D), and TOP (N). Utilice dos TORNILLOS MARRONES DE CABEZA REDONDA de 13 mm (125S).NOTA: Los TORNILLOS pueden girar duro. The unit may collapse.1SBefore fastening the BACK, punch out the perforation and push the SAFETY STRAP through the hole.BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREW (4 used in this step)UnfinsuisrhfaecdeM2PC P A1N NAIL (60 used in this step)Page 16if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-portrait-1','ezslot_30',714,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-portrait-1-0');NOTE: Fasten the BACK with four BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S) before using the NAILS (1N).421191www.sauder.com/serviceStep 12Use a hammer to drive a PROPEL NUT (14M) into the holes in the LEGS (H and P). 125SBROWN 1/2 PAN HEAD SCREW (2 used in this step). PLEASE READ AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. And, you know, your arms. Dimensions: 57.6" W x 15.35" D x 33.19" H, weight: 56.76 lbs. Never exceed the weight limits shown in the instructions. Look for this icon. Open the FURNITURE TIPPING RESTRAINT KIT (97) and fasten the SAFETY STRAP to the TOP (N). Carefully turn your unit over onto its front edges. Utiliser six RONDELLES EN PLASTIQUE (9I) et six VIS TTE GOUTTE DE SUIF 19 mm NOIRES (85S).TAPE 17Fixer les ROULETTES DE PORTE (98M) aux SUPPORTS DE ROULETTE (104M). DANS LA MESURE O TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE EST APPLICABLE, TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE DE COMMERCIABILIT OU DADAPTATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER, EST LIMITE LA DURE DE LA PRSENTE GARANTIE EXPRESSE ou la priode minimum autorise par la loi, la priode la plus courte tant retenue. NOTE: There are no pre-drilled holes in the SKIRT. Luego, empuje hacia arriba las BARRAS DE RETENCIN (155M) en el borde inferior de la PUERTA e inserte las BARRAS DE RETENCIN en el CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (110M). 2. Apriete cuatro EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.PASO 9Abrir el KIT DE CONTROL ANTI-INCLINACIN PARA MOBILIARIO (97) y fijar la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD al PANEL SUPERIOR (N). The top panel supports up to 100 lbs and each cube supports up to 30 lbs. Walmart.com | Save Money. The NAILS should be approximately 5" apart, 1-1/2" from the corners, and 1/4" in from the edges. *Patente EE. are doolittle trailers any good; turkey trot madison, ct 2021; full swing golf simulator vs foresight Student Desks & Study Carrels Ready-to-assemble with easy-to-follow instructions; 138.99 8.99. It also includes cord access through the enclosed back panel. Algunos estados no permiten la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes, en tales instancias la limitacin o exclusin antes mencionada podra no ser aplicable a usted.www.sauder.com/service. Now you know our ABCs. Apriete ocho EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.PASO 5Fije las otras dos PATAS (H y P) al EXTREMO IZQUIERDO (B). This Warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Then, insert the metal end of a CAM DOWEL (2F) into each HIDDEN CAM.Do not tighten the HIDDEN CAMS in this step.Arrow 2F(14 used)1FC BL DAArrowPage 6Insert the metal end of the CAM DOWEL into the HIDDEN CAM.421191www.sauder.com/serviceStep 2Push sixteen HIDDEN CAMS (1F) into the long edges of the ENDS (A and B).AArrow1FArrow1F(16 used)BArrowHoleThe arrow in the HIDDEN CAM must point toward the hole in the edge of the board.www.sauder.com/service421191Page 7Step 3 Turn sixteen CAM SCREWS (8F) into the LEGS (H and P). 1: pdf: 288.43KB: View Full View Download. Attention: Ne pas relever llment dans sa position verticale avant davoir x lARRIRES. Visit Sauder.com to view video assembly tips or chat with a live rep. Carefully read the following chart. NO HAY OTRA GARANTA APLICABLE A ESTE PRODUCTO. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Como es utilizado en esta Garanta, defecto significa imperfecciones en los componentes que de manera fundamental afecta la utilidad del producto. Beginnings Collection 71 in. Enfoncer deux EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES (H2) dans les EXTRMITS INFRIEURES (A2 et B2). Overall Height. 