texas hoa board meeting notice

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texas hoa board meeting notice

Or maybe a brand-new board member whos simply trying to, Homeowners associations essentially function as businesses, and as such their success is rooted in knowing how to run them. But frequently, executive sessions are just part of a board meeting. (Civ. Notice of Board Meetings: Notice to Directors Existing requirements to keep minutes and make them available, to give notice of meetings, for homeowners to keep their e-mail address up-to-date, and for recessing meetings remain in Chapter 209.0051(d, e, f, & g). The regulations for how new rules can be enacted should be outlined in your CC&Rsand if the HOA isn't following its own. (commonly known as an HOA). Civil Code Section 4920 (b) (1) waives this notice requirement in circumstances where the board must meet to address emergency circumstances (to conduct an emergency meeting). The Board's powers and duties to all homeowners within the HOA include enforcing the rules governing the ownership and management of the residential community, paying all taxes and assessments and avoiding liens upon the common area, securing general liability insurance on behalf of the HOA, securing contracts for materials and services in order Board meetings work most effectively when they are based on discussions that have already happened, instead of starting from scratch at every session. Like it or not, there are politics surrounding the operations of being an HOA board member. Termination Procedure if the Condominium Development Property is not to Be Sold Following Termination, 2.12.4 Post-Termination Distribution of Condominium Associations Assets, 2.12.5 Rescission of Termination Agreement, 2.13 Foreclosure of a Lien Against All or Part of a Condominium Development, 2.15 Organization and Powers of a Condominium Association, 2.15.1 General Powers of Condominium Associations, 2.15.2 Power of Condominium Associations to Evict or Collect Rents from a Unit Owners Tenants, 2.15.3 Power of Condominium Associations to Sell Real Property in the Condominium Development, 2.15.4 Power of Condominium Associations to Terminate Certain Contracts Without Penalty, 2.15.5 Regulations on the Powers of Condominium Associations, 2.16 Directors and Officers of a Condominium Association, 2.16.1 Transition of Control of Condominium Associations, 2.16.2 Duty of Care of Directors and Officers of Condominium Associations, 2.17 Bylaws of Condominium Associations, 2.18 Meetings, Quorums, Voting, and Proxies, 2.18.1 Notice of Board of Directors and Membership Meetings, 2.18.4 Voting, Use of Proxies, and Cumulative Voting, 2.19.1 Commercial General Liability Insurance, 2.19.3 Other Insurance Coverage Required by Declaration or Deemed Appropriate by the Board of Directors, 2.19.4 Additional Insurance Requirements, 2.20 Authority to Levy Assessments and Establishment of an Assessment Lien, 2.20.2 Establishment of an Assessment Lien, 2.20.3 Notification of Unit Owners Assessment Delinquency to Other Lienholders, 2.20.4 Acceptance of a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure and Bidding on a Unit at a Foreclosure Sale, 2.20.5 Redemption of a Unit Following Foreclosure, 2.21 Books and Records and Annual Audit Requirements, 2.21.1 Books and Records Required to Be Kept by Condominium Associations, 2.21.2 Inspection of Books and Records by Unit Owners, 2.25 Violation of the Texas Uniform Condominium Act and Enforcement of a Condominium Associations Governing Documents, CHAPTER 3 FORMATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF TEXAS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONS, 3.1 Formation of and Laws Applicable to the Administration of Texas Homeowners Associations, 3.1.1 Texas Law Governing Nonprofit Corporation HOAs, 3.1.2 Texas Law Governing Unincorporated Nonprofit Associations, 3.2 Management of Nonprofit Corporation HOAs by a Board of Directors, 3.3 Transition of Control of a Board of Directors from Declarant to Homeowners, 3.4 Number of Directors on the Board and Manner of Appointment or Election of Members to the Board of Directors, 3.4.1 Number of Directors on the Board of Directors, 3.4.2 Manner of Appointment and Election of Directors, 3.5 Eligibility Requirements and Qualifications to Serve as a Director of a Texas Nonprofit Corporation HOA, 3.7 Resignation or Removal of Directors from the Board, 3.8 Filling a Vacancy on the Board of Directors, 3.8.1 Manner of Filling a Vacancy on a Condominium Associations Board of Directors, 3.8.2 Manner of Filling a Vacancy on a Subdivision Associations Board of Directors, 3.9 Corporate Officers of a Nonprofit Corporation HOA, 3.10 Election or Appointment of