5-Shelf Bookcase Model 423033 Need help? To completely tighten:Page 12, Ti htenMaximum 210 degrees Minimum 190 degrees. A continuacin, inserte el extremo de metal de un PASADOR DE EXCNTRICO (2F) dentro de cada EXCNTRICO ESCONDIDO.PASO 2Empuje diecisis EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS (1F) dentro de los bordes largos de los EXTREMOS (A y B). access assembly tips,. Como un recurso exclusivo bajo esta Garanta, Sauder (slo a su opcin) reparar, reemplazar o reembolsar el valor de cualquier componente defectuoso de mueble. Diagrama 1: El espacio entre la PUERTA y el lado de su unidad debe ser constante de arriba a abajo. Sauder peut exiger une confirmation indpendante du dfaut revendiqu ainsi quune preuve dachat. Si no lo es, haz los ajustes a continuacin. (16 used) 8F. Do not tighten the HIDDEN CAMS in this step. Utilice tres TORNILLOS MARRONES DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 16 mm (126S).NOTA: Asegrese de colocar los SOPORTES DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA exactamente como se muestra.PASO 16Aplique la CINTA de la TARJETA CON CINTA ADHESIVA (4M) a las MOLDURAS DE PUERTA (J y K) exactamente como se muestra. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a66609731fbaed22059b818c64157571");document.getElementById("afe6277d1c").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sauder peut exiger une confirmation indpendante du dfaut revendiqu ainsi quune preuve dachat. Cuidadosamente lea la tabla a continuacin. Features. Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413327 Assembly Instructions Manual. Fije el FALDN (G) al FONDO (D). Cuidadosamente ponga la unidad en posicin vertical. Share your journey! Sauder Woodworking Co. (Sauder) provides limited warranty coverage to the original purchaser of this product for a period of one year from the date of purchase against defects in materials or workmanship of Sauder furniture components. 15S SILVER 5/8 MACHINE SCREW(2 used for the PULL)www.sauder.com/service, Fasten two DOOR STOPS (106M) to the DOOR TRACK TUBE (111M). This bookcase with doors features three large shelves that provide space to store and display items like your favorite novels, a wireless speaker, decorative plants, and framed photos of your family and friends. Use two LONG BARREL NUTS (152M) and two BLACK 5/8 FLATHEAD SCREWS (123S). Fasten the WHEEL SUPPORTS (104M) to the DOOR (O). Llment risque de seffondrer. IMPORTANT: The BUMPERS are used to reduce the risk of fingers being pinched when sliding the DOOR. Deslice la PUERTA hacia el lado izquierdo de su unidad. Table of Contents Part Identication Hardware Identication Assembly Steps Assembly Tools Required 2-3 No. FIXED SHELF (BB). Use four BLACK 1-15/16" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (113S). 111M 125SBROWN 1/2 PAN HEAD SCREW (2 used in this step). Attaching the bottom and top shelves to the sides of the bookcase. Scan this QR code or go to this address: http://qr.sauder.com/?ID=1095 to watch a video on how to assemble your unit. Overall Depth. Insert the DOOR TRACK (110M) into the groove inthe BOTTOM (D). Cuidadosamente voltee la unidad para que repose sobre los bordes delanteros. And, as always, if none of these clips solve your snafu, feel free to connect with us on live chat, email or simply call our toll-free number, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time). THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS PRODUCT. Utilisez les instructions dassemblage en franais avec les schmas tape par tape du manuel dinstruction en anglais. Use seven BLACK 9/16 LARGE. 6. EN LA MEDIDA CUALQUIER GARANTA IMPLCITA ES APLICABLE, CUALESQUIERA GARANTAS IMPLCITAS, INCLUYENDO AQUELLA DE MERCANTIBILIDAD O DE APTITUD PARA UN PROPSITO EN PARTICULAR, SE LIMITAN EN DURACIN HASTA LA DURACIN DE ESTA GARANTA IMPLCITA o hasta el periodo mnimo permitido por la ley, la que sea ms corta. H2 I2 HIDDEN CAM - 2 K L SAFETY BRACKET - 1 M RUBBER SLEEVE - 12 113S CAM COVER - 2 METAL PIN - 14 N APPLIQUE CARD - 1 BLACK 1-15/16" FLAT HEAD SCREW - 10 Q BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW - 1 Page 4 J CAM DOWEL - 2 409090 P BLACK 1-7/8" FLAT HEAD SCREW - 1 R NAIL - 48 www.sauder. Pase cuatro TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm (1S) a travs de los SOPORTES DE METAL y dentro de la CORNISA. Ensuite, appuyer sur les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE.Voir ltape suivante pour rglages des PORTES.TAPE 22Enfiler la MOULURE DE TABLETTE* (I) sur le chant crant dune des TABLETTES (E).Rpter cette tape pour les autres TABLETTES (E) et les MOULURES DE TABLETTE (I).Enfoncer les MANCHONS EN CAOUTCHOUC (2R) sur les GOUPILLES EN MTAL (1R). UU. Under the laws of certain states, there may be no implied warranties from Sauder and all implied warranties, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE are disclaimed where allowed by law. NOTE: Please read the back pages of the instruction booklet for important safety information. Utilice dos TORNILLOS MARRONES DE CABEZA REDONDA de 13 mm (125S).Hale con cuidado la parte inferior de la PUERTA (O) hacia fuera en un ngulo. NOTA: Los TORNILLOS apretarn dentro de la ranura.Precaucin: No coloque la unidad en posicin vertical hasta que se fije el DORSO. NEVER place toys, food, remote, etc. Final Price $ 84 54. Fasten the RIGHT END (A) to the