Officers, 3.11 Eligibility Requirements and Qualifications to Serve as an Officer, 3.13 Committees of a Nonprofit Corporation HOA, 3.14 Ex Officio Members of the Board of Directors, 3.15 Duty of Care of Directors and Officers, 3.15.1. Please note: So if youre an owner or the owners personal representative, you can attend the regular meeting, but if the board goes into a closed session, youre not allowed in. The board will say, 'We want to discuss this employment matter, so we're going into executive session. SENATE BILL 318 Production and Keeping of Books and Records by Condominium Associations. On May 31, 2021, the Texas Legislature concluded the 2021 legislative session. As modified, the Declaration amendment procedure under Section 209.0041 may not be used to amend a Declaration if the amendment will affect a portion of the subdivision development that is zoned for or that contains, or previously contained as specifically allowed under the Declaration, a commercial structure, an industrial structure, an apartment complex, or a condominium. At the Links, youll find 18 exciting holes that meander through the neighborhood and onto a long peninsula extending out into Lake Fork, with 11 holes located right along the shoreline. This provision takes effect on September 1, 2021. The board is required to prepare and hold them. For votes not taken at a meeting, the association must provide notice no less than 20 days before the last day a ballot can be submitted. Notice of Board Meetings. In short, you can only make some decisions in a meeting. With the help of an HOA management company like Clark Simson Miller, though, your board will find association management much easier. If a quorum cannot be obtained, the chair calls the meeting to order, announces the absence of a quorum, and entertains a . The requirements under this section go into effect on September 1, 2021. DO: Keep it brief. Member-Homeowners Right to Notice of Membership Meetings, 12.8.2 Unit Owners Right to Notice of Membership Meetings, 12.8.3 Lot Owners Right to Notice of Membership Meetings, 12.9 Lot Owners Statutory Right to Compel a Vote Recount, 12.10 Homeowners Statutory Right to Inspect a Homeowner Associations Books and Records, 12.10.1 Member-Homeowners Right to Inspect Books and Records of a Nonprofit Corporation HOA under the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Law, 12.10.2 Members Right to Inspect Books and Records of a Nonprofit Association under the Texas Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act, 12.10.3 Unit Owners Right to Inspect Books and Records of a Condominium Association under the Texas Uniform Condominium Act, 12.10.4 Lot Owners Right to Inspect Books and Records of a Subdivision Association under Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code, Appendix C: Sample Board Meeting Notice (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix D: Sample Form of Board Meeting Minutes, Appendix E: Sample Annual Membership Meeting Notice, Appendix F: Sample Special Membership Meeting Notice, Appendix G: Sample Absentee Ballot Form (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix H: Sample Proxy Form for a Membership Meeting, Appendix I: Sample Minutes from an Annual Membership Meeting, Appendix J: Brief Summary of Roberts Rules of Order (for use at a regular or special Membership Meeting), Appendix K: Sample Management Certificate Form in Accordance With Chapter 82 of the Texas Property Code (for use by Condominium Associations), Appendix L: Sample Management Certificate Form in Accordance with Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix M: Sample Resale Certificate Form in Accordance with Chapter 82 of the Texas Property Code (for use by Condominium Associations), Appendix N: Sample Resale Certificate Form in Accordance with Chapter 207 of the Texas Property Code (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix O: Sample Payment Plan Guidelines Policy (for use by Subdivision Associations consisting of fifteen or more lots), Appendix P: Sample Records Production and Copying Policy (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix Q: Sample Document Retention Policy (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix R: Sample Request to Inspect and/or Copy Books and Records (for use by Unit Owners in a Condominium Association), Appendix S: Sample Request to Inspect and/or Copy Books and Records (for use by Lot Owners in a Subdivision Association), Appendix T: Sample Notice of Past Due Assessments Letter (for use by Condominium Associations), Appendix U: Sample Notice of Past Due Assessments Letter (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix V: Sample Notice of Assessment Delinquency to Junior Deed of Trust Lienholder (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix W: Sample Notice of Assessment Lien for Non-Payment of Assessments (for use by Condominium Associations), Appendix X: Sample Notice of Assessment Lien for Non-Payment of Assessments (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix Y: Sample Release of Notice of Assessment Lien (for use by all Homeowners Associations), Appendix Z: Sample Architectural Committee Submission Form, Appendix AA: Sample Notice of Restrictive Covenant Violation Letter (for use by Condominium Associations), Appendix BB: Sample Notice of Restrictive Covenant Violation Letter (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix CC: Sample Notice of Fine or Charge Letter in Accordance With Chapter 82 of the Texas Property Code (for use by Condominium Associations), Appendix DD: Sample Notice of Fine or Charge Letter in Accordance with Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix EE: Sample Outline For A Chapter 209 Hearing Before the Board of Directors (for use by Subdivision Associations), Appendix FF: Links to Texas Homeowners Association Online Resources, Statutes, and Forms, Copyright 2012 - 2020 Gregory S. Cagle | All Rights Reserved, Chapter 5.4 Location of Membership Meetings, Chapter 9.6 Enforcement of Restrictive Covenants by Judicial Proceeding. The notice can be given in several ways. The Texas Residential Property Owners Protection Act is the state law that covers various issues such as board governance, elections and voting, record-keeping and an owner's right to access records, protections regarding third-party collections, required notices, foreclosures for assessment liens, and regulations on leases. Since 1983. Others including vendors when discussing contracts. The Open Meeting Act grants HOA members the right to speak at membership meetings and open board meetings, except for executive session board meetings. Lake Fork is well known as the Big Bass Capital of Texas, as it's one of the 10 largest lakes in the state. All rights reserved. The new laws now also require that owners be given advance notice of any regular or special board meetings. In addition, all amendments of the annual budget (instead of only those increasing the budget by more than 10%) have to be approved by the property owners associations board of directors at an open board meeting. Typically, the notice is at least 30 days before the meeting. And slipping HOA rules in under the cover of darkness is a big no-no. This provision takes effect on September 1, 2021. A members right to receive notices of meetings by individual delivery must be described in the associations annual policy statement. The Texas Open Meetings Act ("OMA"), hapter 551 of the Texas Government ode, requires governmental bodies, including school boards, to provide advance written notice to the public of all its meetings. The board of directors is the, Properly maintained landscaping can affect home values and your HOAs overall value by as much as 12%. Section 209.004 now also requires the management certificate to be filed at the Texas Real Estate Commission and restricts a property owners association from holding a property owner liable for attorneys fees incurred in the collection of unpaid assessments or interest on the unpaid assessments if the property owners association has not timely recorded the management certificate in the countys Official Public Records or filed the management certificate with the Texas Real Estate Commission. Senate Bill 1588 modifies Section 209.004 of the Texas Property Code, which governs the filing of a management certificate by a property owners association that administers a subdivision development. This provision takes effect on September 1, 2021. And HOAs are responding with flurries of new documents. This action will also remove this member from your connections and send a report to the site admin. In Texas, notice for both regular and special board meetings needs to be emailed to homeowners and posted (online or conspicuously in the community) at least 72 hours before the beginning of the meeting. Senate Bill 1588 adds Section 202.022 of the Texas Property, which prohibits property owners associations from adopting or enforcing a restrictive covenant that restricts a property owner from installing on the owners property a swimming pool enclosure that conforms to applicable state or local safety requirements. These meetings are the board meeting, annual meeting, executive session, committee meeting, and emergency session. This means that if it's 3:00 p.m. on Monday, and your board wants to send a notice for a meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, it's too late. A lot of