BOTTOM (D). La prsente garantie ne sapplique quaux dfauts garantis qui se produisent pour la premire fois et qui sont signals Sauder dans les limites de couverture de la garantie. NEVER exceed the weight limits shown in the instructions. Ensamble la unidad sobre un piso alfombrado o sobre el cartn vaco para evitar rayar la unidad o el piso. 16 4G SOPORTE DE METAL. Peel the APPLIQUES from the APPLIQUE CARD (N). Now you know our ABCs. Tighten eight HIDDEN CAMS. 1S BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREW(14 used in this step)4GA GD. Using a Phillips screwdriver or a hand drill, press the screw slightly onto the drywall just below the top surface of your. Wipe dry. This completes assembly. (Sauf week-ends et jours fris)A lusage exclusif du Canada Noter la date dachat de cet lment et conserver le livret pour future rfrence. Serrer les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE la PORTE en utilisant quatre VIS TTE LARGE 16 mm NOIRES (140S).REMARQUE : Sassurer de positionner les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE exactement comme il lest indiqu.REMARQUE : Les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE doivent pouvoir remonter et redescendre sans encombre.Fixer la POIGNE (149K) la PORTE (O). Format Size Action; Use and Care Manual. Get social with it on any of these quality share sites. Apriete seis EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.PASO 3Atornille diecisis BIELAS DE EXCNTRICO (8F) en las PATAS (H y P).PASO 4Fije dos de las PATAS (H y P) al EXTREMO DERECHO (A). La cubierta de nailon permanecer detrs de su pared.PASO 15Fije tres SOPORTES DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (105M) a la CORNISA (F). Set the ADJUSTABLE SHELVES (E2) onto the METAL PINS. D2 D2 B2 J A2 (2 used) N To cover HIDDEN CAMS (8 used) Page 10 415542 www.sauder. Just scroll through our topics for tips on tools, assembly times, third-party assistance and more. NE JAMAIS pousser ou tirer un meuble sur de la moquette. Caution Do not stand the unit upright without the BACK fastened. Fasten the DOOR MOLDINGS (J and K) to the DOOR (O).Use six PLASTIC WASHERS (9I) and six BLACK 3/4 PAN HEAD SCREWS (85S). Presione; gire el tornillo hasta que se haga un agujero piloto y se cuele la cubierta de nailon.4. Apriete ocho EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.PASO 6. Carefully pull the bottom of the DOOR (O) out at an angle. Utiliser trois VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRES (1S) travers les CONSOLES EN MTAL et dans la PLINTHE.REMARQUE : La PLINTHE ne comporte pas de trous pr-percs. Diagrama 2: Si su puerta tiene un espacio ms grande cerca de la parte inferior, gire el NIVELADOR frontal izquierdo fuera de la PATA un par de vueltas. Wall Shelf Set of 2, 31.5 inch Hanging Shelf with Invisible Brackets, for Bathroom, Bedroom, Toilet, Kitchen, Office, Living Room Decor, Rustic Brown BF80BJP201 . Risk of injury. 5 year limited warranty. Fixer le MONTANT (C) sur le DESSOUS (D). This Warranty applies only to warranted defects that first arise and are reported to Sauder within the warranty coverage period. Fasten the VALANCE (F) to the ENDS (A and B) and TOP (N). NOTE: Please read the back page of the instruction booklet for important safety information. 2 Phillips Screwdriver Tip Shown Actual Size 4 5-11 Hammer Franais 12-13 Espaol 14-16 Safety 17-18 Warranty Page 2 Not actual size Skip the power trip. I hope the purchase and assembly process was a positive experience and you feel good about the furniture you just built. Use four BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S). Finish fastening the BACK (M2) to your unit using the NAILS (1N).NOTE: Be sure to tap NAILS into the holes that line up over the UPRIGHT (C).Caution Do not stand the unit upright without the BACK fastened. Open the FURNITURE TIPPING RESTRAINT KIT ( 97 ) and two BLACK 5/8 FLATHEAD SCREWS ( 1s ) the.: the BUMPERS are used to reduce the risk of fingers being pinched when sliding the DOOR TRACK TUBE 111M. Home needs without sacrificing the style you love with this 3-shelf bookcase from corners! Shelf ( F2 ) del perodo de cobertura de Garanta dinstruction en anglais any. Los TORNILLOS apretarn dentro de la moquette tape en anglais unidad debe constante... Kit ( 97 ) and two BLACK 5/8 FLATHEAD SCREWS ( 123S ),:. Cams ( 8 used ) N to cover HIDDEN CAMS ( 8 used ) to. Turn your unit over onto its front edges 3-shelf bookcase from the CARD. Door TRACK ( 110M ) into the groove inthe BOTTOM ( sauder bookshelf assembly instructions.... ) to the BOTTOM ( D ) EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.PASO 5Fije las otras PATAS. Warranted defects that first arise and are reported to Sauder within the Warranty coverage.! 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