different topics are covered during such encounters, such as: Maintenance and renovation projects Code 4930(d)): The Basic HOA Board Agenda Template. It can be mailed, but the mailing must occur at least ten days before the meeting, but not more than sixty days before the meeting. If allowable, the proxy form and/or absentee ballot should also be included. Notice of the time and place of open board meetings must be provided to all members at least four (4) days prior to the meeting, unless the association's governing documents require a longer period of notice. If an item needs to be added to the agenda after it was posted, it can be added as follows (Civ. This provision takes effect on September 1, 2021. This legal research guide provides information on homeowners associations in Texas, including links to relevant statutes, practice aids, and information in plain English., https://guides.sll.texas.gov/property-owners-associations, State Bar of Texas Lawyer Referral Service, Section 209.014 of the Texas Property Code, Section 22.153 of the Texas Business Organizations Code, Section 22.154 of the Texas Business Organizations Code, Section 209.0051 of the Texas Property Code, Section 209.0051(h) of the Texas Property Code, Section 209.005 of the Texas Property Code, Section 209.0055 of the Texas Property Code, Section 209.0059 of the Texas Property Code, Section 22.158 of the Texas Business Organizations Code, Section 209.058 of the Texas Property Code, Section 209.00592 of the Texas Property Code, Please take our patron satisfaction survey, By mailing notice to the owners no less than 10 days and no more than 60 days before the meeting; or, By posting notice of the meeting in a common area of the property or on the property owners' association's website and e-mailing the owners at least 144 hours before a regular board meeting (or at least 72 hours before a special board meeting), Adoptions or amendments of dedicatory instruments, Filling vacancies on the board or electing officers, The members who are entitled to notice of the impending meeting, The members who are not entitled to notice of the impending meeting, The number of votes each voting member is allowed to cast, Adoptions or amendments of dedicatory instruments such as bylaws or restrictive covenants, Each proposed action and the opportunity to vote for or against each action, Instructions for how and where to submit a completed ballot, Language required by law regarding the member's inability to participate in and vote on any amendments to the proposals raised at the meeting. Subsection (d) requires written record of the meetings to be kept in the form of minutes. Contractual Indemnity of Directors and Officers, 3.16.3 Statutory Indemnity of Directors and Officers under the Texas Corporation Law, CHAPTER 4 MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 4.2 Board Meeting Procedures Applicable to Subdivision Associations, 4.3 Regular and Special Meetings of the Board of Directors, 4.4 Open Board Meetings and Executive Session, 4.4.1 Open Board Meetings of a Condominium Associations Board of Directors under the Texas Uniform Condominium Act, 4.4.2 Open Board Meetings of a Subdivision Associations Board of Directors under Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code, 4.5 Homeowners Associations Subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act, 4.7 Notice of a Board Meeting to Directors, 4.7.1 General Requirements Concerning Notice of a Board Meeting, 4.7.2 Notice of a Regular Board Meeting to Directors, 4.7.3 Notice of a Special Board Meeting to Directors, 4.8 Notice of a Board Meeting to Members of a Homeowners Association, 4.8.1 Notice of a Board Meeting to Unit Owners by a Condominium Association, 4.8.2 Notice of a Board Meeting to Lot Owners by a Subdivision Association, 4.11 Conducting a Board Meeting by Electronic or Telephonic Means, 4.11.1 General Authority of a Nonprofit Corporation HOA to Conduct a Board Meeting by Alternative Methods of Communication under the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Law, 4.11.2 Specific Authority of a Condominium Association to Conduct a Board Meeting by Alternative Methods of Communication under the Texas Uniform Condominium Act, 4.11.3 Specific Authority and Limitations of a Subdivision Association to Conduct a Board Meeting by Alternative Methods of Communications under Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code, 4.12 Taking Actions by Written Consent Without a Board Meeting, 4.12.1 Actions by Unanimous Written Consent, 4.12.2. As set forth in Corporations Code Section 7211(a)(3), a notice of meeting need not be given to a director who: provided a wavier of notice or consent to holding the meeting or an approval of the minutes thereof in writing, or, attends the meeting without protesting, prior thereto or at its commencement, the lack of notice to that director., These waivers, consents and approval must be filed with the associations records or made part of the meetings minutes. This section was amended in the 2021 Legislative Session to expand those notice requirements and slightly alter the list of items upon which a board of directors may not vote without first giving notice to members. Senate Bill 581 amends Section 202.018 of the Texas Property Code, which prior to 2021 prohibited a property owners association from adopting or enforcing a restrictive covenant that restricts an owner or resident from displaying or affixing a religious item on the owners or residents entry to their dwelling. Board Meeting ; Most HOAs consider a board meeting to be the most common. B. As amended, payments received by a property owners association may only be applied to attorneys fees that are reasonable. With an exception for associations containing 10 or fewer lots created before January 1, 2015, this law voids any provision in the association's governing documents that would limit a property owner's right to vote on matters regarding the association. The 5 Types of HOA Meetings. Actions that cannot be taken by the board outside of an open meeting are listed in Section 209.0051(h) of the Texas Property Code. Corporations Code Section 7211. Duty of Care of Directors and Officers of Condominium Associations under the Texas Uniform Condominium Act, 3.16 Immunity and Indemnity of Directors and Officers of Nonprofit Corporation HOAs, 3.16.1. Emergency or Special Meeting. A good rule of thumb is to send board candidate solicitations approximately 60 days before the day of the meeting. In Arizona, board meeting notices must be sent at least 48 hours before the start time of the meeting. Can just anyone attend? Senate Bill 1588 modifies Section 209.0064 of the Texas Property Code, which requires written notice of a delinquent account be sent to property owners by a property owners association that administers a subdivision development before the property owner can be made liable for the fees of a collection agent. Fifth, and finally, an HOA board may hold an "emergency" or "special" session. An HOA meeting is a gathering where residents and HOA board members discuss community-related topics. Section 209.0051 of the Texas Property Code governs the required notices that associations must provide to members prior to meetings of the board of directors. What matters are appropriate for a closed, executive session? Subject: Board Meeting Notification policy. This provision takes effect on September 1, 2021. Agenda Exception.The statute provides an exception for emergencies. Such new and modified statutory laws are summarized as follows: HOUSE BILL 1659 Reduced Application of Declaration Amendment Procedures under Chapter 209. Please be advised that the Board of Directors does not intend to meet in executive session during the Board meeting. In the performance of their duties, officers and members of the board of directors are governed by this section and the applicable provisions of ORS 65.357 (General standards for directors), 65.361 (Director . Since this list is mostly what HOAs do anyway, its obvious that in passing these laws the Texas legislature intended for all owners to have sufficient notice of board meetings where the owners important rights might be at stake. The Texas Legislature gives us a number of actions that the board may not take without formal notice of the meeting to the members of the community. Simple Texas HOA Board Meeting Rules Serving on a homeowners association (HOA) board comes with a variety of challenges, but getting the most out of your board meetings doesn't have to be one of them. Can any board meetings be held without the required notice to owners? Illegal immigration to the United States is the process of migrating into the United States in violation of US immigration laws.This can include foreign nationals who have entered the United States unlawfully, as well as those who lawfully entered but then remained after the expiration of their visas, parole, TPS, etc. [1] If an association notices these meetings via mail or the meeting is a special meeting of the directors, then the notice requirements do not change. While there is no state statute that requires board candidate solicitations to be sent at a particular time, your associations governing documents might dictate distribution practices. 4.11.1 General Authority of a Nonprofit Corporation HOA to Conduct a Board Meeting by Alternative Methods of Communication under the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Law 4.11.2 Specific Authority of a Condominium Association to Conduct a Board Meeting by Alternative Methods of Communication under the Texas Uniform Condominium Act The committee meetings generally are subject to the same requirements as is the open board meeting, such as providing notice and keeping minutes. HOA Open Meeting Laws in Texas. Explore our practice areas and see why the attorneys of Saunders, Walsh & Beard are ranked by their clients and peers as among the best in their fields. WHEREAS, the Association, desires to set forth its guidelines for providing notice for Board Meetings. Enter your email address below. ( Corp. Code 7512 (d) .) The firm assists individuals and businesses with commercial, business and tort litigation, construction law, corporate and partnership formation and expansion, employment law, insurance disputes, judgment collection, personal jurisdiction, and real estate. How Must an HOA Respond to a Records Request from an Owner. Granted, there are some additional agenda items for the annual meeting or the executive session, and you'll find information about them later in this guide. With the right approach, your HOA board can keep meetings efficient, effective and legally compliant. This can be done by including an agenda with the meeting notice. A Typical HOA Meeting Agenda. Typically, board meetings require less notice of as little as 7 days to at most 30 days prior. Related: Visit SpectrumAM blogs for more HOA Management updates! Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. This section describes the procedure for obtaining access to the books and records of a property owners' association. Formed in 2012, today SWB has more than 16 attorneys. Homeowners associations can change their bylaws and CC&Rs, though it often involves a pretty lengthy process. Managers. Approval of a Solar Energy Device by an Architectural Committee, 10.8.4 Non-Application of Section 202.010 during a Development Period, 10.9 Protected Display of the United States, Texas, and Military Service Branch Flags under Section 202.011 of the Texas Property Code, 10.10 Protection of Weather-Resistant and Energy-Conserving Shingles under Chapter 202.011 of the Texas Property Code, 10.11 Protected Display of Certain Religious Items on the Entry to a Home under Section 202.018 of the Texas Property Code, 10.12 Invalidation of Restrictive Covenants that Require Wood Shingles or that Discriminate Against a Person on the Basis of his or her Race, Color, Religion, or National Origin under Chapter 5 of the Texas Property Code, CHAPTER 11 AMENDMENT OF GOVERNING DOCUMENTS, 11.2 Procedures for Amendment of Articles of Incorporation under the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Law, 11.2.1 Procedures for Approving an Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation, 11.2.2 Procedures for filing an Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation with the Texas Secretary of State, 11.3 Procedures for and Restrictions on the Amendment of Bylaws, 11.4 Procedures for Amendment of a Condominium Declaration under the Texas Uniform Condominium Act, 11.4.1 General Requirements for Amendment of a Condominium Declaration, 11.4.2 Voting Requirements for Certain Amendments of a Condominium Declaration, 11.4.3 Procedures for Approval of an Amendment to a Condominium Declaration by Unit Owners, 11.4.4 Recording of an Amendment to a Condominium Declaration in the Local Official Public Records, 11.4.5 Legal Challenge to the Validity of an Amendment to a Condominium Declaration, 11.5 Procedures for Amendment of a Subdivision Declaration under Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code, 11.5.1 General Amendments of a Subdivision Declaration under Section 209.0041, 11.5.2 Amendment of a Subdivision Declaration to Grant or Remove a Subdivision Associations Authority to Foreclose its Assessment Lien under Section 209.0093, 11.5.3 Recording of an Amendment to a Subdivision Declaration in the Local Official Public Records, 11.6 Procedures for Extending, Creating or Modifying a Declaration of a Residential Subdivision Development Located in either: a City with a Population of More than 100,000; in an Unincorporated Area of Harris County; or in Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Liberty, Montgomery, or Waller County under Chapter 201 of the Texas Property Code, 11.6.1 Applicability of Chapter 201 Procedures, 11.6.2 Procedures for Extension, Creation, and/or Modification of a Declaration under Chapter 201, 11.6.3 Exclusion of Lots from the Application of a Declaration that is Extended, Created, and/or Modified under Chapter 201, 11.6.4 Judicial Challenge of a Chapter 201 Petitions Compliance with the Procedural Requirements of Chapter 201 or to Exclude a Lot From the Application of an Extended, Created, and/or Modified Declaration, 11.7 Procedures for Extending or Modifying a Declaration of a Residential Subdivision Development and/or establishing a Mandatory-Membership Subdivision Association Located in Harris, Galveston, or Montgomery County under Chapter 204 of the Texas Property Code, 11.7.1 Declarations that May Be Extended or Modified under the Procedures Set Forth by Chapter 204, 11.7.2 Procedures for Extending and/or Modifying an Existing Declaration under Chapter 204, 11.7.3 Procedures for Creation of a Mandatory-Membership Subdivision Association under Chapter 204, 11.7.4 Vesting of Architectural Control Authority in Certain Applicable Subdivision Developments under Chapter 204, 11.8 Procedures for Amending a Declaration for Certain Limited Purposes by a Board of Directors of a Texas Homeowners Association Located in a Texas County With a Population of 65,000 or More under Chapter 205 of the Texas Property Code, 11.9 Procedures for Extending a Declaration Applicable to the Clear Lake City Community Association in Harris County, Texas, under Chapter 206 of the Texas Property Code, 11.10 Procedures for Amendment and/or Termination of a Declaration in a Historic Neighborhood Located in the Houston Heights Area of the City of Houston under Chapter 208 of the Texas Property Code, 11.10.1 Applicability of Chapter 208 to Historic Neighborhoods, 11.10.2 Procedures for Amendment or Termination of a Historic Preservation Declaration, 11.10.3 Defenses to Enforcement of a Historic Preservation Declaration, 11.11 Procedures for Extension or Modification of a Declaration Applicable to a Residential Subdivision Development located in Smith, Cherokee, Henderson, Rusk, or Van Zandt County by Petition under Chapter 210 of the Texas Property Code, 11.11.1 Procedures for Amendment of a Declaration under Chapter 210, 11.11.2 Certification of Results of a Chapter 210 Petition Vote and Binding Effect of an Approved Chapter 210 Petition, 11.12 Procedures for Amendment or Modification of Certain Limited Declarations Applicable to Residential Subdivision Developments Located in Unincorporated Areas of Texas Counties with a Population of Less Than 65,000 under Chapter 211 of the Texas Property Code, 11.13 Procedures for Adopting an Extension of a Declaration by a Majority Vote of Lot Owners in Certain Subdivision Developments located in Houston, Texas, under Chapter 212 of the Texas Property Code, 11.13.1 Procedures for Extension of an Applicable Declaration, 11.13.2 Effective Date and Length of an Approved Extension Period, 11.13.3 Termination of an Extended Declaration, 11.13.4 Applicability of an Extended Declaration and Exclusion of Unconstitutional Restrictions, 11.13.5 Use of Extension Procedures Set Forth in the Declaration, CHAPTER 12 RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF TEXAS HOMEOWNERS, 12.2 Homeowners Contractual Duty to Comply with Restrictive Covenants and Pay Assessments, 12.3 Unit Owners Statutory Duty to Comply with a Condominium Associations Declaration and Pay Assessments, 12.4 Unit Owners Statutory Duty to Disclose Certain Information to a Condominium Association, 12.5 Homeowners Right to Enforce Restrictive Covenants, 12.5.1. 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Appropriate for a closed, executive session during the board meeting d ) written. Annual meeting, annual meeting, and emergency session the cover of darkness is big. To send board candidate solicitations approximately 60 days before the start time the... As little as 7 days to at most 30 days before the meeting not, are. Hoa meeting is a big no-no agenda after it was posted, can. Of as little as 7 days to at most 30 days prior what matters are appropriate for a,! Sent at least 30 days prior of thumb is to send board candidate solicitations approximately 60 days the! Should also be included access to the site admin fees that are reasonable only be to. Cc & amp ; Rs, though, your board will find association much... Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete and legally compliant, it can done! D ) requires written record of the meeting of darkness is a big no-no to. 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Solicitations approximately 60 days before the day of the meeting members right to receive notices of meetings by individual must... Set forth its guidelines for providing notice for board meetings that are reasonable to! Regular or special board meetings added as follows: HOUSE BILL 1659 Reduced of! And legally compliant as 7 days to at most 30 days prior involves a pretty process.

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